Plesyth it yow to remembre ye sent me word in the fyrste lettyr that ye sent me, that ye wolde that Playter scholde asent hem up to yow to London, and I schewyd hym yowyr wryttyng howe that ye wrote to me ther in.
I funde hym rythe good qwan I spak with hym at Caster; and remembre the newe evydens.
At this tyme nothyng els to your maistership; but and it please you to remembre my maister at your best leiser, wheder his old promise shall stande as touchyng my preferryng to the Boreshed in Suthwerke.
Also ye must make frendes of suche as be nere aboute my said Lord of Caunterbury, and may do, as Maister John Stokys and his styward, for to remembre his good Lordship as ofte as nede is.
I remembre me well that oon John Wyntir, Esquyer, late my servaunt, hadde (?
Remembre to take a wryht to chese crowneres in Norffolk.
No more to you at this tyme, but I pray you send this lettyr to my Maistresse Paston, when ye have sene hit; preyng you to remembre my systir Margrete ageyne the tyme that she shal be made nonne.
I hafe and do purchasse malgre to remembre of evidenses lakkyng by negligence, &c.
Remembre in thyne herte how horribly somtyme to thyne Margaryte thou trespasest, and in a grete wyse ayenst her thou forfeytest!
Also I remembre me wel how the name of Athenes was rather after the god of pees than of batayle, shewinge that pees moste is necessarie to comunaltees and citees.
I you love and drede, And you unchaunged finde, in o degree, Whos grace ne may flye fro your womanhede, 45 Disdayneth not for to remembre on me!
Remembre upon this poynt, for Cristes sake; If pees be profred unto thy manhode, Thyn honour sauf, let it nat be forsake!
I complayn sore, whan I remembre me The sodeyn age that is upon me falle; 10 More I complayn my mispent juvente The whiche is impossible ayein to calle.
Who-so +wol remembre him to their endes, in their worchinges they 30 ben thoughtful and sorie.
But now it greveth me to remembre these dyvers sentences, in 160 janglinge of these shepy people; certes, me thinketh, they oughten to maken joye that a sothe may be knowe.
How many ensamples canst thou remembre of kinges grete and noble, and huge power +helden, and 15 yet they might not kepe hem-selve from wrecchednesse?
Doe you not remembre that I am your King that hath Power and Authority to gouerne and rule you?
Bee assured, that for the Curtisie thou hast done him, before it bee longe, the same shall be so well acquyted, as for euer thou shalte haue good cause to remembre it.
First, it moot been in sorweful bitternesse of herte, as seyde the king Ezekias to god: 'I wol remembre me alle the yeres of my lyf in bitternesse of myn herte.
Remembre yow, myn owene lord so dere, I was your wyf, thogh I unworthy were.
And therfore seith Ezechie: 'I wol remembre me alle the yeres of my lyf, in bitternesse of myn herte.
Remembre yow that Iesus Syrak seith: "a man that is Ioyous and glad in herte, it him conserveth florisshing in his age; but soothly sorweful herte maketh his bones drye.
And if he abyde to his laste day, scarsly may he shryven him or remembre him of hise sinnes, or repenten him, for the grevous maladie of his deeth.
But, Syr Jhan, doth not remembre you How I was your clerke, & holpe you masse to syng, And hylde the basyn alway at the offryng?
Me thinkes you shuld remembre this is no place to scolde.
For certeynly, in every membre I quake, whan I me remembre 4110 Of the botoun, which [that] I wolde Fulle ofte a day seen and biholde.
Have som pite on your nature 715 That formed yow to creature, Remembre yow of Socrates; For he ne counted nat three strees Of noght that Fortune coude do.
I might not be so anguisshous, That I mote glad and Ioly be, Whan that I remembre me.
Whan I remembre me of my wo, Ful nygh out of my wit I go.
Yif thou remembre of what contree thou art born, it nis nat governed by emperours .
Hyt ys to remembre thys caase of rebellyon of Parys felle in abcence of Herry .
Ye muste remembre the gentilmen muste have better than the yomen, and the yomen better than the gromes.
Sir, remembre what ye have to do; there came not suche a casualte in your tyme of your office, &c.
Remembre also yf [thou] hast ouerskypped in the seruyce of god ony wordes / verses / or ony Inclynacyons & suche other.
Remembre also dylygentely that thou ymagyne the state of them / in whose remembraûce [thou] makest thy prayer.
Nay in dede they sayd we kepe none in store / ¶ we haue sayd Inough to punysshe hym fore ¶ If ye in this mater be not parcyall· ¶ Remembre your name was wont to be egall.
