He treated Skeets with as much contempt as her jovial manner permitted, but now and then it could be seen that his pale eyes glared at Grace's back in a way that seemed almost murderous.
As the day wore away, there was a jovial rapprochement in the special car where General Abercromby and Major Hawke were gayly extolling Madame Berthe Louison's perfections.
How the scene was to end with me, I knew not; though the jovial visage of my protectress showed me that I was secure.
He was the biggest man in Yorkshire, and squeezed my nose out of sight--a rarejovial companion, was the Parson of Pynsent, and many is the joke we have had about the weight of his foot.
So drinking heartily himself, and commanding others to drink, he and his nobles became as jovial as could be, and of a thousand humours.
He ordered his dinner at the place under his assumed name of Altamont, and, being of a jovial turn, he welcomed the landlord, who was nothing loth, to a share of his wine.
So I buzzed about and did the jovial host, you know; gave him a drink and a toofer, and all that sort of thing; and talked about the dear old days and what not.
He was feeling quitejovial again now that the unpleasant business of breaking the news was over, and was looking on the world with the eye of a debonair gentleman-adventurer.
We had got as far as the jovial old human bloodhound, hadn't we?
He kneaded his companion's coat-sleeve with a jovial hand.
Much is forgiven a youthful king if he be but brave and jovial and hearty in his manner.
Yet this candidate for the honours of the pencil might probably have made a jovial fox-hunter or respectable justice of the peace it he could only have stuck to what nature and fortune intended him for.
Sportive wit, the Muses Merriment; a New Sprint of Drollery; Jovial Fancies, &c.
Wit and Drollery; with otherJovial Poems: by sir I.
They all bore their trials in the most jovial good-humoured manner.
He is a jovial character, very fond of the good things of this life; but it is said that he never allows this propensity to interfere with his military duties, in the performance of which he displays both zeal and talent.
He is commonly called Jeb Stuart, on account of his initials; he is a good-looking, jovial character, exactly like his photographs.
They did not waste economies that might be needed after; but they had a jovial party conducted on the principles of prescient generosity.
He did not fear the Caudine forks now, for he had the grand passport, the jingling gold, in his pocket, and the old pride returned to his port and the jovial defiance to his eye.
The professor was in a jovial mood, and gambolled away gracefully as a Finland horse under a pack-saddle laden with the learning of a dozen students of Abo, travelling home for the holidays.
Father de Berey, a jovial monk, wearing the gray gown and sandals of the Recollets, was renowned throughout New France for his wit more than for his piety.
They were jovial fellows, he knew, who would be affronted if he refused to drink a cup of wine with them.
Ye in the midst should be of all this jovial cheer, Girt round with noise and youthful riot; At home one surely has enough of quiet.
Up stood the jovial monarch, And quaff'd his last life's glow, Then hurled the hallow'd goblet Into the flood below.
The jovial soul had not a trace of conceit; he was merely sanguine--contagiously, gloriously, magnificently sanguine.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "jovial" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.