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Example sentences for "riders"

Lexicographically close words:
rideing; riden; ridente; rider; riderless; rides; ridest; ridet; rideth; ridge
  1. No one was hurt, however, and the King Frog had been wise enough to treat his passengers more gently by slowing down at the edge and allowing his riders to slip to the ground very comfortably.

  2. They gasped for breath and tried to hang on, and then suddenly the frog landed just at the edge of the Fog Bank, stopping so abruptly that his three riders left his back and shot far ahead of him.

  3. At the summit, where the main-road Took a different direction, Carriages and riders halted, And the vehicles and horses To the servants' care were left.

  4. Several of the riders were cutting out from the main herd cows with unmarked calves, which last were immediately roped and thrown.

  5. Several hundred wild hill cattle were gathered in the green draw, and around them was a cordon of riders holding the gather steady.

  6. They don't raise better riders than he is.

  7. The fugitive from justice reckons his chances considerably better in any other place than the territory of the Riders of the Plains.

  8. Never seed no better riders nor merry-men nowheer, though the hosses was poor.

  9. The riders reined up and watched the luminous frolics of the Mist, where she played thus naked, like an innocent savage thing, before them.

  10. Two horses stood steaming in Scor Hill Circle--that ancient hypaethral high place of the Damnonians--while their riders surveyed the scene and one another.

  11. At the same time a number of the best riders were sent to Memphis.

  12. At last the horses began to stumble more and to be weary, so the riders had to dismount and go on foot.

  13. What became of all the riders I don't know.

  14. Our only satisfaction was to see a third set of riders come out on the same brutes, and to be able to laugh in our sleeves, while we wished them a pleasant ride across the island.

  15. Twice that day had riders clattered the narrow trail with remarkable speed, but Patches would have led them.

  16. For an instant there was a lull, and not only Jerry's but the voices of other riders could be distinctly heard singing and calling quietly to the cattle.

  17. At the sight of the riders the wild cattle began to gather into bunches and stare; this tendency to come together made it much easier to drive them.

  18. John and his Lightning work away with other riders until only the nucleus of the herd remains, and in five minutes this too has vanished.

  19. In an instant the orderly herd was changed to a panic-stricken rout, and the riders were swept irresistibly with it.

  20. For two weeks the two riders had been in the saddle fourteen hours a day, and the strain was beginning to tell on both men and beasts.

  21. It was near round-up season and the riders were being gathered, preparatory to starting off on that great yearly summing-up expedition.

  22. The horses saddled, the two riders went in opposite directions, visiting the well-known haunt of each bunch of cattle in the section of country committed to their care.

  23. Tucker jumped to the front, and everybody cheered him; but Bolton was near, and as the riders passed the stand for the first time it was seen that he was close behind.

  24. Now the range-riders were kept busy pulling the foolish ones out of big holes.

  25. The sky was threatening when the riders were sent out one day to make the "big circle," as the gathering of cattle was called, a week or so after the organization of the round-up.

  26. But the riders still rode and the footmen ran.

  27. Even when the joy-riders mocked with "Oh, you scout!

  28. Joy riders never run him down and foot passengers avoid crowding him into a corner.

  29. And with them came some of that wild breed of riders to which Slone and the Stewarts belonged.

  30. It was significant of the nature of riders that they accepted his attitude and had consideration for his feelings.

  31. Horses were really more important and necessary than men; and this singular fact gave these lonely riders a calling.

  32. About the end of July, 1818, these riders of the air made their attack.

  33. They were all expert riders and could equal in their feats on horseback the fabled Centaurs.

  34. Twenty-three horses and riders were at one moment all sprawling on the ground, one horse gored by a bull, was killed on the spot, two more were disabled by the fall.

  35. A curious light came into the old lady's eyes as she saw the girl steady the basket in front of her; but she checked the words that had sprung to her lips and trudged slowly along, the riders holding back their horses to keep beside her.