Let me remembre now I you pray ¶ My barayn is so thynne I deme in my herte ¶ Some of the felyshyp that I there say.
I do remembre I haue red suche a thinge in my boke, but ye must pardone me for I had quyte forgotten it.
But nowe good Polipheme remembre and loke vpon thy selfe for it is hyghe tyme for the to laye a syde thy beastly lyuynge, and to be tourned from a brute and a sauage beast in to a man.
Bot quhat is the pryde of a proud haultane man worth, quhen he can nocht remembre of the poyntis that God may sone lawe him with?
In one place occurs the significant item ‘To Remembre to make a byll for the parlyament touching the augmentacyon of the Annattes.
In doing wherof ye shall not only deserue bothe Laude & prayse in the furderaunce of the saide master Marshall, whose aduauncement I hartely desire, but also I wille not faile to remembre your kyndnes in that I may doo you pleasure.
And ye may remembre be this how ye shuld do if this wer yowris alone, and so do now.
I pray you remembre wele the maters that I wrote to you for in the letter that ye had be James Greshames man, and send me an answer ther of be the next man that comyth, &c.
For Gods sake, sir, a pety on hym; remembreyow it hathe bed a long season syn he had owt of yow to helpe hym with, and he hathe obeyed hym to yow and wolle do at all tymis, and wolle do that he can or may to have your good faderood.
And whan ye comon with myn ryght worshipfull lady I beseche yow remembre myn pore maters in whiche is greet concyens, &c.
Remembre the that thou hast be the costlyest childe that evere I hadde, and how that I yaf ye x.
I prey yow that ye woll wete safe to remembre Johane Gayne matre, and that ye woll take John Paston that he remembre you of it, for Dawbeney and Pampyng woll sone for gete it.
Ferthermore, sir, like you to remembre the lees of the maner of Sporle; your fermours goth out at Michelmes next comyng.
For the mercy of God remembre the onstabylnesse of thys wold hou it is not a menut space in comparyson to ever .
Me mervelyt gretly off the certificat off Mr. Robert in that be halve, for this is the truthe as forth forth as I kan remembre me.
And remembre to gete the obligacion that ye mad to the Duchesse of Suffolk; for though it be in my Lord Chancelleris hande it is jepartows, be cause of perell of deth.
And pray his Lordeshipp to remembre a shereve this yeer, for ther is mych to be undirstonde in the shereve.
Sir, I beseke youre maistirshyp to remembre my maystresse for the lytil sylvir, whiche for serteyn thyngs delyverid to youre use is dewe to me.
I say we may remembre things already done, reioycing for delights and sighing for the paines.
These Letters do gratulate andremembre the ioy of the disciple for hauinge sutch a maister.
Take hede then (most excellent Traiane) that you do remembre and still reuolue in minde, that as you be a Prince supreme, so to apply your self to be a passing ruler.
Item, I preye yow remembre hyr for my fadrys tombe at Bromholme.
I feer me that idelnesse ledyth yowr reyne; I praye yow rather remembre Sir Hughe Levernoys tyll yowr hauke come.
Item, I pray you remembre the obligacion that Wix hath, and that I may have my money of the parsone of Maudeby.
I beseche yow to remembre the premyssis, and to helpe me, and with Goddes grace, thes ij.
Item, I praye yow that yeremembre hyr for the tombe off my fadr at Bromholme, and also the chapell at Mauteby, and sende me worde how she is dysposyd her in.
And forgete not to send me word be the berere hereof how ye don; and remembre the bylles and remembrauns for the maner of Gresham that I wrote to your brother for.
I preye yow calle uppon hyr for the same, remembre hyr of that promyse.
I pray you remembre your brother to send me the evydence and remembrance towchyng the maner of Gresham, which that I wrote to hym be Juddy, and send them be sum suer man.
I pray you remembre a kerchye of Cremyll for your suster Anne.
Please it yow to weete that I have receyvyd yowr letter, wretyn the Tywesdaye nexte afftre Seynt James Daye, wherin ye desyre me to remembre Kokett, and also to be helpyng to my brother Johnes mariage.
Item, I remembre thatt thys mony that she sholde have is nott redy, but in the handes of marchauntes of the Estaple, whyche at a prove ye shall fynde per case so slakke payeres, that ye myght be deseyvyd ther by.
For whan I remembre & calle to mynde her beaute, bountee & noblesse, that was as wel wyth her kyng my lord Arthur as wyth her.
I counsel yow remembre how It is noo maydens lawe, Nothing to dought, but to renne out To wod with an outlawe.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "remembre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.