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Example sentences for "projective"

Lexicographically close words:
projectile; projectiles; projecting; projection; projections; projector; projectors; projects; projet; projets
  1. Emch's Introduction to Projective Geometry and its Applications.

  2. The projective agent in its special activities engenders Intensities, Shades, Respirations.

  3. As a rule, they have no difficulty finding donors; their projective empathy allows them to share their feeding-pleasure with the donor.

  4. Kins develop great physical strength and projective empathy, as well as the elongated canines that are the visible evidence of their change.

  5. This again is, on the one hand, the basis of the second part of our general projective principle, and on the other hand the condition of applying quantity, in the measurement of angles, to the departure of two intersecting straight lines.

  6. He showed that, with the ordinary notion of distance, it can be rendered projective by reference to the circular points and the line at infinity, and that the same is true of angles[40].

  7. This confusion, in projective Geometry, shows the importance of a name, and should make us chary of allowing new meanings to obscure one of the fundamental properties of space.

  8. The coordinate system is a wholly extraneous, and merely convenient, set of marks, which in no way touches the essence of projective Geometry.

  9. Thus we obtain a projective transformation of four lines into four other lines, as giving a figure qualitatively indistinguishable from the original figure.

  10. And which are nearly equivalent to the three axioms of projective Geometry 52 50.

  11. Illustration] Let O, P, Q be the three points whose projective relation is required.

  12. To sum up: Quantities, as used in projective Geometry, do not stand for spatial magnitudes, but are conventional symbols for purely qualitative spatial relations.

  13. If we agree on these definitions, we can proceed to discuss the fundamental principle of projective Geometry, and to analyse the axioms implicated in its truth.

  14. In connection with the reduction of metrical to projective Geometry, we have one more topic for discussion.

  15. From the exclusively mathematical standpoint, as we have seen, projective Geometry discusses only what figures can be obtained from each other by projective transformations, i.

  16. To balance those limitations, they developed great physical strength and endurance, as well as the responsive and projective forms of empathy the detective chief had mentioned.

  17. And one answers your question--they don't know how long the effects of the projective empathy last.

  18. They have something called projective empathy, according to these tapes, and they can use it to make you feel anything they want you to feel.

  19. And this is true even of such apparently essentially intuitional fields as projective geometry, where entities can be substituted for directional lines and the axioms be turned into relational postulates governing their configurations.

  20. The two mathematically fundamental things in projective geometry are anharmonic ratio, and the quadrilateral construction.

  21. It is astonishing that this subject [projective geometry] should be so generally ignored, for mathematics offers nothing more attractive.

  22. There exist a small number of very simple fundamental relations which contain the scheme, according to which the remaining mass of theorems [in projective geometry] permit of orderly and easy development.

  23. We shall now consider projective rows whose bases do not meet.

  24. Before we go over to their applications we have to show that we obtain the same curve if we take, instead of S1, S2, any two other points on the curve as centres of projective pencils.

  25. They are cut by the lines of the other set in two projective rows.

  26. From the definition, according to which an involution may be considered as made up of two projective rows, follow at once the following important properties: 1.

  27. If the points at infinity in two projective rows correspond so that I' and J are at infinity, this result loses its meaning.

  28. We have considered hitherto projective rows which lie in the same plane, in which case lines joining corresponding points envelop a conic.

  29. The envelope of order which is generated by two second class which is generated projective flat pencils passes by two projective rows contains through the centres of the two the bases of these rows as pencils.

  30. A curve of the second order is generated by two projective pencils.

  31. This gives two concentric rows, and these are projective pencils, which are projective because the pencils are because the rows are projective.

  32. This important property gives a first example how metric properties are connected with projective ones.

  33. Locher-Ernst who, each in his own way, have made a beginning with applying projective geometry on the lines indicated by Rudolf Steiner.

  34. Conceived dynamically, as projective geometry requires, Point and Plane represent a pair of opposites, the Point standing for utmost contraction, the Plane for utmost expansion.

  35. Adams, where this 'weaving' is shown with the help of projective geometry.

  36. By thus realizing the source in man of the polar-Euclidean thought-forms, we see the discovery of projective geometry in a new light.

  37. The value in this respect of projective geometrical thinking.

  38. In projective geometry the operation is of a different character.

  39. As referred to in Chapter I, it was Rudolf Steiner who first pointed to the significance in this respect of the branch of modern mathematics known as Projective Geometry.

  40. He showed that Projective Geometry, if rightly used, carries over the mind from the customary abstract to a new concrete treatment of mathematical concepts.

  41. Projective geometry is able to state that a point moving along this line in one direction will eventually return from the other.

  42. In the classification of the groups, projective or non-projective of two or more variables, the distinction between primitive and imprimitive groups immediately presents itself.

  43. The groups simply isomorphic with the general projective group in space of n dimensions.

  44. The groups simply isomorphic with the totality of the projective transformations which transform a non-special linear complex in space of 2n - 1 dimensions with itself.

  45. The groups simply isomorphic with the totality of the projective transformations which change a quadric of non-vanishing discriminant into itself.

  46. The analysis of the general projective group must obviously increase very rapidly in complexity, as the dimensions of the space to which it applies increase.

  47. This analysis has been completely carried out for the projective group of the plane, with the result of showing that there are thirty distinct types of subgroup.

  48. It is natural to begin with the projective groups, which are the simplest in form and at the same time are of supreme importance in geometry.

  49. In carrying his demonstration farther, and in multiplying illustrations, he would only be going over ground already covered in his book Projective Ornament and in his second Scammon lecture.

  50. Four-dimensional geometry yields numberless other patterns whose beauty and interest could not possibly be impeached--patterns beyond the compass of the cleverest designer unacquainted with projective geometry.

  51. These lines cut out on any line in the plane which does not pass through S two projective point-rows, which are not, however, in involution unless the angle between the lines is a right angles.

  52. Two projective pencils give rise to two projective axial pencils with axes intersecting.

  53. This definition suggests the possibility of defining a projective correspondence between the elements of a pencil of rays of the second order and the elements of any form heretofore discussed.

  54. Similar investigations may be made concerning the system of lines joining corresponding points of two projective point-rows.

  55. For any line u in the plane of the two pencils will be cut by them in two projective point-rows which have at most two self-corresponding points.

  56. Cut across, now, by any plane, and we get a conic section which is thus exhibited as the locus of intersection of two projective pencils.

  57. The point at infinity in a direction at right angles to q also describes a point-row projective to q.

  58. As q revolves about P, its pole Q moves along a line at right angles to the axis on which P lies, describing a point-row p projective to the pencil of rays q.

  59. Bertrand Russell says of projective geometry: "It takes nothing from experience, and has, like arithmetic, a creature of the pure intellect for its object.

  60. It has often been said that metric geometry was quantitative, while projective geometry was purely qualitative.

  61. As to how projective empathy works, you had a demonstration of that a little earlier, when you felt those strange thoughts about Anvhar.

  62. Ihjel had done it--used projective empathy to impress his emotions upon Brion.

  63. Projective telepathy had only been a crackpot's idea back then.

  64. Actually, it was a high-powered form of hypnotism; the victim could be made to do anything the projective telepath wanted him to.

  65. The proof of Pascal's theorem gives a striking example of the power and simplicity of the new method, and the whole treatment of conics will delight the student of projective geometry.

  66. The knowledge of geometry which is demanded is little more than the usual postulates of projective geometry and Desargues' theorem.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "projective" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.