If she's so particular at fifteen, 'I'se powahful skeered she's gwine to be an old maid.
Yo' ways am ways of pleasantness and all yo' paths am peace, but I'se powahful skeered dat you'se gwine to be an ole maid.
But it wasn't such a powahful remedy when she had the toothache herself.
Well I feel a heap bettah, but I’m powahfulweak yet, doctah,†was his reply.
I can’t just say,†he replied, “but theys a powahful lot of em.
An’ it’s a powahful good rifle yo’ brought to us.
Sometimes these ole ’gators wake and get into the water powahful quick.
I reckon this yere boat is goin’ to be powahful handy to us, after this,†the leader laughed.
Den yo’ find a powahfullot o’ folks dat knows mo’ dan yo’ do erbout it, sah.
I'd like it powahful well, Mistah Ma'ston," he replied.
The old man reined in his horse slowly, and deposited the liquid increase of a quid of tobacco before he said; "I hyeah tell it's powahfulwicked up in dem big cities.
Course we all wuz shure powahful glad 'bout his 'scapin'.
Say, do you all know Marse used to keep stuffed sausage in his smoke hous' fo' yeahs an' it wuz shure powahful good when it wuz cooked.
It sutny has been pussented to us in a powahful light dis eve'nin'.
Dis don't seem so powahful bad," said Ike, as he looked ahead and saw a smooth expanse extending for nearly a half mile in front.
Come along, Maj and Wah, foh it does seem powahful like's ef de trouble had jest 'bout come to an ind.
It 'peahs to me powahful like's ef Ulna is one ob dem yar men," said Ike.
Dem hosses would bepowahful hurt ef'n yo' did, Miss May-ree.
De cat, it riz up and stretch an' it seempowahful big.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "powahful" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.