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Example sentences for "continuaunce"

Lexicographically close words:
continuate; continuation; continuations; continuator; continuators; continue; continued; continuellement; continuer; continues
  1. Howbeit in teachinge those thynges that we haue rehearsed, the master must neyther be to much callyng vpon, neither to sharpe: but vse a continuaunce rather then be wythout measure.

  2. Continuaunce hurteth not so it be mesurable, & spiced also wyth varietie and plesaũtnes.

  3. If a continuaunce of Gods procreacion were not, immediatlie a ruine and ende would ensue of thinges.

  4. So God disposeth the state and seate of princes, ouer- throwyng often tymes mightier kyngdomes at his will: the continuaunce of this Monarchie was .

  5. A continuaunce of la- wes, a permanente state of common wealthe dooeth ensue.

  6. The length of the rayne, forty dayes, the continuaunce of the waters for twelve monethes, the dissolucion of soe muche ayre with water as should make a generall deluge.

  7. This is noe true sorrowe nor sufficient repentaunce, for soe long as you reteine the thing, there is a continuaunce of the syn, for thou holdest that willingly which was gotten wrongfully.

  8. Thanke thy Margaryte of her grete grace that +hiderto thee hath gyded, and praye her of continuaunce forth in thy werkes herafter; and that, for no mishappe, thy grace overthwartly 155 tourne.

  9. Continuaunce in thy good service, by longe processe of tyme in ful hope abyding, without any chaunge to wilne in thyne herte, this is the spire.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "continuaunce" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.