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Example sentences for "royal salute"

  • Trumpets rang out the signal, and outside was heard the booming of cannon in royal salute.

  • At Yarmouth the vessels in the harbour were decorated with flags, the Revenue cutter in the Roads fired a royal salute, and a public dinner was held at the Town Hall.

  • Seven ships in the harbour belonging to Mr. Bloom, dressed in their colours, fired a royal salute as the ship went off.

  • He landed under a Royal salute, and at once set out for London with Capt.

  • His Majesty's schooner, the Onondago, at anchor in the river, likewise fired a Royal Salute.

  • Even a passage across from York to Stamford, or from Stamford to York, was announced by a royal salute at the garrison.

  • The field pieces above Navy Hall under the direction of the Royal Artillery, and the guns at the garrison, fired a royal salute.

  • I went down on my knees before him and gave the royal salute, Bayete, and so I stayed.

  • Now the messengers cried out the royal salute of Bayete, and, leaping forward like spears from the hand of the thrower, were gone at once.

  • At ten o'clock, the gun brig fired a royal salute, which was answered by Earl Craven's boat.

  • On Wednesday morning, should the weather prove favourable, the Prince and Princess of Wales intend visiting the Camp, when the whole line will be drawn up, and fire a Royal salute, on the occasion.

  • As Her Majesty stepped on shore, the guns of the fortresses belched forth a royal salute; at the same time the bands played "God save the Queen.

  • We were standing there an hour when the Royal yacht was descried in the distance, and as she steamed into the harbour, the ships fired a royal salute.

  • On the appearance of her Majesty on the ground the artillery fired a royal salute, the infantry presenting arms, the bands playing "God save the Queen.

  • When twenty-one rounds had been counted everybody knew that it was a Royal salute, in celebration of the Prince of Wales's birthday.

  • The British flag was to be hoisted on the highest point of the citadel, and the British guns were to roar forth a royal salute in honour of the re-occupation of the capital of Afghanistan.

  • Soon the British flag was waving from the highest tower, and Shumshoodeen’s artillery, worked by his enemies, was roaring out a royal salute in honour of their triumph.

  • As the colours were raised the troops presented arms, the guns broke out into a royal salute, the band struck up the National Anthem, and three hearty cheers went up to announce that the vindication of our national honour was complete.

  • On the morning of the 6th, the Sirdar’s guns broke out into a royal salute, in honour of the supposed victory.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "royal salute" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    dwelling house; good breeding; grated lemon; green hair; green plants; had caught; pushed forward; reference should; royal authority; royal charter; royal crown; royal family; royal mistress; royal priesthood; royal prince; royal proclamation; royal province; royal road; royal salute; royal standard; royal state; royal treasury; secret committee; teaspoon baking; went before; young squire