A drenching of that violence, he tells me, sans blague, has sent more than one luckless fellow in good earnest posthaste to another world.
A telegram boy stepped in nimbly, threw an envelope on the counter and stepped off posthaste with a word: --Freeman!
One of Mavortius' followers, Landulpho, an Italian lord, criticises the play presented by Posthaste and his fellows, and lauds the Italian drama.
It is Colonel Tilghman, whom Washington sent posthaste to Philadelphia to inform Congress of the surrender.
Tonkin frontier, was sent posthaste to assist the Amban, the Chinese Resident in Thibet.
One of the throng of adorers hanging about the Blessington box confessed to knowing the stranger, and he was accordingly sent off posthaste to bring the "handsomest man" to the box.