Not only one of those college-educated cheeses but a postgraduate one, bearing the honored name of Portugal's ancient academic center.
No doubt postgraduate work will be continued mainly in the research direction, but undergraduate day and continuation courses will be devoted mainly to preparation for business.
And finally, the student who is brought into contact with regular systematic exercise may, if the exercise is attractive and interesting, achieve a health habit that will be carried out into his postgraduate life.
It is of the utmost importance that provision for the further training of such specialists should be made in the college, in the postgraduate school, or in an allied professional school of art.
The postgraduate student assiduously searching for data for his doctorate thesis is often guided by the erroneous conception of thoroughness; he wants facts that have never seen the light.
One institution requires the first three years as a foundation for a two-year course in business, and one conducts a postgraduate school of business administration leading to the degree of Ph.
It is hoped that these repeated examinations may lead to the continuation of such habits of bodily care in postgraduate years.
Molly spoke to many friends, but she missed her intimates and wondered where Nance was, and if any of the others were coming back for the postgraduate course.
I am overjoyed that you are to take the postgraduate course.
Every Wellington girl who comes back for the postgraduate course gives me a compliment better than a gift of jewels.
Students who graduated with distinction were given preference in assignment to positions and in the selection of candidates for postgraduate study.
There, with the true Renaissance spirit of non-specialism, he lectured on philology and classical literature, giving special postgraduate courses in mathematics and astronomy.
After this he seemed to have spent some time at postgraduate work in Vienna, especially in mathematics under Johann von Gmuenden.
What postgraduate work had you been doing that you just mentioned?
I received my internship and my postgraduatetraining in my special field of interest in Pathology in various Naval hospitals, and at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology at Walter Reed in Washington, D.
Upon my return to Dallas, I worked part time, while doing some postgraduate work, at the Pizza Inn.
A little while later the Postgraduate unit went from New York, the Roosevelt Hospital unit from there, and the Johns Hopkins unit from Baltimore.
He was educated in a little town in the South of France, made his medical studies at Montpellier, and then went on a journey of hundreds of miles to Italy in order to make his postgraduate studies.