A body which has twice as much matter as another exerts a force of attraction twice as great, and also receives twice as much from the same body as it would do, if it were only just as heavy as that body.
But since there is just as much matter on one side of the line A B, as on the other side, each half exerts an equal force to draw the body towards itself; therefore it falls in the direction of the diagonal between the two forces.
I heard a few weeks afterwards, that he spit up much matter at the time he died.
But I can never tell which is which: nor in my experience does it much matter; for it seems impossible for Sorrento to do anything but woo us with gentle weather.
In a novel of mere action and adventure, a lower order of fiction, where all the interest centres in the unraveling of a plot, of course this does not so much matter.
It doesn't much matter to me what becomes of Missouri, unless Henderson should happen to get smashed in it, and that isn't what he is there for.
Keeley and Weil were arranging a series of despatch riders, so as long as we got one of them to Jan Modebi's, it didn't much matter.
It seems a perfectly simple operation for any man of any ordinary sense, but really it doesn't much matter in the long run whether it is a month or two sooner or later.
However, I struck him on the next river or so, so it didn't much matter.
And might not a man that can do as much as you (that is, reade) finde as much matter out of H.
And might not a man, that can do as much as you (that is reade) finde as much matter out of H.
And might not a man, that can do as much as you (that is, reade) finde as much matter out of H.
It doesn't much matter what it is, since both agree in this--that she is dying.
When there was only I, it did not so much matter--it is different now.
My maid is quite used to getting my things dried--whether they're soaked through with rain or with river-water doesn't much matter to her.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "much matter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.