  36. Down the long road that sloped to the bridge from the west two horses took their leisurely way, while their riders talked or were silent at will.

  37. The animals, as if conscious of their peril, bounded across the snowy plain on a dead run, with their riders stretching forward over their necks to escape the bullets expected every moment.

  38. The foremost Sioux had fallen so perceptibly behind that there was reason to believe the horse could carry both riders to safety, or rather to the refuge which they hoped to find at the base of the ridge.

  39. The ponies were plodding forward with their loads, when, before either of the riders suspected it, they were on the edge of another growth of timber, which promised the very thing they sought.

  40. At length, the darting riders were seen more and more vividly as they compressed their line about the routed band, until finally, only a heap of carcasses lay where the herd had been.

  41. First discharging a blinding flight of arrows, they rushed, with wild cries, upon the horsemen, striving to tear their lances from their grasp and to drag the riders from their saddles.

  42. Regardless of wounds or death, numbers of them would, at a signal, dart under the horses' bellies and cling to their legs, while others strove to fell the riders from their saddles.

  43. The turbaned riders were being forced into this gorge, because there was nowhere else for them to go, and they went reluctantly, in a shower of arrows and a whirl of swords.

  44. The governor has sent his riders after us,' he laughed.

  45. And then with a burst of trumpets that shook the walls, and rushing thunder of hoofs, five thousand riders of Vendhya smote the hosts of Secunderam.

  46. Foot by foot the Afghulis were shoved back, leaving the defile-floor carpeted with dead, on which the riders trampled.

  47. The helmeted riders harried them, but did not press in too rashly.

  48. Behind them on the trail they left the dead horse and the dead man, which were found less than half an hour later by the riders from the fortress, who recognized the man as a Wazuli and drew their own conclusions accordingly.

  49. It will take many riders to smoke out that hive.

  50. The riders from Peshkhauri are combing these hills,' he said.

  51. Their leader, a well-built man in a helmet and gilt-braided cloak, held up his hand warningly, until the riders had sped on.

  52. But first it is our business to reach the valley of Gurashah and await the riders that will be galloping southward from Secunderam before daylight.

  53. I talked with a Dagozai who saw the riders last night,' said the scout.

  54. They moved like phantom riders through an enchanted realm of shadows.

  55. It is no longer an exciting outdoor sport for fox-chasing gentlemen in bright-red coats; no longer a seasonal diversion for crosscountry riders in buckskin breeches.

  56. With the coming of dawn, the shadow had faded, and the watchers' eyes had been turned ahead for some first sight of the out-riders of the attacking fleets.

  57. The gate into the field overlooking the marsh stood open; a few riders were converging towards it from different points.

  58. A few other riders had come up: two or three officers from a neighbouring town; a couple of old men, and a sprinkling of girls.

  59. The old days of crowded meets and big fields of riders were gone.

  60. Then they caught up to the riders ahead, and were received by Geoffrey with a joyful shout.

  61. That day being Saturday, according to their usual practice, the Pony Riders went into camp to remain until Monday morning.

  62. The Riders were going home, going regretfully, too, with a year of hard work before them, but to be heard from again in a series of delightful as well as exciting experiences.

  63. A few moments later the party of Pony Riders and prospectors, headed by Dave Rodman, were startled to see Tad Butler standing before them.

  64. The horses of Australia are now famous all over the world, and the Colonial riders are as celebrated.

  65. He asked the question sternly again, listening keenly the while for sounds of other riders above.

  66. The riders realized they had been watched and that deception was useless; Van Horn was furiously angry.

  67. The horses had halted by consent and their riders were contemplating the mountains and valleys surrounding them.

  68. This night there were riders abroad; but there was no singing.

  69. Hill, another plan to entrap the cavalry in a thick wood, but the riders found little difficulty in getting away.

  70. The noble horses took the spirit of the riders sitting lightly in their saddles.

  71. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "riders" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.