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Example sentences for "putrescent"

Lexicographically close words:
putrefactive; putrefied; putrefy; putrefying; putrescence; putrescible; putrid; putridity; putrified; putrifying
  1. Towards proving this preservative power exercised by the oil of Peppermint, pieces of meat, and of fat, wrapped in several layers of gauze medicated with the oil have been kept for seven months sweet, and free from putrescent changes.

  2. The chief virtues of Carrots lie in the strong antiseptic qualities they possess, which prevent all putrescent [89] changes within the body.

  3. Illustration] The scrotum is sometimes distended rapidly by effusion of serum often of a putrescent and acrid nature.

  4. It has also taken place in consequence of the hand being introduced into the rectum—a veterinary method of removing scybala—of an animal labouring under putrescent disease.

  5. When the contents of the bowels are still more stimulant, as when drastic purges, or very putrescent diet, have been taken, a cholera is induced.

  6. These animalcula are probably the effect, and not the cause, of these eruptions; as they are to be seen in all putrescent animal fluids.

  7. When the action of the stomach and bowels is impaired, much gas becomes generated by the fermenting or putrescent aliment, and to this indigestion is catenated languor, coldness of the skin, and fear.

  8. I have twice given water saturated with fixed air in a fever of the putrescent kind, and it agreed very well with the patients.

  9. At the same time, it checks the rapid disorganization of the tissues and their putrescent change, while it sustains the vital processes.

  10. A small amount of putrescent matter habitually introduced into the system, as in the use of food, is productive of the most serious results, which can be traced to the direct action of the poison introduced.

  11. It will intercept those thin, watery discharges which are the result of weakness, degeneration, and putrescent decay of the blood, perpetuated by a low grade of scrofulous inflammation.

  12. To change from a sound to a putrid or putrescent state; to make putrid; to putrefy.

  13. The poisoning of the system by the introduction of putrescent material into the blood.

  14. A poisoned condition of the blood produced by the absorption into it of septic or putrescent material; blood poisoning.

  15. In the commencement of the rotation, lime had better be applied with the putrescent manures to the corn crop, to be followed by guano on wheat.

  16. In none is this more striking than the Scarabaeidae and Cetoniadae, both remarkable for having soft membranous mandibles unfit for mastication, and both living upon juices, the one in a putrescent and the other in an undecayed state[1450].

  17. In putrescent roots and fruits, as the turnip, the cucumber, &c.

  18. Out of that putrescent rubbish of Scepticism, Sensualism, Sentimentalism, hollow Machiavelism, such a Faith has verily risen; flaming in the heart of a People.

  19. Malaria, or morbific and putrescent miasmata, consist chiefly of hydrogenous matter as their basis, and are best counteracted by chlorine, where it can be conveniently applied.

  20. The Dysentery has been long alledged to arise from a putrescent Cause in Camps; from the Smell of corrupted dead Animals, and of Excrements, during the Heat of Summer.

  21. Even to the lamentable taskwork of bad comic engravings for dead and putrescent "Wit's Magazines" his biographer has tracked him and taken note of his doings.

  22. He soon perceived that he had mistaken his way; and at length found himself floundering about in a long narrow street, unpaved, and here and there almost blocked up with heaps of putrescent filth.

  23. Of or pertaining to the process of putrefaction; as, a putrescent smell.

  24. Defn: The poisoning of the system by the introduction of putrescent material into the blood.

  25. Defn: To become putrescent or putrid; to putrefy.

  26. Defn: A poisoned condition of the blood produced by the absorption into it of septic or putrescent material; blood poisoning.

  27. Not state; not putrescent or putrid; not rancid; as, sweet butter; sweet meat or fish.

  28. Footnote 28: Ozone, or oxygen in an allotropic condition, is found in more perceptible quantity in pure localities than in those where great quantities of putrescent substances are accumulated, as the ozone disappears by oxidation.

  29. One of the darkest and most repulsive features in that putrescent society was the social value which attached to a vicious and shameful childlessness.

  30. And not even in Tacitus or Suetonius are to be found more ghastly revelations of a putrescent society, and the ennui and self-loathing which capricious sensualism generates in spirits born for something higher.

  31. Ten hours more elapsed and, without change of circumstances, another drop was taken from the now palpably putrescent fluid.

  32. The presence of putrefiable or putrescent matter determines at once the germination of the always-present spore.

  33. From the nature of vegetable substances, and chiefly from their not passing so rapidly into the putrescent state as animal bodies, the mode of preserving them is somewhat different, although the general principles are the same.

  34. If it consisted of the substances usually supposed, it would be putrescent and diversified.

  35. The putrescent fluid remaining after the expression strongly impregnated with the odour of the shrimps, is evaporated to the consistence of a jelly, and affords a favourite sauce called pétis.

  36. Manures are of two classes--called putrescent and fossil.

  37. The putrescent are composed of decayed, or decaying, vegetable and animal substances.

  38. Every figure was wrapped with its individual ghostliness; a number of ghosts each out on his own promenade, yet each for some reason selecting this unearthly patch of the world, this putrescent and uneasy gloom.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "putrescent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    bad; corrupt; decomposed; festering; foul; gangrened; impure; mortified; mouldy; offensive; peccant; putrefied; putrid; rotten; rotting; spoiled; stagnant; strong; ulcerated