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Example sentences for "restoratives"

Lexicographically close words:
restocked; restocking; restoration; restorations; restorative; restore; restored; restorer; restorers; restores
  1. Bottles of hot water were applied to the limbs, and various restoratives were employed.

  2. Nutritious food, alcoholic restoratives and stimulant doses of opiate remedies are most serviceable.

  3. For a few minutes there was plenty of excitement at Sunset Beach, everyone gathering around the rescued ones, suggesting both restoratives and punishments to close the incident.

  4. Restoratives were administered, and at length he recovered.

  5. She did all that could be done, and applied such restoratives as she believed would be effectual.

  6. These restoratives had the desired effect, and the poor girl opened her eyes; at the same time crying out, "My poor father, is he alive?

  7. She was placed on a sofa and restoratives employed, but without effect, and about the hour of sunset the doctor pronounced life fled!

  8. Graham lifted his arm and was astonished to find what strength the restoratives had given him.

  9. The stimulus of the restoratives he had taken was only temporary.

  10. After a few restoratives had been applied, the former was conveyed home in a cab, while the latter, under the charge of Mr Sharp and one of his men, was carried off and safely lodged in an asylum.

  11. While he was applying restoratives Mr Blunt touched Edwin on the elbow and requested him to follow him.

  12. An examination by Captain Sparhawk soon showed that no bones had been broken, as they had at first feared, and after restoratives had been administered, and after a short rest, Muldoon announced that he was ready to march on again.

  13. Captain Sparhawk, as they all stood in the cabin to which Thurman had been taken and restoratives were administered to the unfortunate youth.

  14. An attempt to administer restoratives failed, so tightly was the man's teeth clenched.

  15. By that time he had become unconscious, but restoratives having been administered, and Coleman's limbs vigorously rubbed, he in about an hour was restored to partial consciousness.

  16. Broth and other restoratives being quickly prepared, and duly administered, in a very short time they were able to use their tongues sufficiently to give an account of themselves.

  17. Tom and Gerald begged leave to go, in company with the doctor, who carried restoratives and medicines.

  18. One of the surgeons was pouring brandy-and-water down his throat, while another was applying burnt feathers and other restoratives to his nose.

  19. Here also were restoratives arranged, for those who might faint from loss of blood.

  20. Both the last-named restoratives will be found valuable (?

  21. It is upon this that the whole trade in these so-called restoratives depends.

  22. Many use it in the guise of cordials, tonics, bitters, restoratives and the thousand and one nostrums guaranteed to cure all ills to which human flesh is heir.

  23. I shouldn't have thought it," rejoined the surgeon, taking the restoratives that were handed to him by the nurse, and turning from the son to the father with an air of relief which he was at no pains to conceal.

  24. He led her to the opposite end of the room, where there was an easy-chair, leaving the landlady to hand the restoratives to the surgeon as they were wanted.

  25. Illustration] Restoratives were applied at once and it was proposed to take up a collection among the toys for her benefit.

  26. In a few moments he came hurrying along and between them all they got John back into bed and applied some restoratives that speedily brought him to his senses.

  27. Here she was laid on the bed, partially undressed and all available and likely restoratives applied.

  28. Lady Shillito appeared in the dock dressed as much as possible like Mary, Queen of Scots on her trial; and was attended by a hospital nurse with restoratives and carminatives.

  29. I have got restoratives here close at hand.

  30. To simplify this proof, that part of the Proposition which relates to Restoratives will be divided first into a number of minor propositions, which, taken together, imply the original one.

  31. Thus Restoratives may remain in the system, and are intended so to do; but these may not remain.

  32. And those Restoratives which act as Eliminatives, such as Acids and Alkalies, do so because they are introduced in so large a quantity that they cannot possibly remain in healthy blood.

  33. This is simply to affirm that they belong to the class of Haematics, to which Restoratives also belong.

  34. Restoratives resolves itself into the following simple affirmations or minor propositions.

  35. In this also Quina and its congeners agree with Restoratives and differ from Catalytic medicines.

  36. Some Restoratives are also included among Catalytics, from a regard to a different phase of their action.

  37. Diabetes and Lithiasis are more under the control of Restoratives than the others.

  38. This division of Haematics I have named Restoratives (Restaurantia.

  39. The divisions of Haematics differ in this: Restoratives act by being in the blood; Catalytics by working in the blood.

  40. Upon the answers given to them it must depend whether they should rightly be grouped with blood-medicines or with nerve-medicines; and, if the former, with Restoratives or with Catalytics.

  41. Restoratives exercise in that case no particular influence.

  42. Those which are treated by Restoratives are just as evidently remediable by the artificial supply or substitution of some one or more of the elements of the blood.

  43. Rainford placed his burden on the miserable pallet, and Betsy Bunce applied such restoratives as the circumscribed economy of her household furnished.

  44. Restoratives were used, and at the proper time the patient unclosed his eyes.

  45. His head was enveloped in damp cloths, his temples were rubbed with stimulants, and, after various restoratives had been applied, he slowly opened his eyes, and looked bewildered about him.

  46. Marguerite de Repentigny with her weeping companions remained in the chamber of Amélie, watching eagerly for some sign of returning consciousness, and assiduously administering such restoratives as were at hand.

  47. Dame Tremblay ran, and got her a drink of water and such restoratives as were at hand.

  48. He applied the most powerful of his restoratives and administered a sharp current from the battery, and, after a considerable time, was rewarded by seeing the patient open her eyes--but only to shut them again immediately.

  49. Providing himself with some powerful restoratives and a portable electric battery he drove rapidly over to Rewtham House.

  50. My sisters had to remove her, till by the aid of restoratives they got her round; then, such a look, sadness and joy combined.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "restoratives" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.