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Example sentences for "hereditary disease"

  • The etiological centre of gravity has to be sought in hereditary disease; and I think it is questionable whether an untainted individual is capable of homosexual feelings at all.

  • Presently we shall be introduced to a theory (that of Ulrichs) which is based upon a somewhat grotesque and metaphysical conception of nature, and which dispenses with the hypothesis of hereditary disease.

  • It is now known that tuberculosis is not a hereditary disease, that is, that the germs are not transmitted by heredity.

  • Cancer is not a hereditary disease, contrary to the opinions that have prevailed, and, if the matrimonial candidate otherwise is healthy, no hesitation need be felt on the score of heredity.

  • Then, gonorrhea is not a hereditary disease.

  • For exactly the same reason, vasectomy done to prevent the transmission of a hereditary disease is illicit; it is an evil means used directly to effect an end intended.

  • It is to the interest of the State to prevent the transmission of hereditary disease, and in doing so it may to a certain degree curtail the natural liberty of its citizens.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hereditary disease" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another illustration; comparatively shallow; easy prey; external measurements; fine ripe; first play; hereditary descent; hereditary disease; hereditary monarch; hereditary monarchy; hereditary right; hereditary syphilis; hereditary taint; hereditary transmission; immense treasure; inductive logic; mix the whole well; nervous exhaustion; pathological conditions; plain truth; said curtly; she might have been; three colours; three sorts; various branches; veined leaves