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Example sentences for "psychologically"

Lexicographically close words:
psychogenetic; psychogenic; psychograph; psychologic; psychological; psychologische; psychologist; psychologists; psychology; psychometric
  1. Psychologically speaking, there is no line of demarcation between these two kinds of predication.

  2. Intellectually, primitive man was fully capable of acquiring the use of words as names; and, therefore, psychologically considered, it was only an accident of social environment which prevented him from so doing.

  3. Whether the signs were then made by tone and gesture alone, or likewise by articulate sounds, is also, psychologically considered, immaterial.

  4. For while it cannot be said that either historically or psychologically one is prior to the other, no more can it be said that in the earliest phases of their development one is more expressive than the other.

  5. So primitive, indeed, is nomination of this kind, that I defy any one to show wherein it differs psychologically from what I have called the denotation of a young child, or even of a talking bird.

  6. And I have just shown that when connotation is thus denominative or conceptual, it is psychologically the same as predication.

  7. The latter is psychologically the necessary correlate of the first form.

  8. The motive is, according to all accounts, psychologically quite as comprehensible as the frequently substituted castration of the son by the father.

  9. The propensity towards ease is psychologically a very important factor.

  10. The “prince of this world” turns the tables on his accusation; psychologically quite justifiably.

  11. Psychologically and mythologically the breeze has the value of a spermatic symbol.

  12. And widely as these ideas may be contrasted with the lifegiving mother’s womb, they yet belong psychologically in very close connection with her.

  13. That the will actually does come under this idea of contingency, must be shown psychologically if shown at all.

  14. Theresa, have something in them psychologically morbid.

  15. Psychologically to explain this universal capacity for the fine arts in the nation at this epoch, is perhaps impossible.

  16. A "veridical" hallucination has little psychological pertinence; for it is equally interesting psychologically whether it happens to come true or not.

  17. It is highly desirable that the materials thus gathered should be psychologically utilized, and it is equally desirable that such material should be collected.

  18. The belief in Spiritualism psychologically interpreted; the technical requisites for a judgment in the matter; the investigations of Messrs.

  19. His autobiography is throughout interesting and psychologically valuable, and his conjuring precepts abound in points of importance to the psychologist.

  20. They might be common meteorites, psychologically enlarged flares, or true UFO's, but whatever they were they were playing around in one of the most sensitive security areas in the United States.

  21. But no suggestion of origins and causes should diminish the pleasure of contemplating this curious world, psychologically still so far away from us in the course of human evolution.

  22. Psychologically it seems hard to understand why this remnant of good disposition should be unable to germinate further and further good, so that, at last, good would leaven the whole soul.

  23. In so far as sleep is psychologically determined, it is a regressive phenomenon.

  24. It is but a step from corpse-like behavior to suicidal attempts, psychologically speaking, yet this transition necessarily modifies the clinical picture, since one necessitates inactivity and the other activity.

  25. It is interesting psychologically that the former appeared largely among prisoners in solitary confinement, while the stupors developed preponderantly among those who were not isolated.

  26. That which is psychologically equivalent may nevertheless in practice be very ambiguous.

  27. A second form of fear in contrast to the one we have just described is psychologically more circumscribed and bound up with certain objects or situations.

  28. Knowing and knowing is not always the same thing; there are various kinds of knowing that are psychologically by no means comparable.

  29. Poets are commonly spoken of as psychologically unreliable; and generally there is a vague association between wreathing laurels in your hair and sticking straws in it.

  30. But there is something psychologically Christian about the idea of seeking for the opinion of the obscure rather than taking the obvious course of accepting the opinion of the prominent.

  31. The hypostatic union of natures in Christ is a phenomenon not psychologically improbable, and one which can be paralleled from human experience.

  32. I am no more the experimenter than I am the subject of the experiment, since the experimenter is a poetically-real subjective thinker, and the being he experiments on is his psychologically inevitable production.

  33. In a different department of literature, in the writings of our Danish philosopher, Kierkegaard, we come upon the mirror chamber with its repeated reflections psychologically applied.

  34. However difficult we may find it personally, we ought not to reproach believers too severely on this account; people who are unbelieving or indifferent are so much better off psychologically in this respect.

  35. He then exhibits, therefore, two psychologically distinct ties: a straightforward sexual object-cathexis towards his mother and a typical identification towards his father.

  36. But perhaps on the part of a person who has been psychologically and sexually manipulated and abused.

  37. She was convinced that they were trying to psychologically control her.

  38. This in turn dissolves their partnership with capital and puts an end to their task of psychologically coercing the productive laborers.

  39. The cruelty exhibited, while also serving as a tension release for mob feeling, is psychologically a secondary form of such release--though a very old form.

  40. But whatever the conceptual images employed to give expression to the masochistic impulse, that impulse was psychologically the same.

  41. Psychologically the sacrificer is facing in a different direction.

  42. Psychologically it is an induced state in which the field of consciousness is greatly contracted: the whole of the self, its conative power, being sharply focussed, concentrated upon one thing.

  43. Only the square and the diamond tests are strictly comparable with one another, the other having a psychologically different purpose.

  44. The two experiments are psychologically similar in that they require the subject to relate given fragments into a meaningful whole.

  45. The test is psychologically related to that of giving differences in year VII and to the two tests of finding similarities; but it differs from these in requiring a comparison based on fundamental rather than accidental distinctions.

  46. It is easy to show, however, that this view is superficial and psychologically unsound.

  47. Psychologically the repetition of digits differs from the repetition of sentences mainly in the fact that digits have less meaning (fewer associations) than the words of a sentence.

  48. His condition is psychologically explicable, but to a rational being, in so far as rational, it is not normal.

  49. It is psychologically as interesting to inquire just what impressions people actually receive from one's physiognomy and expression, as it is to ask whether these impressions are correct.

  50. Those girls, at their circle meetings, or elsewhere, had obviously become very facile instruments in spiritualism, had become usable by spirits as subjects for impressions, and psychologically induced sensations.

  51. Earnest, heartfelt prayer might psychologically break their hold, and induce them to say, "we knock no more.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "psychologically" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.