This prayer folowynge is good for them that vnderstande not theyr seruycein latyne.
Remembrynge [that] god is there present and seeth what ye do Lete none see you from the seruyce of god or vnoccupyed.
Remembre also yf [thou] hast ouerskypped in the seruyceof god ony wordes / verses / or ony Inclynacyons & suche other.
Rebukyng other or to speke of your noble blood or kynrede / for in the spousage and seruyce of god / the poorest mannes doughter lyuynge shall be egall & lyke to the gretest kynges doughter lyuynge in erthe.
And therby make your spyrytes the more quycke and apte to the seruyce of our lorde in confusyon of your enemye and encreace of glorye.
Passe out this weke/ & tha shall this also be geven the for y^e seruycewhich thou shalt serue me yet .
And netheles Troianys, this ilk tyde, Mysenus deth bewalit at the cost syde, Onto the dolorus onsilly body Funeral seruyce completand by and by.
Eneas in Sycill, but langar tary, Maid for his fader the seruyce anniuersary.
Consideryng that they were in the dyuyls seruyce and stelyng of conys and supposyng it had ben the deuyll in dede, [they] for fere, ran away.
Speaking of attendance at divine service Gascoigne remarks: They that have helthe and strengthe and ar nor lettyd by obedience, they ought to be full hasty and redy to come to this holy seruyce and lothe to be thense.
But when the effect ofseruyce is ioyned wyth his attempt, and proofe belyeth not hys promyse, then the Captain imbraceth him, and aduaunceth him, as a glasse for his affaires from that time forth.
One Girolamo Ruscelli, a learned Italyan making prety notes for the better elucidation of the Italyan Decamerone of Boccaccio, iudgeth Boccaccio himselfe to be this scholler, whom by an other name he termeth to be Rinieri.
And although the Lady was many times requyred to visite the Baron, yet she would neuer to that request consent.
Conrade being within found the Captayn's Father, vppon whom he was reuenged, and killed him with his owne hands.
And in your so doyng ye shall do the kinges grace a righte acceptableseruyce to his contentatyon And so fare ye well from London the xxviii^{ti} daye of march.
Than ye shulde haue sene euery noble man doyng their seruyce to them apoynted in y{e} best maner y{t} hath ben sene in any suche serimony.
The seruyce borne by Knyghtes whiche were to me to longe to tell in order the goodly seruyce of kyndes of meate with their deuyses from the hyest vnto the lowest there haue not ben sene more goodlyer nor honorablyer done in no mannes dayes.
These noble men dyd theyr seruyce in suche humble sorte and fassyon that it was wonder to se the payne and dylygence of them beynge suche noble personages.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seruyce" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.