As a result of this improved recruitment procedure, the new members after the congress were 44.
National Insurance Act, these women were admitted by the new method of recruitment adopted by the Civil Service Commissioner under Clause VII.
This refusal of the recruitment of labourers by Great Britain was the first public and national sign of disapproval of Congolese methods.
The greatest mistake made in our civil war was in the mode of recruitment and promotion.
The German method of recruitment is simply perfect, and there is no good reason why we should not follow it substantially.
Especially the recruitment of the whole population, including the peasantry, for war was entirely in the interest of the influential nomad fighting peoples within the state.
These schools will be exclusively intended for the recruitment of officers of each arm, in the proportion of one school per arm.
On the expiration of two months from the coming into force of the present treaty there must only exist in Germany the number of military schools which is absolutely indispensable for the recruitment of the officers of the units allowed.
We had talked to this man twice in detail concerning the question of possiblerecruitment by Soviet intelligence.
No; we had discussed ways of bringing about recruitmentand so forth, in the way of pamphlets, or things of that nature, but this never got out of the talking stage itself.
Recruitment standards, which had to be relaxed during the war, are now being tightened.
Nothing on the face of the act or in its public history indicated that the British Government proposed to attempt recruitment in the United States, nor did it ever give intimation of such intention to this Government.
The Base Office in Bombay was converted in 1918 into a Base Postal Depot, and in addition to dealing with the mails for the troops it was also assigned the duty of recruitment and mobilization of postal reinforcements.
I think the best plan will be to retain the organization of the Royal Irish Constabulary, and to reduce the present force by shortrecruitment when the Imperial Government think that can be safely done.
To coordinate with the Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis in developing policies and requirements for the recruitment and selection of intelligence officials of the intelligence component.
Despite the intensity of the recruitment drive, Atmananda found time to assist certain seekers on a one-on-one basis.
The work of recruitment progressed so rapidly, that on the 6th of May the company was ready to complete its organization by the choice of commissioned officers.
The man who spoke these words was Plenipotentiary for the Four Year Plan charged with the recruitment and allocation of manpower.
To which Koehrl replied: “The calling up started after the recruitment no longer yielded enough results.
The most important thing is the recruitment of workers.
Miami, Atlanta, Chicago, Boston, and Dallas were also used asrecruitment centers for developing Ahmed's personal army.
Weapons designers since Oppen- heiner have had to face similar moral dilemmas, and with wide- spread hatred of things American, recruitment couldn't have been all that difficult.
The discipline maintained in the great camps of the besiegers was severe, and the besieged experienced the unusual recruitment of five hundred to six hundred deserters who penetrated within their lines.
Mr. Justice Rahim, for his rare courage in writing a solitary Minute of Dissent, in which he totally rejected the Report, and laid down the right principles which should govern recruitment for the Indian Civil Services.
An interesting piece of research could deal with the method of recruitment and registration in the Kuomintang before the coming of the Communist advisers.
Recruitment seems to have been on a basis of oath-taking, initiation, etc.
Such conditions prevented the recruitment of old regiments, especially those in the armies that surrendered under Johnston and Taylor.
General Lee protested against this practice as preventing the proper recruitment of the armies.