She glanced roguishly at her sister when she began; and as she went on, Rosa could not help smiling at her musical antics.
The pipe awoke her; on the horizon, the brown face stood out against the sun, and roguishly nodded to her.
Then the pipe stopped again, androguishly the head nodded to her.
He blew his reeds; he piped lustily and merrily, roguishly and joyously and as well as he could, to please Psyche.
Timme wrote reviews for this periodical, and the general tone of this notice renders it not improbable that he roguishly wrote the review himself or inspired it, as a kind of advertisement for the novel itself.
Similarly the position of the dedication is unusual, in the midst of the volume, even as the dedication of Shandy was roguishly delayed.
Forget-me-nots jewelled the banks; ragged robin looked roguishly from, clumps of bushes; the scent of hay seemed to fill the world.
The river had lazily flowed past banks gaily decorated with timid forget-me-nots and purple veitch; the ragged robin had looked roguishly from the hedge.
The Montague girl flopped into the chair, leaned roguishly toward Merton Gill, placed a small hand upon the sleeve of his coat and peered archly at him through beaded lashes, one eye almost hidden by its thatch of curls.
His spirit breathes upon you from his book--peeps at you roguishly as you turn the pages.
One day, when staying in the village, I met one, a dainty little dot, with golden hair and laughing eyes, a pink ribbon round a tress that hung roguishly over her left cheek.
In the farmyard the pigs were busy on the midden, and they looked at us with curious expressive eyes that peered roguishly out from under their heavy hanging cabbage-leaves of ears.
She looked roguishly at him from beneath the broad brim of her flower-wreathed hat, whose narrow black-velvet strings were tied coquettishly under her left ear.
Cloe, repulsed by Thenot, sings her roguishly wanton carol: Come, shepherds, come!
I trust you will always be as conscientious and dutiful, my loyal knight," she roguishly retorted.
Phoebe turned and looked up roguishly at her sister, who was still half-way up the stairs.
Smiling roguishly down into his face, Phoebe shook her head and replied: "You are full of pretty phrases.
Its flanks shone like silk, the long mane fell on both sides of the short curved neck, the forelock dangled roguishly over the eyes.
The bay flanks shone like silk; the mane, parted, fell fluffily on each side of the curved neck, the forelock dangling roguishly between the eyes.
He describes the driver as knocked down, and lying bruised under his broken waggon, and he says that the figure of Death is perceived roguishly sucking the wine out of a broken cask by means of a reed.
Never was a knot so cunningly twisted, nor with so many ins and outs, whichroguishly defied the skillfulest fingers to disentangle them.
But she draws it back always, shaking her head meanwhile, and smiling so roguishly that I know not how I escaped jumping out of my skin.
She smiled at me roguishly from under the hat, as if to say, "See how this becomes me.
Victoria Square, and Dick shouted roguishly in her ear the one word--"Awake!
Good even' to your Majesty," she roguishly exclaimed.
Worth reading twice or even thrice," she roguishly exclaimed unto her maid as she directed her to hold a candle nearer that she might once again spell out its words.
It winked at her roguishly and pryingly as much as to say, "I know you.
Felicitas, who was bending over her white embroidery, glanced roguishly across at Leo, who knew as well as she did how jealously Ulrich guarded this priceless treasure of his cellar.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "roguishly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.