Carbonic acid itself is a bibasic acid, both hydrogen atoms in it being replaceable by metals, therefore carboxyl, which contains one of the hydrogen atoms of carbonic acid, represents a group in which the hydrogen is exchangeable for metals.
OH, termed the carboxyl group, in which the hydrogen atom is replaceable by metals with the formation of salts, and by alkyl radicals with the formation of esters.
Wislicenus found that only one hydrogen atom in the--CH2- group is directly replaceable by sodium, and that if the sodium be then replaced by an alkyl group, the second hydrogen atom in the group can be replaced in the same manner.
A salt derived from an acid which has several replaceable hydrogen atoms which are only partially exchanged for metallic atoms or basic radicals; as, acid potassium sulphate is an acid salt.
With the replaceable head a definite pressure of oxygen is required for the size being used, this pressure being the one for which the injector and corresponding mixing chamber were designed in producing the correct mixture.
The temporary loss of replaceable reserves and the permanent loss of irreplaceable resources is none the less tragic, no matter how urgent the immediate cause for their consumption.
The more advanced technically have stripped their environments of replaceable and irreplaceable resources.
Such replaceable resources as topsoil, vegetation and water can be husbanded.
Replaceable natural resources such as soil fertility, grasses and trees can be restored and reproduced.
Replaceable resources like forests or top-soil must be used and at the same time replaced and if possible augmented.
She is at once a replaceable cog in a wheel of an incomprehensibly complex system and a unique human being sharing most intimately in another's search for the meanings of suffering, living, dying.
Through objectification the object is de-individualized and therefore made replaceable for the purpose of study by any other object with the same properties.
Also a similar device, made of plastic, in which the blade is neither replaceable nor can be sharpened, intended to be discarded after the blade dulls -- called a disposable razor.
Having one hydrogen atom replaceable by a negative or acid atom or radical; capable of neutralizing a monobasic acid; -- said of bases, and of certain metals.
Nor was it found, as McCollum and Pitz claimed, that antiscorbutics were replaceable by laxatives in the diet.
Since phosphoric acid has three replaceable hydrogen atoms, three sodium phosphates are possible,--two acid salts and one normal.
Such acids as hydrochloric and nitric acids, which have only one replaceable hydrogen atom in the molecule, or in other words yield one hydrogen ion in solution, are called monobasic acids.
Since this radical is trivalent and oleic, palmitic, and stearic acids contain only one replaceable hydrogen atom to the molecule, it is evident that three molecules of each acid must enter into each molecule of the ethereal salt.
Taking up the volatile alkaloids, we find with regard to conine, first, that the action of methyl iodide shows it to be a secondary amine, that is, it restrains only one replaceable hydrogen atom of the original ammonia molecule.
Though these products are all salts, some contain replaceable H, and are called acid salts.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "replaceable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.