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Example sentences for "conscription"

Lexicographically close words:
consciousness; consciousnesses; conscript; conscripted; conscripting; conscriptions; conscripts; conscyence; consecrate; consecrated
  1. The Conscription Act was resisted by Rebel sympathizers and the criminal classes generally in several places, notably in New York City, where the atrocious "Draft riots" occurred.

  2. At the same time conscription enormously swelled the Rebel ranks.

  3. Chatelet was one of the agreeable young men who escaped conscription after conscription by keeping very close to the Imperial sun.

  4. Forced conscription daily snapping Ties which bind us to our clan; Forced conscription slowly sapping All the manhood of the Han.

  5. The immense levies made in France, one after the other, had converted the conscription into a sort of pressgang.

  6. He had recourse to the conscription to fill up the deficiencies of the army; and the project of refounding the artillery was abandoned.

  7. She and Berkman organized the No-Conscription League for the purpose of encouraging conscientious objectors to resist induction into the army.

  8. The people accept the military establishment willingly enough even though conscription removes a great part of the young male population from the labor force for periods of from sixteen to twenty-four months.

  9. Conscription may form a great and admirable machine, but it differs from the trained army of volunteers as a body differs from a soul.

  10. There is talk of conscription in England to-day.

  11. Three brothers, simple laboring men, named Fischer, and living in a village situated on the furthest frontier of Lorraine, were compelled by the Republican conscription to set out with the so-called army of the Rhine.

  12. In 1830 he took office as the fourth wheel of the coach, at the time of the levies, a sort of conscription made by Louis Philippe on the old Napoleonic soldiery.

  13. The Pope, with all his entreaties, and with all his prayers, was unable to procure an exception from the conscription of young men preparing themselves for priesthood.

  14. In the first place, a Conscription Act is opposed to popular prejudice.

  15. The "White Slave Traffic" goes with the "Conscription Act," both outgrowths of the War System.

  16. Once set in motion, the machinery of conscription worked rapidly and somewhat smoothly.

  17. At the time of the first conscription the few men left in Kentucky, who had the will, could not make their way into Confederate camps; far less could the unwilling be forced to come.

  18. The stringent addenda to the Conscription law--that had come too late--were put into force.

  19. They had submitted to the most stringent levy of conscription and impressment ever imposed upon a nation.

  20. But, the Conscription Act, like all other congressional measures, was saddled with a companion, "Bill of Exemptions.

  21. The newspapers gave him aid and comfort in both breaches of discipline; and in some instances, their influence against the conscription and impressments was seriously felt in the interior.

  22. Now, when the same arguments were used to enforce the passage of the Conscription Act, the enemies that Mr. Davis had by this time gathered around him, little recked that in their wisdom, they were quoting him.

  23. And yet our conscription superintendents, under orders, are busily engaged furloughing and detailing the rich slaveowners!

  24. Conflict of views in the Conscription Bureau.

  25. Congress has not yet restricted the class of exempts, and the work of conscription drags heavily along.

  26. The Superintendent of the Bureau of Conscription is at open war with the General of Reserves in Virginia, and confusion is likely to be worse confounded.

  27. We shall have men enough, if the Secretary and conscription officers do not strain the meshes of the seine too much, and the currency will be reduced.

  28. Kemper, and the conflict of conscription authorities goes on, while the country perishes.

  29. Lee says the Bureau of Conscription has ceased to send forward recruits, and suggests that the conscript officers and their tens of thousands of details be now ordered into the ranks themselves.

  30. Mr. Seddon says he has striven to make the conscription officers do their duty, and was not aware that so many farmers had gotten exemption.

  31. New York had subsided, under the menacing attitude of the military authority, and that Lincoln had ordered the conscription law to be enforced.

  32. Judge Campbell has exercised almost exclusive control of the conscription and the passport business of the government since his appointment.

  33. Beyond this, however, one felt that the moral effect of Canada's refusing conscription would be very harmful.

  34. A few of the men told me that the thing which made them hesitate about voting for conscription was that they could not bring themselves to do anything which would force others to come and endure the hellish life at the front.

  35. The preparations for the grand conflict about to take place are carried on with unabating activity; the conscription is rigorously enforced and every youth capable of bearing arms is enrolled.

  36. They do not seem to dread the conscription half so much as they did last year.

  37. There is a placard on the Mairie announcing that the drawing for the conscription is to take place next Thursday.

  38. The conscription has been used in many countries to take away laborers who supported their families, from their useful work, and maintain them for purposes chiefly of military display at the public expense.

  39. It would not be hard to show that a conscription is by no means an impossibility; that our liberties demand constant vigilance; and that individual effort may greatly affect taxation.

  40. It used to assert by means of the press-gang its right to seize men for service in war; and it could at this day order a conscription which would compel all in the prime of life to pass under the military yoke.

  41. The conscription system was introduced after the examples of the Western countries, and this reform naturally led to the loss of the privileges of the samurai.

  42. The one who cannot afford to escape conscription by paid substitutes or money may be exempt if he has a wife dependent upon him.

  43. One reason for child-marriages among Mohammedans in Syria is the conscription which demands for the army every young man of eighteen.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conscription" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    call; catchword; clarion; conscription; draft; drafting; draught; draughtsman; draughty; enlistment; enrollment; exhortation; impressment; induction; levy; mobilization; muster; press; rally; recruitment; slogan; summons; watchword