This priest is described as keeping a leman or concubine, who had but one eye, to whom Howleglass owed a grudge for revealing his rogueries to his master.
The Rogueries of Dalilah the Crafty, and her daughter, Zeynab the Trickstress.
In this service I lived like a Prince to my hearts content, for my Master would not only wink at any Rogueriesthat I committed, but also countenance me in the doing of them.
But don't get into a passion: to see our statesmen trying their nostrums, and fancying that they can cut off at a blow the Hydra-like rogueries of mankind, is as good as a play.
Keep yourrogueries and rascalities for the auld generation ye hae assisted to ruin; but leave the young anes alane to mind ither matters than dicing and horse-racing.
Sit down here, and tell me all your rogueries since we parted.
Rogueries of Dalilah the Crafty and her daughter Zaynab the Coney catcher, The, vii.
Gaboriau has popularised, theRogueries of Dalilah and the Adventures of Mercury Ali, based upon the principle, "One thief wots another.
Dalilah the Crafty and her daughter Zaynab the Coney-catcher, The Rogueries of, vii.
The Rogueries of Dalilah the Crafty and her Daughter Zaynab the Coney-Catcher .
Zaynab the Coney-catcher, The Rogueries of Dalilah the Wily, and her Daughter, vii.
How and with what would his successor, whoever he should be, oppose the rogueries of Sumayloff or the chicanery of Ignatief?
These men don't know that a clever fellow no more goes in search of rogueries than a foxhunter looks out for stiff fences.
The headmen manage their rogueries with so much ingenuity that charges can very seldom be proved against them.
I was thinking of The cunning rogueries of that slave, Syrus.
Has it then slipp'd your memory so soon, The conversation that we had together, Touching the rogueries they should devise, To trick you of your money?
If he finds he has an indifferent player for his opponent, he only plays the regular game, and reserves his rogueries for another occasion.
Replied the old trot, "As thy head liveth, O my daughter, I will play off higher-class rogueries in Baghdad than ever played Calamity Ahmad or Hasan the Pestilent.
Baghdad is the seat of the Caliphate; sharpers abound therein and rogueries spring therefrom as worts spring out of earth.
The Rogueriesof Dalilah the Crafty and Her Daughter Zaynab the Coney-Catcher a.
It may be remarked by any one who chooses to note the fact, that the most ingenious rogueries are seldom those which succeed best.
The private history of the rogueries might possibly amuse, but all that met the public eye was of the very slowest imaginable.
A great success: his Belgian rogueries most amusing; the exploit at Madrid equal to anything in 'Gil Bias'.
It is the more singular, since this man is a specialty--an actual personification of some of the very subtlest rogueries of the age we live in!
When reminded of his rogueries he only laughed, and then in the most impertinent manner begged for everything he saw.
Few men were better able to deal with the rogueries of the petty chiefs he met with than Mr Stanley.
Here it was detained five weeks while its persevering leader was combatting the rogueries of Ali Ben Salim and another Arab, Hadji Palloo, who had undertaken to secure one hundred and forty pagazis.
As for my Thefts andRogueries abroad I was careful they should not be discovered.
Many petty rogueries we performed by the way, not worthy the commemoration, and therefore I shall pass them over; only this I shall insert.
No, no, old fellow, all your little secret rogueries will avail you nothing here!
Some overcharges had been taken off and some bad money in change to be replaced by honest coin, and it was evident that various little well-intended rogueries had not achieved their usual success.
The secret of this otherwise unaccountable severity is disclosed to us by "Father Prout," in his article on "The Rogueries of Tom Moore.
The Rogueries of Dalilah the Crafty and the Adventures of Mercury Ali (pp.
At this period I had little experience or knowledge of the people who live byrogueries and cheats: nor had I any suspicion when a stranger appeared that he was not always what he pretended to be.
He now studied law intending as soon as he got out to commence attorney and to practise the tricks and rogueries he had learned from his former friends.
The discredit of retail trade he attributes to the rogueries of traders, and is inclined to believe that if a nobleman would keep a shop, which heaven forbid!
The Rogueries of Delileh the Crafty and her Daughter Zeyneb the Trickstressdcxcviii 151.
The Rogueriesof Delileh the Crafty and her Daughter Zeyneb the Trickstressdcclvi 101.
The Adventures of Quicksilver Ali of Cairo, a Sequel to theRogueries of Delileh the Crafty .
Three Pages are in waiting by; He with the umbrella is her Spy, To spy out rogueries in the dark, And smell a rat as you shall mark.
Coloured, The King and Queen of Hearts, With the Rogueries of the Knave who stole away the Queen's Pies.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rogueries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.