This maked Emelye han remembraunce To don honour to May, and for to ryse.
I trowe, the thank of a people is naught 85 worth in remembraunce to take; ne it procedeth of no wyse jugement; never is it stedfast pardurable.
Her loving herte and constant to her lay Dryve out of remembraunce I ne may.
For whan they mowe here the briddes singe, And see the floures and the leves springe, That bringeth into hertes remembraunce A maner ese, medled with grevaunce, And lusty thoughtes fulle of greet longinge.
And also it mot ofte ben out of thought; for no remembraunce may holde oon thing continuelly in herte, be it never so lusty 20 desyred.
Mirrour of beaute, for you out shuld I ringe, In remembraunce eke of your eyen clere, Thus fer from you, my soverain lady dere!
And for comers hereafter shullen fully, out of denwere, al the sothe knowe of these thinges in acte, but as they wern, I have put it in scripture, in perpetuel remembraunce of true meninge.
Than bringe they to hir remembraunce 5005 The foly dedis of hir infaunce, Which causen hir to mourne in wo That Youthe hath hir bigiled so, Which sodeynly awey is hasted.
Than shal thee come a remembraunce 2565 Of hir shape and hir semblaunce, Wherto non other may be pere.
It makith lovers have remembraunce Of comfort, and of high plesaunce, That Hope hath hight him for to winne.
But sooth is this, how that this fresshe May Hath take swich impression that day, For pitee of this syke Damian, That from hir herte she ne dryve can 1980 The remembraunce for to doon him ese.
Ne of hir heigh estaat no remembraunce Ne hadde she, as by hir countenaunce.
This maked Emelye have remembraunce To doon honour to May, and for to ryse.
Fro thennesforth he rydeth up and doun, And every thing com him to remembraunce As he rood forth by places of the toun In whiche he whylom hadde al his plesaunce.
And thus she sette hir woful herte a-fyre 720 Thorugh remembraunce of that she gan desyre.
And therfor, as my trust ys yn yow that ye sende me your gode remembraunce in as goodly haste as ye may.
All this I remitte to your good remembraunce with Goddes help, to Whom I pray to gyde your ryght to his worshep and your hertes desire.
So diuersly discoursing of their loues, 2 The golden Sunne his glistring head gan shew, And sad remembraunce now the Prince amoues, 4 With fresh desire his voyage to pursew: Als Vna earnd her traueill to renew.
I beseke Almyghty Jesu have yow, my good maystyr, eternaly in hese me[r]cyfull governaunce, and inspyre yow with hese speryt of remembraunce effectualy to precede in this matere.
Perfyte Chastitee forsably feichtis aganis Lechery throu the remembraunce of God and his commandementis.
Fro thennesforth he rydeth up and doun, And every thing com him to remembraunce As he rood forbi places of the toun In whiche he whylom hadde al his plesaunce.
And thus she sette hir woful herte a-fyre 720 Through remembraunce of that she gan desyre.
And than for to be put in remembraunce of youre auncien enheritaunce, verray right and title in youre duchies of Gascoigne and Guien, withe the countrees, baronnyees and seignouries therto belonging.
And he also, for a gret act of remembraunce to be had in writing, was crouned king of Fraunce in the noble citee of Paris, in the yere of Crist M^l.
And sithe this litille epistle is wrote and entitled to courage and comfort noble men in armes to be in perpetuite of remembraunce for here noble dedis, as right convenient is soo to bee.
For as for a brief advertisement and remembrauncehow Thomas the duc of Clarence in his yong age, the yere of Crist M^l.
The voluntarie dethe of whiche Marcus Actilius, for the welfare, prosperite, and comon profit of Rome, causithe hym to be an example to alle othir, and to be put perpetuelly in remembraunce for worship.
Notwithestanding the saide adversite and tribulacions felle unto hem for avaunsing and tendring the comyn wele, and alle men of worship may put hem in worshipfulle remembraunce among worthy princes to here gret renomme and laude.
And if that olde bokes were a-weye, 25 +Y-loren were ofremembraunce the keye.
And for this horrible and detestable wickednesse yée shall all die, and in memory of traytors I will destroy this cittie, and turne the fundations vpwardes, so that there shall remayne no remembraunce of you.
Beséeching the Emperours maiestie to haue hym in remembraunce when offices and prouisions shoulde bee sente vnto that newe Spayne latelye discouered at hys great costes, and in recompence of hys paines and trauell.
But Loue (in the eyes wherof nothing is so secrete, but will come to knoweledge) had brought the same againe into the remembraunce of the amorous Lady.
And beyng come to the Castell gate he saide to the keper of his castell: “Knocke at the gate, and fayne thy selfe to be alone, and saye that I passing by thy house did leaue a remembraunce with thee, to cary to my ladie.
Now as they attended for the time of execution, the Lady was placed in the mid of the Parke, not without teares and sighes of the Assistantes who murmured at the remembraunce of the horror of a sight so furious.
Call to thy remembraunce and consider, that when thou geuest the signe and watch worde of the battell, our twoo armies shall bee but a ridiculous spectacle to them.
And like as God had not forgotten his sister, euen so he shewed his mercifull remembraunce of him.
When he had supped, he made a particuler remembraunce to his wife how the affaires of his house should be disposed in his absence: and then toke his leaue, giuing her a Iudas kisse.
Her talke was not long, but yet she made him beleue that nature failed her, and that by litle and litle she drewe towardes her ende: desiring him to haue her and her poore soule in remembrauncewhen he made his orisons and praiers.
Wherefore, to make a wise and discrete aunswere that he might not be ouer shotte, he sharpened his wittes, and sodainly came into His remembraunce this aunswere.
To morow morning then (answeared the Traitour) one hower before day, I will let you see the varlet goinge out of her chamber with so great ioy, as I do conceiue heauines and griefe for the simple remembraunce of so greate wickednes.
The remembraunceof theyr memorable victories, doth it not touche the depthe of your conscience?
For of warres shee had good experience against the Florentines, who by long remembraunce haue don what they coulde to make hir subiect vnto them.
It is but now that you haue called to remembraunce that which might insue your mariage with sir Bologna?
But sith there is no enemy in the field, and that but simple suspicion doth assayle me, why breake I not the same, and deface the entier remembraunceof the lightnesse of my brayne?
Roderico hearing him say so, began to call to his remembraunce his Freende Dom Diego, although he neuer before that tyme suspected the place of his abode.
The Thursdaie, in remembraunce of Christes Ascencion, and the Sondaie, of his glorious Resurrection: which we celebrate fro Sondaie to Sondaie continually, ones euery eight daies.
The fiueth daie aftre that, how Christe in his laste supper, for a continualle remembraunce of himself, instituted the moste holsome Sacramente of his bodie and bloud, vndre the fourme of breade and wine leauyng it to be sene and eaten of his.
And giueth hym a blowe on the lefte chieke, for a remembraunce of the Sacrament, that he come not for it againe.
Christe our Lorde hym selfe, the daye before he suffred, kepte it solemnly with his disciples, and consecrated, and ordeined it continually to be celebrated, and eaten in the remembraunce of him selfe.
XVIII So diversly discoursing of their loves, The golden Sunne his glistring head gan shew, 155 And sad remembraunce now the Prince amoves With fresh desire his voyage to pursew; Als Una earnd her traveill to renew.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "remembraunce" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.