High Altar of the Abbey, where they returned thanks for the victory.
He next did the wall where the high altar is, and the chapel of St Maria della Neve, in the church of S.
Trinita, Spinello made a very fine Annunciation and for the high altar picture of the church of S.
Within it is of a gloomy and depressing simplicity: a single nave, a high altar, a tribune.
There is at present no high altar in place under the great screen, but one will probably be placed there as soon as the final touches are put by Mr. Gilbert to the carved work of the reredos.
To the east is the #presbytery#, closed by the Wallingford orhigh altar #screen.
Eadmer states that the cathedral burnt down in 1067 was orientated to the east, where was the presbytery containing the High altar.
High altar and in front of the shrine of Edward the Confessor, and facing to the west.
The small ceiling medallions behind the high altar, the four Evangelists and four Fathers of the Church are also by Titian.
Donatus and the bones of the slain dragon, which are still suspended over the high altar.
Beneath the tenth stands the parish chapel or ex-high altar, behind which runs the ambulatory, on the off-side of which are situated the five apsidal chapels.
Tin seems to have signified a sacred place, for sacrifice; a kind of high altar.
His Taphos, or high altar, was shewn in many places: in all which he in aftertimes was supposed to have been buried.
In his strolls through the Cathedral Gabriel greatly admired the screen before the high altar, a wonderful work of Villalpando, with its foliage of old gold, and its black bars with silvery spots like tin.
Over the High Altar flutters a peculiarly annoying and flyaway 17th century figure of the Apotheosis of St. Bavon, the patron saint of the Cathedral, who of course thus occupies the place of honour.
At the end of the room is the magnificent =*triptych= painted by Memling for the =High Altar= of the Church of this Hospital.
All the time that I was in the cathedral the space around the high altar, which stands exactly under the dome, was occupied by priests or acolytes in white garments, chanting a religious service.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "high altar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.