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Example sentences for "rumors"

Lexicographically close words:
rummer; rummy; rumor; rumored; rumores; rumour; rumoured; rumours; rump; rumped
  1. There have been rumors to this effect, but no actual facts have been presented.

  2. He appeared worried, harassed, and O'Reilly recalled rumors that the war had ruined him.

  3. The most absurd rumors were circulated among the people that the cannon of St. Angelo were to be pointed on them, &c.

  4. Rumors of tumult in one quarter are circulated, to excite it in another.

  5. Rumors of the designs against Luther were widely circulated, causing great excitement throughout the city.

  6. The wildest rumors were circulated, and many believed that he had been murdered.

  7. These rumors were gradually dissipated by the successive measures taken by the Italian Government and the requisitioning of the German interned vessels revealed her as in full cooperation with the Allies.

  8. How much of these rumors reached the Serbians is not known, but at any rate they did not materially affect their plan of action.

  9. As already stated, the rumors of military action on the part of Russia against Bulgaria had proved unfounded and a second bombardment of Varna had had no effect on the course of the campaign.

  10. These rumors gained strength when it was announced that General Soukhomlinoff had resigned as minister of war and that some of the commanding generals of the different individual army groups had been replaced by others.

  11. It was not until some weeks later that the outside world began to hear rumors of the dire predicament of the Armenians under Turkish rule.

  12. For a considerable period of time during the retreat rumors were heard of changes in the leadership of the Russian armies.

  13. As there were many rumors of the enemy's intention to advance and attack before the city should be made more defensible, the work of making it as formidable as possible was pushed with fever heat.

  14. Rumors had also been rife regarding alleged secret agreements that had been made with the German Government.

  15. Their Mohammedan fanaticism had been stirred by the Turkish, Austrian, and German press, and their pride quickened by the thick crop of rumors that the Allies were finally about to acknowledge defeat.

  16. Already in the latter days of November there had been rumors that Italy was landing an army of considerable size in Avlona, to assist the Serbians.

  17. Especially threatening were the rumors that the Russians were about to make a descent on Bulgaria through Rumania, or across the Black Sea.

  18. A great day for the Combine, if all the rumors were true; a great day for the reporters and their news columns; a day that had crushed and crumbled Gordon's little army into oblivion, spreading ruin and disaster in its wake.

  19. No person should be given credit for loyalty simply because he takes the oath of allegiance, or secretly conveys to Americans worthless information and idle rumors which result in nothing.

  20. In this cablegram the Admiral most unfortunately repeated as true some wild rumors then currently accepted by the Europeans and Americans at Manila which of course were impossible of verification.

  21. Judge after that what truth can be attributed to the rumors which are circulated, or what faith, after that, placed in anything that may happen in the world?

  22. Lieutenant Bleibtreu would have informed his squadron chief of the unpleasant rumors circulating, but ill luck would have it that that faithful junior happened to be off on leave of absence.

  23. There are rumors that she had peculiar relations with a well-known nobleman in her younger days; but I know nothing positive, mind you.

  24. There are so many rumors that we can with difficulty get near the truth.

  25. There were rumors also that some two thousand or more skiffs had been prepared within the town, by which it was thought the garrison might escape.

  26. Three days later I repeated in my dispatch to Grant certain rumors about Hunter that had reached the War Department.

  27. During my first day in town, July 11th, all sorts of rumors came in.

  28. Almost every one of my dispatches to Mr. Stanton contained rumors of the movements of the Confederates, and the information was so uncertain that often what I reported one day had to be contradicted the next.

  29. Although the presence of Joe Johnston on the east, and the rumors of invasion by Kirby Smith from the west, compelled constant attention, the real work behind Vicksburg was always that of the siege.

  30. These rumors and rumors of rumors reached the ears of the Misses Linn and had much influence in reconciling them to their supposed niece's accident on the ball-field.

  31. There had been whispered rumors off and on that the young king was dead these many years, but not even in whispers did the men of Lutha dare voice the name of him whom they believed had caused his death.

  32. The old man was much perturbed at the rumors he had heard relative to the assassination of the true Leopold.

  33. There were frequent rumors of robberies by road agents, and among trusted friends men would be pointed out as belonging to such organizations, and that Henry Plummer was their leader.

  34. The rumors of Jesus' miracles had spread through all Galilee, and when Jesus entered the synagogue many people looked at him curiously.

  35. Have the rumors about us spread here too?

  36. So prevalent were the groundless rumors that the Lutheran pastor, Colerus--the source of most of our information--felt obliged in his very quaint summary biography to defend the life and character of Spinoza.

  37. Unfounded rumors of an evil nature began to circulate during his lifetime, and naturally increased in virulence and volume after his death.

  38. As yet, it seemed, we had no force of any consequence to take the field against Cornwallis, though there were flying rumors of an army marching from Virginia, with a new-appointed general at its head.

  39. More alarming still, there were rumors of French emissaries behind the scenes; and though these were explained away, the vague terror remained.

  40. The Maroons had already been persuaded to make peace upon certain conditions and guaranties,--a decision probably accelerated by the terrible rumors of the bloodhounds, though they never saw them.

  41. In Delaware, there were similar rumors through Sussex and Dover Counties; there were arrests and executions; and in Somerset County great public meetings were held, to demand additional safeguards.

  42. One singular circumstance followed the first rumors of the plot.

  43. Meanwhile an unbounded variety of rumors went flying through the State.

  44. The time passed slowly, and all kinds of rumors filled the land.

  45. There are many rumors of plots on the part of the malignants against the life of the general.

  46. News in those days traveled but slowly, and England was full of conflicting rumors as to the doings of the two armies.

  47. He found that numerous rumors concerning the king were afloat.

  48. In the latter part of October rumors gained circulation that the Knickerbocker Trust Co.

  49. Rumors of trouble in connection with other institutions then came thick and fast, and one concern, the Trust Co.

  50. It was their duty to interpret a mass of more or less fantastic rumors at a time when nerves were overwrought and points of view magnified and distorted.

  51. Every day new rumors arose, and throughout the Neapolitan dominions the population were filled with strange vague desires.

  52. Wilmington was captured by General Terry on the 22d of February; but of this important event we only knew by the vague rumors which reached us through rebel sources.

  53. On the 17th, in Stono, rumors were flying about loose of evacuation.

  54. From time to time rumors were brought to these Indians of the terrible cruelties practised by the Spaniards upon such natives of the country as fell into their hands.

  55. Tidings of their return, and some rumors of the brave doings of De Gourges and those who sailed with him, had preceded them.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rumors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.