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Example sentences for "will ride"

  • We will ride as none ever rode yet since the world began.

  • Come, my lord, I will ride to Rome with them.

  • If that is all that troubles you," said Galeotto, his tone unctuously humorous, "why we will ride to Pagliano.

  • By my head, said Sir Gareth, I will ride unto my lord Sir Launcelot, for to help him, fall of him what fall may, for he is the same man that made me knight.

  • Now I pray you, said King Mark, that ye will ride in my fellowship.

  • You, Allen Musgrove, stay here with the women, and I will ride forward to look into the matter.

  • I will ride where it suits me, if the Tories were as thick as the leaves of the trees.

  • I have a thought that I will reconnoitre: I will ride over to the Blue Ball, and see what I can learn.

  • I answered, "All right, load your pistol and try again, and I will ride by your side and perhaps that will quiet your horse.

  • I will ride in among them and try to separate the herd so we can get as many of them as possible, and aim to kill the smallest of the band as they pass you.

  • Now, my men, we will ride forward to those boulders you see, a hundred yards this side of them, and then we will dismount and give them a volley.

  • I will ride on there, sir," Desmond said.

  • Therefore, instead of keeping the main road up the valley, we will ride by country tracks and avoid all large towns.

  • Therefore, with your permission, we will ride to the front, as the Duke of Athens has advised, and so clear a path for the rest of you.

  • If you so order it I will ride to Evran and bring my companions back with me.

  • Let it be told to my guests straightway that I will ride early.

  • Then the Margrave said, "I promise thee that we will ride hence in four and twenty days.

  • Then spake Sir Gernot: "Let stand the steeds till the air grow cooler, for ye must be full ready when that the king will ride.

  • Pray lend me a huntsman and some brach, (1) and I will ride to the pines.

  • If they follow the river down, he will ride at full speed, make a circuit, and warn the queen of the danger.

  • And now, mademoiselle, with your permission, and that of Madame de Landres, we will ride on at once.

  • I trust that you, sir, will ride among my friends; to whom I will introduce you this evening, at supper.

  • Now we will ride off, says Memering to Gunild; but Gunild will not budge till she has had vengeance on Henry.

  • I winna hae the short claithing, But I will hae the side; I winna gang to my wedding, But to it I will ride.

  • I will not wear the short clothes, But I will wear the side; I will not walk to my wedding, But I to it will ride.

  • For this quarrel I left them fighting, and if ye will ride a pace ye shall find them fighting, and the lady was beleft with the two squires in the pavilions.

  • Then was Arthur wroth, and said to himself, I will ride to the churchyard and take the sword with me that sticketh in the stone, for my brother Sir Kay shall not be without a sword this day.

  • Therefore leave your fighting with them, for I to increase my worship I will ride to the twenty knights and help them with all my might and power.

  • Then Sir Kay said all openly in the hall, I will ride after my boy in the kitchen, to wit whether he will know me for his better.

  • To-morrow, if I live and do well, I will ride over to the cottage to see Humphrey Beverley.

  • With your permission we will ride together," said the stranger.

  • We will ride to-morrow, Edward, and look it over.

  • We will ride there, then," replied the leader.

  • Meanwhile, I will leave Robert here, hidden by the side of the road, to see who these men are, and what they look like; and we will ride on slowly.

  • Yes, your Grace, I will ride immediately.

  • I will ride on gladly, madam, if you think right; but I will ask you in any case to take my sister in.

  • Said he: "I'll keep to the left between it and the river; we will ride slow, and if he breaks out you play it to him.

  • In that case," he said, "I will ride right to them and report to you all we have found.

  • No, I will ride alone, let them keep silent about this meeting.

  • We will ride to Ruln, it will be the quickest way.

  • You will breakfast with me, and we will ride to Karena afterwards, or, better still, return by train.

  • O, I will ride to the wood, and see How Sivard endures his thrall.

  • Vidrik spoke to his burly groom: "Go, saddle me Skimming gray, For I will ride to the wood, and hear What Sivard himself will say.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "will ride" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    thus far; will agree; will build; will conclude; will continue; will draw all men; will drink; will ever; will explain; will fear; will itself; will meditate; will not; will not depart from; will quote; will repay; will ride; will shortly; will sometimes; will soon; will surely; will tell you the; will tend; will usually; will write; willing mind