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Example sentences for "protectors"

Lexicographically close words:
protective; protectively; protector; protectorate; protectorates; protectorship; protectour; protectress; protects; protege
  1. There also were doubtless jewellers and vendors of little domestic tutelary deities, protectors of the hearth, the ox-stall, and the garden.

  2. They were so close to the house that the windows were seen to be outlined here and there by the glow around the edges of the sashes and, through insect protectors of gauze, from subdued lights within.

  3. In fact, the fierce, hungry, set face of the pursuer of the Mexican protectors of dona Dolores would have sufficed to impress even a more nonchalant person than our Englishman.

  4. Whilst I was carried away, heaven knows how far, luckily I fell in with a couple of decent fellows, professional protectors of the cattle from vermin, and they conducted me to the post, also whither they were bearing their pelts.

  5. Of this we are the witnesses, as we have been her protectors for these three years.

  6. Here the gods together with Indra, and the protectors of all born beings, celebrated sacrifices of various kinds on a large scale, and paid abundant gratuities to the ministering priests.

  7. Beholding those protectors of the worlds assembled together on the heights of Himavat, Dhananjaya, the son of Kunti, wondered much.

  8. O most righteous of the protectors of men, O (prince) of a powerful arm!

  9. I am left at Castlewood an Orphan, and find most kind Protectors there VIII.

  10. In 1869, the "protectors of women" enacted a law which exempted a homestead from being sold for the payment of debts so long as the man who held it might live, while it allowed his widow and children to be turned out penniless and homeless.

  11. And since such conduct ever adheres to the righteous, the righteous often become the protectors of all.

  12. I don't know who the person could be that would think of carrying away that princess who hath such powerful protectors and who is even like a walking embodiment of the hearts of the sons of Pandu?

  13. Here the gods together with Indira, and the protectors of all born beings, celebrated sacrifices of various kinds on a large scale, and paid abundant gratuities to the ministering priests.

  14. Let noble Warwick, Cobham, and the rest, Whom we have left protectors of the king, With powerful policy strengthen themselves, And trust not simple Henry nor his oaths.

  15. I make you both protectors of this land, While I myself will lead a private life And in devotion spend my latter days, To sin's rebuke and my Creator's praise.

  16. If the guardians of society, the protectors of "young persons," could have had their way, we should have known nothing of Byron or Shelley.

  17. Both were the defenders and protectors of slavery.

  18. Refusing to credit the statement that the English came as friends and protectors and not as enemies, the Governor openly expressed his distrust, and in doing so simply voiced the feelings of the people.

  19. Thus once more the Christians found Moslem protectors ready to defend them against Moslem foes.

  20. It is needless to add that the protectors are often criminals, or of the criminal type.

  21. We have just seen the social conditions under which prostitution becomes quite naturally organized, with its protectors and its proxenetism.

  22. Some protectors shine by their sexual power, and are at the same time the real lovers of the prostitutes, who keep them, and are plundered by them.

  23. It is precisely because these places are not under legal protection, that the patrons or protectors of prostitutes cannot employ the terrorism of licensed proxenets.

  24. This psychological trait responds to natural selection, for the women obtain by this custom better protectors and stronger children.

  25. While they submit to coitus with their clients without any pleasure, and only simulate voluptuous sensations, they abandon themselves to their protectors or lovers with ardor.

  26. Proxenetism and protectors are thus the parasites of prostitution.

  27. The Bavarian royal family has preserved for two or three generations the traditions of a modern Medici dynasty; they are the declared champions of talent, the protectors of innovations of any kind.

  28. To the immortal glory of these men be it said that neither violence nor persecution was resorted to by them, their disciples, or their protectors for the triumph of civilization and religion.

  29. And, thus united, long might they have continued the cherishers of arts and sciences, the protectors of the oppressed, the scourge of tyrants, and the safe asylum of liberty.

  30. Royal Irish protectors with a word or a nod no more than if they were watch dogs.

  31. Landlords were lords and leaders, benefactors and protectors to their tenants in my imagination.

  32. I was silly enough to suppose that the protected family would provide a bowl of hot coffee for their protectors through the silent watches of the night, or a glass of the handier and very popular whiskey, but dear, oh no!

  33. The protectors of the girl whom I have saved.

  34. They have a small expansion and resist temperature changes well, which makes them good as outside protectors for more fragile tubes.

  35. The commander shook his head, and the shake was significant; while the fifer stoutly affirmed that the whole of the nocturnal symposium had been charged against the protectors of the realm.

  36. They are a rude race, civilised by the Jesuits, but probably the paternal form of government was the highest to which they were adapted, and when their protectors departed they retrograded.

  37. The result would, no doubt, have been different had their powerful protectors remained in the country.

  38. The protectors were washed away, and no result was obtained.

  39. The failure of the Ship protectors a source of great vexation to Davy.

  40. The copper near the protectors was much more foul than that at a greater distance from them; and there was, moreover, a considerable deposit of carbonate of lime, and of carbonate and hydrate of magnesia, in their vicinity.

  41. The protectors were bars of iron six inches wide at their base, three inches in thickness in their centre, and, in outward form, the segment of an extended circle.

  42. The Zebra was docked four years after the experiment had commenced, when the zinc protectors were perfect, and it did not appear that they had exerted any influence in preserving the copper, as it had wasted equally on both sides.

  43. Most other ear protectors act on the wrong principle and are painful to wear and they bring on giddiness.

  44. There is no inconvenience in wearing these ear protectors and they are not very noticeable.

  45. I have always prayed and believed that God would raise up protectors for Ruth, and it seems to me now that the way you have been brought hither in these latter days of my life is the answer to my prayer.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "protectors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.