Ah God, I fear that my immoderate loue is the occasion of the losse of my sonne, and the whole ruine of the mother, with the demolition and wast of al our goods.
I most humbly thancke Almighty God that it pleased him to let me see the Poison by thee prepared for the ruine of my lyfe and honor.
Ducates to Charles for his Enherytaunce, will now doe so no more, aspiring the totallRuine of the Montanine Family.
The amityes and hatredes of Kynges and Prynces, be they so hardened, as commonly in a Moment hee is not seene to be a hearty Friende, that lately was a cruell Foe, and spyred naught else but the ruine of his Aduersary?
Wheare Ægypte spires bee gonne, and ROME doth ruine feele, Yet, both begonne since he was borne, thus time doth turne the wheele.
And where her presence wantes, there ruine raignes, and wracke: And kingdomes can not longe indure, that doe this ladie lacke.
My wretched end may warne Greene springing youth, To vse delights as toyes that will deceiue, And scorne the world before the world them leaue: For all worlds trust, is ruine without ruth.
This also is apparent by the testimonie of sundrie writers, that they haue beene the ruine of manie a noble citie.
Howbeit, this was not the onelie cause of the ruine of old Salisburie, sith I read of two other, whereof the first was a salue vnto the latter, as I take it.
Welde's Short Story of the Rise, Reign, and Ruine of Antinomianism, 330, m.
The existence in England of a doctrine resembling that of the followers of Cotton and Mrs. Hutchinson is implied in Welde's preface to the Short Story of the Rise, Reign, and Ruine of Antinomianism.
Which exploit (although in very deed it was not performed in any part of the low Countreys) was intended for their ruine and destruction.
But those that seek his ruine May chance to dye before him, While we that sacks are woeing For ever will adore him.
Who on their bodies bear the markes Of their integritie; And suffer'd ruine of estate, It was my damn'd unhappy fate That I not one could see.
So left him, and to the office, where nothing but sad evidences of ruine coming on us for want of money.
He tells me much how all the commanders of the fleete and officers that are sober men do cry out upon their bad discipline, and the ruine that must follow it if it continue.
Having abandoned all our business, we stay here together in the ruins of some churches, men and women mingled together, small and great [Footnote 17: Certe ruinedi chiese.
Theseus (who where he threates appals,) hath sent Deadly defyance to him, and pronounces Ruine to Thebs; who is at hand to seale The promise of his wrath.
How, their lives Might breed the ruine of my name, Opinion!
Meete you no ruinebut the Soldier in The Cranckes and turnes of Thebs?
Large Kingdomes there, brought under thrall With Tumult, stagger, and for feare doe fall; Where in one Ruine wee may see The dying people all o’rewhelmed lye.
There is little room for hope, that the great wrath of the Devil, will not prove the present ruine of our poor New-England in particular.
Or, Let a Man in his thoughts run over but the series of amazing Providences towards the English Nation for the last Thirty Years: Let him reflect, how many Plots for the ruine of the Nation have been strangely discovered?
For whilest the French thus triumphed in Normandie, three cruell enimies among manie (as by ciuill warre and sedition insuing appeared) sore vrged the vtter ruine of this realme at home.
After which time he could neuer conueniently send againe aboord the great ship, much lesse hee doubted her ruine so neere at hand.
But an usurper is a stepfather that builds his own hopes and views on the ruine and destruction of his usurped dominions, and has joy from the fleecing and impoverishing of those under his influence and power.
Not while thy Bonvile lives and wears a Sword: May all things frown that I wou'd have to smile, May I live Poor, and Dye despised by all, If I out live the ruine of thy Honour!
Where I too well foresee, The certain fall andRuine of my Honour!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ruine" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.