Early in June 1915 a general reconstruction was effected in the reserve and training cadres at home; and a number of fresh battalions were formed composed largely of personnel who were not medically fit to serve overseas.
This great accession enabled an immediate reconstruction of the four companies to take place, and they were accordingly reformed and the reinforcements absorbed, A Company under Capt.
The cultivation of imagery: Images depend on sensory stimuli--The influence of frequent recall--The reconstruction of our images.
Their concepts petrify from lack of use and the constant reconstruction which growth necessitates.
We will not, then, expect to see a complete reconstruction of society.
There is perhaps nothing more fanciful in Ruskin’s reconstruction of Society than his marriage regulations, laid down in Time and Tide, and mentioned in the last chapter.
The landlord of the Pavilion then gave up the contest, so far as any attempt at reconstruction was concerned, and proceeded to obtain redress by due course of law.
It had been represented that that body had utterly failed to answer the ends for which it had been created, and that the restoration of legislative harmony and good government required its reconstruction on the elective principle.
Caesar, in return, accused him of embezzling public money during the reconstruction of the temple on the Capitol, and proposed to obliterate his name from the inscription and deprive him of the office of commissioner for its restoration.
The most imposing of more recent attempts at a reconstruction of the categories is that of F.
The chief of these factors are the reconstruction of the Russian fleet, which will be accomplished within a few years, and the preparation of a French native colonial force, which would be available for European hostilities.
He ordered the reconstruction of the fortress which had been destroyed during the Revolution; but when the townsfolk heard the news, they protested so vehemently that the work was stopped and an order was issued for Buonaparte's arrest.
The Directors' secret instructions reveal the plans which they then harboured for the reconstruction of the Continent.
The observations of his engineers confirmed his conjecture, but the vast labour of reconstruction forbade any attempt to construct a maritime canal.
But the difficulties arising out of the reconstruction of this moribund Order were as nothing when compared with those resulting from the reopening of a far vaster and more complex question--the "eternal" Eastern Question.
Here again the events of the Revolution had left the field clear for vast works of reconstruction such as would have been impossible but for the abolition of the many monastic institutions of old Paris.
After doing much to destroy the old society, he was now to take a prominent share in its reconstruction on a modern basis.
I propose here briefly to review the most important works of reconstruction which render the Consulate and the early part of the Empire for ever famous.
The first question of politicalreconstruction which urgently claimed attention was that of local government.
It is only fair to add that he summoned to the work of civic reconstruction many of the best intellects of Italy.
Cicero knew as well as any the need for social reconstruction in Rome;[44] and he repeatedly records the sagacity of Lucius Marcus Philippus, who had been tribune and consul in Cicero's boyhood.
From the Polonian prattle of Cicero to his son we can gather how all schemes of reconstruction were viewed by the ruling class, whether in retrospect or prospect.
See Report by Committee appointed by Ministry of Reconstruction to consider the post-war position of building.
In the year 1883, while this work of reconstruction was proceeding, a religious insurrection, which had originated two years previously, was forced upon the notice of the government.
The important work of the reconstruction of Egypt now began in earnest.
In the consequent reconstruction of the cabinet, Castlereagh had succeeded the Marquis of Wellesley.
The treaty of Schönbrunn was a flagrant violation of the agreement made between Napoleon and Alexander at Erfurt, inasmuch as it materially enlarged the grand duchy of Warsaw and thus menaced Russia with the reconstruction of Poland.
He was to offer, first, the surrender of the Continental System as far as Russia was concerned; and, second, such a reconstruction of the map of eastern Europe as would put an end to the grand duchy of Warsaw forever.
Rather, the policy of Free Trade was implemented as a means for the political reconstruction of the Central European states.
With these provisos, I suggest a reconstructionof our theories of dramatic interest, in which mere first-night curiosity shall be relegated to the subordinate place which by right belongs to it.
On the other hand, I believe that a reconstruction of Tennyson's Queen Mary, with a few connecting links written in, might take a permanent place in the theatre.
The only other work of importance done before Dean Goodwin left for Carlisle was the reconstruction of the organ.
To obtain a reversal without a reconstruction of the court was not expected.
Organization and aims of the Orthopedic Reconstruction Hospital.
In the post-bellum and reconstruction period the physician will need to guard against regarding all cases called Shell-shock as really neuroses, merely on the ground that Shell-shock is probably neurosis.
And who amongst us, medical or lay, will not have to deal in reconstruction days with cases like some here compiled?
Laymen will in the reconstruction period succumb to the lure of the 100 per cent and gossip about cures and failures in the same loose manner that is but too familiar in discussions of Lourdes, Christian Science, the Emmanuel Movement.
The city is now undergoing a reconstruction and remodeling that is confusing even to its middle aged citizens, who were born in the old humdrum city.
After the death of Lincoln, the work of reconstruction was taken up by his successor, Johnson.
Congress, therefore, in March, 1867, passed over the veto a Reconstruction Act setting forth what the states would have to do to get back into the Union.
The Reconstruction Act had secured the negro the right to vote.
Stephen Phelps, then the pastor of the Presbyterian church at Vinton, had been very prominently connected with the college ever since its reconstruction as Coe Collegiate Institute in 1875.
The work of construction and reconstruction was begun at once and vigorously pushed during the season of 1891.
Every one who desires industrial reconstruction would do well to master it.
Reconstruction” is a phrase now much in vogue, but reconstruction is not progress.
The reconstruction was, moreover, instantaneous, the child found it ready-made, when he opened the box on leaving the shop.
Boldly it proceeds, with the powers of conceptual thought alone, to the ideal reconstruction of all things, even of life.
Signs are made to dispense us with this effort by substituting, for the moving continuity of things, an artificial reconstruction which is its equivalent in practice and has the advantage of being easily handled.
They tend to withdraw into their own definition, that is to say, into the artificial reconstruction and symbolical expression which is their intellectual equivalent.