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Example sentences for "ret"

Lexicographically close words:
resurvey; resuscitate; resuscitated; resuscitating; resuscitation; retable; retablo; retail; retailed; retailer
  1. Hans vel bekjendte historiske Arbeider vidne tilstrækkeligt om hans varme Følelser for Fædrelandet, for Menigmands Ret og for Danskhedens Ret i Sønderjylland.

  2. Til Clausen var jeg ogsaa knyttet ved Overensstemmelse i politiske Anskuelser og ved varm Anerkjendelse af hans Arbeide for det danske Folks Ret i Sønderjylland.

  3. En ærlig Smugler havde under saadanne Forhold Ret til at vente en ekstra Ducør; men det gjaldt om at være forsigtig over for saadan en Gnier som David.

  4. I Begyndelsen gik det ret hurtigt, men efterhaanden sagtnedes Gangen for nu og da helt at standse, naar nye Skarer kom væltende frem fra de tilstødende Gader.

  5. Men han kunde ikke lade være med at give Andrey Ret i hans Argumenter, og det var alt, hvad Andrey i Øjeblikket forlangte af ham.

  6. Naa ja,“ vedblev Andrey i Ophidselse; „men har de Ret til at forlange et saadant Offer for os?

  7. Maluco from the word “Moloc” meaning “the capital.

  8. The other women sit about the dead chamber sadly and in tears.

  9. The first European to visit the city was Varthema, about the year 1505.

  10. We set up the cross there for those people were heathen.

  11. The cinnamon tree grows to a height of three or four cubits, and as thick as the fingers of the hand.

  12. When those people happen to see any swine they cover their faces in order that they might not look upon them or catch their odor.

  13. Jovan Carvaio and the constable [357] returned, and told us that they saw the man who had been cured by a miracle take the priest to his house.

  14. Colin asserts that he saw one of the shells which was used as a watering-trough and another as a holy-water font.

  15. Come again,” urged Mouser, “I don’t get you.

  16. Two sons of a neighbor of ours were lost in it two or three years ago, not to mention many others.

  17. They could see members of the crew going about making every movable object fast, and they guessed that they were in for a storm.

  18. Lee’s face flushed with pleasure at the commendation.

  19. The next instant the boat went down by the bow, and its four occupants were struggling in the lake.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ret" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    retail trade; retain their; retire from; retired from; retorted the; retreat from; retributive justice; return again; return back; return for; return from; return here; return home; return immediately; return mail; return them; returne againe; returne home; returned again; returned back; returned from; returned home; returned quietly; returned the; returning from; returns home