The son of the King, rebuffed by her scorn, no longer desired her, or what is more likely was too much afraid of his father to give rise to fresh scenes of violence and scandal.
But she paid dearly for it, for she presently beheld stained with the blood of her brethren the place where she had flouted and rebuffed the brave old man from his seat.
Then, learning too late the temper of the old man, she turned her harshness into gentleness, and respectfully waited on him whom she had rebuffed and railed at with bitter revilings.
As a boy, all his passionate cravings for sympathy, for affection, were rebuffedby her haughty reserve, and recoiled within him.
Karl rebuffed her in his misery, and I misled her.
He had cravenly rebuffed her, and she had borne the rebuff in silence.
The northward expansion of the Romans, rebuffed by the high double wall of the Central Alps, was bent to the westward over the Maritime, Cottine and Savoy Alps, where the barrier offered the shortest and easiest transmontane routes.
In addition to the usual barriers of mountains, deserts, and seas before the invention of boats, primeval forests have always offered serious obstacles to man armed only with stone or bronze axe, and they rebuffed even man of the iron age.
She had rebuffed the advances of Sir Lucien as she had rebuffed others, primarily because her aim in life was set higher than mere success in light comedy.
Ulrich again stood before the Alcazar, and recalled the hour when, a poor lad, just escaped from prison, he had been harshly rebuffed by the same porter, who now humbly saluted the young gentleman attired in costly velvet.
Well, there's enough wrong here without anything new," said the Judge, rebuffed but still gentle.
The possibility of being rebuffed on this occasion did not occur to Selma.
I have been passing through just such experiences in New York--encountering and beingrebuffed by just such people as those who belong to this Reform Club.
Arthemesia, queen of Caria, whom another Phaon had rebuffed and who, to teach him better manners, put his eyes out, threw herself from it.
Once or twice he saw others quite as brutally rebuffed as he had been, and it was only by turning away that he kept himself from taking a hand in an encounter.
Well-meaning men who knew nothing about him, except that he was a guard, were rebuffed in quite the same way.
She was not to be deceived by the face value of the ladies' praises, nor rebuffed unmercifully by my Aunt Caroline, who had held the sceptre in the absence of a younger aspirant.
I hope a Carvel never has to be rebuffed twice, nor to be humbled by craving an explanation before a company.
The rebuffed applicant found at that page in the book: "Accuse not a servant to his master, lest he curse thee, and thou be found guilty!
Hoping to find her on the Owl's Nest with old Tabus, he then landed there, but had been so uncivilly rebuffed on the shore by a rough fellow that he might be glad to have escaped with sound limbs.
Would she have rebuffed him so ungraciously with her lips as with the pen?
Some of those rebuffed by the Administration then demanded concessions of territory; they were granted a few yards of land,[259] and at exorbitant prices some seeds and tools.
The workmen of Rouen declared their adhesion to the Commune; the workmen of Havre, rebuffedby the bourgeois Republicans, constituted an independent group.
She had felt anxiously as if some one ought to know where they were going, but not Billy--Billy, who was always now either too melancholy or too joyous, as she rebuffed or relented.
She blushed with happiness and almost simultaneously rebuffed Julien with all the anger of jealousy.
A bitter irony rebuffed those assurances of friendship which the astonished mademoiselle de la Mole ventured to hazard on two or three occasions.
These attempts were extremely subtle, but Julien rebuffed them roughly.
He wished to know the whole extent of the evil, and to effect this emerged a little from that haughty obstinate silence with which he had scrupulously rebuffed his comrades.
He talked more of himself and his affairs than he had ever done in his life before; expatiated upon his growing business, assumed his guest's contentment in his happiness, invited praise of his Lucy, and was not rebuffed at their denial.
It would be tedious to recount how often that wagged her into acquiescence with a James suddenly revealed freakish, and how often she relapsed into the despair of one sharply rebuffed when she found him sedately himself.
With the cold brutality of an elder sister Haidee rebuffed him.
Rupert took her defection good-naturedly, and devoted himself to Haidee, who rebuffed him and sulked.
Her two boys scarcely dared to approach their mother, who, unlike her usual self, harshly rebuffed them.
No doubt she had alreadyrebuffed many another as sharply as she had just prevented him from seizing her hand.
The chaplain who had been given to her associated with this devout tendency of his penitent the hope that Barbara would decide to enter a convent; but she rebuffed in the firmest manner every attempt to induce her to form this resolve.