The postmasters were confidential agents of the Court and the inferior servants were professed spies, who made regular reports of the secret transactions of the districts in which they were stationed.
The functions of Inspecting Postmasters remained unaffected by this order, and post offices at places where there was no covenanted Civil or Military Officer were left in charge of the Deputy Postmasters.
Many of the reports from postmasters referred to fresh outbreaks, and the movements of mutineers who did not hesitate to remove dak horses from relay stations on the mail routes whenever they had the chance.
The Commissioners were ex-officio postmasters of their respective divisions, and there was no regular arrangement between these divisions for the exchange of mails, which were occasionally conveyed by means of Japties or policemen.
Postmasters are generally recruited from the lower ranks of the Department, such as sub-postmasters and clerks, who usually start their careers as probationers.
Deputy and assistant postmasters are very fine fellows, but nothing can compensate for the eagle eye of the Head.
The British Indian postmasters at these places held no written communication with Turkish officials, and the rule was that all such correspondence should pass through the Consul or Consul-General.
Where the system exists, postmasters are no longer answerable for the disposal of the outward mail, and they are unable to make any direct inquiry into public complaints regarding the loss or missending of articles.
Postmasters were authorized to detain any letter in respect of which any party was liable to a fine.
It is also charged that the Mail Company had sufficient influence with some of the postmasters to procure from them false certificates of the arrivals of the mails.
Competition is, of course, established, and the interest of the postmastersoblige them to keep good carriages: there are many that for their neatness may excite the envy of the foreigner.
They receive the same salaries that postmasters do.
Times had changed, too, since the days when United States senators resigned to become postmasters and mayors of New York.
Under his management, therefore, and to offset the influence of the canal board's employees, Conservative postmasters and Conservative sheriffs came to Albany, challenging their Radical canal opponents to a measurement of strength.
If the charge was true, that postmasters were preventing the circulation of Bucktail newspapers, Van Buren's course was very charitable.
It is the principal aim of civil service reformers, that postmasters should be appointed under its provisions.
He can establish post offices and appoint postmasters of the fourth and fifth classes, i.
The appointment of postmasters does not come under the Civil Service Act.
Crawford of South Carolina secured in 1820 the passage of an act limiting the term of office of postmasters to four years.
I did not prepare false accounts; but I fear that the postmasters and clerks who absolutely had the country to do became aware that I was anxious for good results.
Sir Moses expressed a strong desire to see Wilna, to which the Minister acceded, giving him introductions to the different places, and writing to the postmasters for horses.
Orders were sent to all the postmasters along the route to have horses ready for us.
Mr. Hill stated that the amount of compensation granted was generally too much, and was to be accounted for on the ground that the postmasters had, in all the cases, made their own returns.
With respect to the rest, classification would be difficult; the postmasters receiving salaries ranging from 20l.
Under the Penny Postage Act, however, these fees went to the revenue, and compensation, at a certain fixed rate, was granted to the postmasters in lieu of them.
Numbers of innkeepers were also the postmasters of the period.
All postmasters on the main line of posts, as well as those of the bye posts, were commanded to have "always ready in their stables one or two horses.
Instructions sent to the postmasters of towns under this arrangement are binding for three months, nor can a request for a change be granted without a week's notice.
Postmasters and their clerks are forbidden to be parties to the deceptions which used to be practised, and which are now sometimes attempted, as to the place of posting of a letter.
The post-office is often spoken of as proof that our Government could run our railroads; but one of Boston's best postmasters said, "No private business could be managed like this without going into bankruptcy.
He published the names of nine postmasters among his agents, and copied friendly articles from more than forty newspapers.
Southern postmasters refused after this to deliver any anti-slavery matter; and their conduct was approved by the Postmaster-General, as well as by the President.
At first, the Confederate Postmaster-General directed the postmasters to continue to report to the United States.
When the postmasters themselves were too poor to obtain horses at their own expense, they were sometimes aided by the town or county.
It is doubtful how far the postmasters were held responsible for the delivery of letters to the persons to whom they were addressed.
On the other hand, as between the postmasters and the ordinary travellers, the question of charge was adjusted by agreement.
Many of the new postmasters were military men and in addition others were appointed in each town under the heading of "persons to give intelligence.
In 1644 the House of Commons issued an order that protection should be granted to the postmasters between London and Hull, to their servants, horses and goods.
The postmasters had also to keep accounts against each other.
Actions were brought against the postmasters by the merchants for charging more than they considered was warranted and the merchants won every case.
The postmasters complained that they were held responsible for supplying horses, and yet, when it was necessary to obtain them from the surrounding country, they were resisted by the owners or were supplied with inefficient animals.
He said that he had established a weekly conveyance of letters to all parts of the Commonwealth and that with the receipts from private letters he had paid all the postmasters except those on the Dover road.
At the same time the postmasters of small rural communities, where the postal revenue was insignificant,[310] still continued to be nominated by the local member.
Previously all newspapers had been forwarded to the postmasters free of postage by the "Clerks of the Roads.
He thinks requiring prepayment by stamps (the postmasters being obliged to sell even a single stamp) will not interfere with the correspondence of the poor, who are rather proud of sticking the Queen's head on their letters.
It was added, that postmasters contravening these orders would be "most severely punished.
Postmasters were to be paid such commission as the Postmaster-General might think their services merited, not exceeding 20 per cent.
By this proclamation the postmasters were also given the exclusive right of letting horses to travellers.
The revenue was continually defrauded by the failure of the postmasters to bring to account the postage on such letters.
The postmasters who have served faithfully and others who run best to Lynn, Yarmouth, etc.
Offers of the well-affected postmasters to the Posts' Committee.
Group A includes all postmasters whose compensation is $500 or more, and group B those whose compensation is less than that sum.
In selecting post offices for depositories consideration was given to the efficiency of the postmasters and only those offices where the ratings were satisfactory to the department have been designated.
Different methods are pursued in the selection of the postmasters for group A and group, B.
Withholding designation from postmasters with unsatisfactory ratings has had a salutary effect on the service.
The local postmasters are to make such arrangements as they deem proper in their respective neighborhoods, as to the employment of penny-post carriers to distribute the letters at the houses of the people.
An agent is appointed to superintend the business, at a salary of $1000 a year and his travelling expenses; contracts are made or to be made, mails carried, postmasters appointed and paid.
The postmasters purchase them for cash, of the general post-office, and are allowed a deduction of one per cent for their trouble.
I have also suggested to the Postmaster-General that he adopt some plan by which he can, upon the basis of the reports to the Department and of frequent inspections, indicate the relative merit of postmasters of each class.
The plan suggested of a supervision of the post-offices in separate districts that shall involve instruction and suggestion and a rating of the efficiency of the postmasters would, I have no doubt, greatly improve the service.
There have been several cases where postmasters appointed by me have been subjected to violent interference in the discharge of their official duties and to persecutions and personal violence of the most extreme character.
After having finally arranged these matters, he started north with Frank, furnished with an order to postmasters on the road to supply them instantly with relays of horses.
No mention is made of women postmasters as these are found in all States.
Women are serving or have served as postmasters and as clerks in both houses of the Legislature, clerk of the State library and member of the State examining committee of education.
Women were postmasters of both Senate and House in the Legislature of 1900, and acted as clerks of committees.
But this last remnant of parliamentary patronage was abolished in 1896, and provincial postmasters are now appointed on the recommendation of the surveyors of the postal districts.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "postmasters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.