Father Thomas lived in a small and ancient brick house near the church, with a little garden of herbs attached.
He had asked it of her for a purpose that seemed good enough, to buy a little garden where he thought he could rear fruits and flowers; but she had had the money so long that she considered it to be her own.
Behind the house lay a little garden, closely grown up with trees and tall weeds, that ran down to the stream.
Nothing she could say prevailed to turn him from this view, and he acted upon it with resolution: he confined her excursions to a little garden at the back of the house, and forbade her, on any pretense, to cross the threshold.
I can't think why it is wicked for me to dig in my little garden on a Sunday, and it isn't wicked for Jessie to cook and Sarah to make the beds.
I am not contemplating leaving you and Mrs. Smithers, but I do pine for a little garden of my own, where I could raise an occasional can of tomatoes.
Langley's motto in mind that the "Little Garden Calendar" is offered to parents and teachers, and to children themselves who are old enough to read.
This wise and good father had allotted him and his brother Arthur a convenient piece of ground, in order that each might be possessed of a little garden, and display his knowledge and industry in the cultivation of it.
Last of all, she saw herself filling the jug for the sick woman and gathering the red pinks for her and Lienhard in the landlady's little garden by the shimmering starlight.
Dewdrops glittered on the grass and flowers in the meadow with the cart, and in the landlady's little garden.
A tall man with a reddish beard called at one of the police stations of the capital about a cheese store which he was going to open on Little Garden Street.
He was bound for the cheese shop on Little Garden Street.
Every thing goes wrong with me--it was but last week that the pigs got into my little garden, and destroyed every thing in it.
They had each a little garden of their own, full of sweet flowers and shrubs, currants, gooseberries, and strawberries.
Neither my cow nor my goats cost me any thing; we have a little garden, which, between my husband and myself, is kept in pretty good order, and produces as many vegetables as we can make use of.
Even for a little garden, bedding plants are very expensive.
I have sometimes thought that it would be a good division of labour in a Little Garden, if, where Joan coddles the roses and rears the seedlings, Darby would devote some of his leisure to the walks and grassplots.
Blooming shrubs and flowers in pots were ranged around; and thus a little garden arose in the square.
She saw a glittering portal open, that led to a little garden, where all was brightness and dance music.
At the end of that time, I was set down with my luggage at the gate of a small log hut, with a little garden in front, bordered with beautiful pink and green stones, the like of which I had never seen before.
The cell of a Carthusian monk, as we have stated, consisted of a little house of three apartments and a little garden within an inclosure wall.
The platform in front of the hermitage is walled in, and there is a little garden on the hill above.
There is a little garden at the back of the house, where flowers and vegetables are mixed up in the way I like.
At length we reached the brow of the hill, where a cottage showed itself in a desert of limestone, but where a little garden, by dint of long labour, had been formed upon a natural terrace on which the sun's rays fell warmly.
A little garden in the outskirts became familiar to me by daily use, and I see it still with its almond and pear trees, its trellised vines, the blue stars of its borage, and the pure whiteness of its lilies.
There's a spring in God's little garden, Whose waters, so sweet and clear, Flow out into other gardens Which God plants very near.
God's Garden "My heart is God's little garden, And the fruits that grow each day Are the things that he sees me doing, And the words that he hears me say.
I must tend to God's little garden, Lest the weeds and the sharp thorns grow; If the flowers should droop and wither, His heart would be sad, I know.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "little garden" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.