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Example sentences for "proprietary medicines"

  • It is a common occurrence that samples of proprietary medicines, foods, mineral waters, plasters, etc.

  • It was difficult to secure even this small restriction upon the sale of proprietary medicines because of the opposition of a large number of newspaper publishers who were sharing the ill-gotten gains of the medical fakirs.

  • Converted men relapse into evil ways through coquetting with sin; and cured inebriates relapse to drink, and drugs, through the use of proprietary medicines, with which the domestic market is flooded.

  • Morphine, extracted from gum opium by a slow and expensive process, is used much less in proprietary medicines than is tincture of opium, which is more easily manufactured.

  • Repeated requests for some of the matter have led to the compilation of “The Propaganda for Reform in Proprietary Medicines,” which, in the present volume, attains its ninth edition.

  • Chemical Laboratory, but not reprinted in either volume of the Propaganda for Reform in Proprietary Medicines.

  • As much secrecy is employed as in the preparation of proprietary medicines.

  • Another bitter contention that is confusing some, and disgusting others, is the acrimonious strife between users and non-users of proprietary medicines.

  • Alcohol and iodide of potash are not the only drugs likely to do harm that are incorporated in proprietary medicines.

  • This not only is never true, but never has been true in the history of proprietary medicines.

  • The reckless prescription of alcohol by some physicians is another cause of the habit, and the use of proprietary medicines is a still more prolific source of drunkenness and the consequent misfortune.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "proprietary medicines" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    come along; dont know; enfranchise women; expelled from; house again; less serious; little flower; marriage contract; potential energy; pretty certain; proprietary medicines; slightly less; small boat; small book; stretching away; strong impression; this journey; this plan; turned around; when baked; who never; will stop