His house was the resort of the sachems of the Six Nations for counsel and for trade, and there the presents sent out by his government were annually distributed to the Indians.
He stood high in the estimation of Sir William Johnson, and was one of the most active and sagacious sachems of his time.
Brant was the secretary of Colonel Guy Johnson, the superintendent of Indian affairs after the death of Sir William, and his activity in visiting the tribes and holding secret conferences with the sachems was unceasing.
When it came to voting, the fifty sachems voted by tribes, each tribe counting as a unit, and unanimity was as imperative as in an English jury, so that one tribe could block the proceedings.
In government the council of sachems reappears with a principal sachem, or cacique, called by the Spaniards "gobernador.
These fifty sachems of the confederacy were likewise sachems in their respective tribes, "and with the chiefs of these tribes formed the council of each, which was supreme over all matters pertaining to the tribe exclusively.
In 1675 the number of sachems in Jersey of sufficient importance for the then Governor Andros to treat with were four.
If the rude drawings appended to the early treatises as signatures of native sachems be taken as a guide, little or no uniformity prevailed in the personal signs.
The warriors and sachems of both branches were summoned to a council, and in his presence they swore a peace, so that in the fulness of time he was able to die content.
The Indian sachems saluted all present with that native dignity that distinguishes them, and then Eagle-head, on Belhumeur's invitation, gave an account of his mission.
The warriors will camp here while the two sachemshold a council.
The Jester and ten warriors to be chosen by himself, will accompany me, and the others will ride to the great villages of my nation to announce to the sachems the return of Eagle-head among his brothers.
You would never again have been obeyed as Sachems by the Nausetts.
When William Penn held his far-famed council with the sachems of the Lenape, he extended the hand of brotherhood to a people as unwarlike in their habits as his own pacific followers.
Johnson and the Chief Sachems and Warriors of the Six Nations (Lond.
The nation was separated into three divisions, and three sachems formed a triumvirate, who, with the council of old men, regulated all its affairs.
Wherever they appeared, thesachems and old men assembled, to hear the words of the great Pontiac.
Here they found Sir William Johnson waiting to receive them, attended by the chiefsachems of the Iroquois, whom he had invited to the spot, that their presence might give additional weight and solemnity to the meeting.
He relates the monstrous legends of his people with an air of implicit faith, and traces the presiding sachems of the confederacy in regular descent from the first Atotarho downwards.
The "grasshopper war" was long held up by the sachems as a terrible warning to any tribe about to embroil itself in a bootless war.
The births of theSachems and warriors who have presided at the different council fires of the thirteen tribes since 1776.
The perpetual memory of those Sachems and warriors who have been called by the Kitchi Manitou to the Wigwam above since the Revolution.
The Sachems and warriors who composed that council.
In a few days he returned to Fort Amsterdam bearing friendly messages from the sachems along the Sound and Near Rockaway," and a formal treaty of peace soon followed.
That several of the sachems did sign their names, or that their names were signed by some one for them, "Sachem of Pammananuck," proves nothing in regard to the application of that name to the island.
Schuyler met sachems and members of the tribe there and the place was later made a point for missionary labor.
In a Schenectady paper of the same year the names of two sachemsare subscribed who acted "for themselves" and as "the representatives of ye four Mohock's castles.
Several Sachems had likewise been converted, in especial Wanalanset, the eldest son of the famous old chief Passaconnaway.
An explanation of the Iroquois method of "raising up" sachems and chiefs will be given in the next chapter.
They have seven sachems and seven war-chiefs, the Hawk gens being now extinct.
They marched in separate processions from their camps to the council-grove, each bearing his skin robe and bundle of fagots, where the Onondaga sachems awaited them with a concourse of people.
The right of investing sachems and chiefs elected by the gentes.
In some Indian tribes one of the sachems was recognized as its head-chief; and as superior in rank to his associates.
The induction of new sachems into office was an event of great interest to the people, and not less to the sachems who retained thereby some control over the introduction of new members into their body.
Originally the principal object of the council was to raise up sachems to fill vacancies in the ranks of the ruling body occasioned by death or deposition; but it transacted all other business which concerned the common welfare.
Unanimity among the sachems was required upon all public questions, and essential to the validity of every public act.
The second raised up sachems and invested them with office.
A body of usages, which have never been collected, undoubtedly existed in the several Indian tribes respecting the election and investiture of sachems and chiefs.
Finding their own efforts to recall the emigrants fruitless, the sachems complained to the English authorities.
The end of it was that Big Mouth and his sachemsconsented to accompany Le Moyne to meet La Barre.
While the intrepid traveller was on his way, Frontenac changed his mind about the place of rendezvous, and sent a messenger after him, calling the sachems to meet at Cataraqui, where he decided to construct the fort.
His life was forfeited, but the magnanimous sachems would not punish him for the crime of another.
They reached Onondaga, and after a formal reception by the sachems with harangues and exchange of wampum belts, the missionaries were escorted to the spot given to them for their house and chapel.
But a power greater than sachems and governors presently intervened.
Dongan next laid before the assembled sachems the complaints made against them in the letter of La Barre.
No sachem was permitted to express an opinion in council, until he had agreed with the other sachem or sachems of his class upon the opinion to be expressed, and had received an appointment to act as speaker for the class.
A cross-consultation was then held between the four sachems who represented the four classes; and when they had agreed, they appointed one of their number to express their resulting opinion, which was the answer of their nation.
The several nations having, by this ingenious method, become of 'one mind' separately, it only remained to compare their several opinions to arrive at the final sentiment of all the sachems of the League.
Thus the eight Seneca sachems, being in four classes, could have but four opinions, the ten Cayuga sachems but four.
He made such a display of himself before the gravesachems and warriors of the Cherokees, that they gave him the just, though unenviable title of "The great wolf of North Carolina!
It is related that when Mr. Gist went into the Ohio Valley on a tour of observation for the Ohio Company, a messenger was sent by two Indian sachems to inquire, "Where is the Indian's land?
I believe, fathers and sachems of my nation, that I have never up to the present incurred reproaches from you on account of lukewarmness or negligence.
The principal sachems of the tribe, collected at the entrance of the medicine lodge, were present at the departure of the warriors.
Running Water is one of the firstsachems of his nation, his word is good; let my brother go and fetch his ammunition, he will find the chief at the gathering place appointed for the tribe.
Sachems and braves of the invincible tribe of Red Buffalo," he said, "it is only when I am able to see you that the skin which covers my heart is suddenly removed, and the words which issues from my chest are really inspired by the Wacondah.
The sachems have thus decided, in order to give Running Water and his son a proof of their sincere friendship and the gratitude they feel for all the services which these two chiefs have rendered them.
The sachems of the tribe, gravely seated in a semicircle in front of the stakes of torture, were stoically smoking their calumets.
The sachemsreceived him with great marks of distinction, and congratulated him on the fortunate result of his expedition; then they informed him of the measures decided on with respect to the prisoners.
Brought up in a different medium, and in ideas diametrically opposed, the Stag and his two comrades could not understand each other, and the sachems even involuntarily felt an antipathy for their young colleague.
The sachems and aged men remembered, with sighs of regret, the long and quiet years they had passed on the Mexican territory, tilling the soil, breeding cattle, and protected from insults and depredations.
At the end of an instant the sachems assembled before the medicine lodge moved on one side, and made way for a man dressed in garments of strange shape, in which the most startling and discordant colours were brought together.
The foremost scene which met our wondering gaze was a group composed of General St. Leger himself, Sir John Johnson, Thayendanega, and a dozen or more leading sachems of the Six Nations.
Sachems and Warriors of the united Six Nations, We are now come to answer what you said to us Yesterday, since what we said to you before on the Part of the Great King, our Father, has not been satisfactory.
Then the Commissioners of Maryland spoke as follows: Friends and Brethren, the Chiefs or Sachemsof the Six united Nations, The Governor of Maryland invited you hither, we have treated you as Friends, and agreed with you as Brethren.
Let them come with me, and they shall become great sachems over the tribes that listen to the voice of the little salt lake.
The culprit was a great warrior, a chief, and the "wild honor" of his brother sachems was roused in his behalf.
The sachems all offered, on behalf of their tribes, to take up the hatchet for the Americans, should the latter invade Canada.
In the meantime, he discovered that busy intrigues were going on to induce the half-king and the other sachems to abandon him, and renounce all friendship with the English.
Nothing would do now but Joncaire must have the sachems at head-quarters.
But Washington did not leave as he designed, because he found that the sachems would be greatly offended if he did.
The sachems served without badge of office, their sole reward being the veneration of their people in whose interest they were meeting.
Their original congress was composed of fifty sachems and it generally met at the Onondaga Council House.
Subordinate to the Congress ofSachems were the noted chiefs, such as Red Jacket, Big Kettle, Corn Planter and others who influenced the councils with their oratory.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sachems" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.