The latter was posthumouslyawarded the Victoria Cross for the great gallantry he had displayed in the command of his composite battalion.
Dease was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross, as also was Pte.
Grimshawe's Secret, and The Dolliver Romance, allposthumously published, are the most important.
Two years later he died, leaving his widow in poor circumstances; a second child, another son, was posthumously born.
She often mutilated herself or even committed suicide to prevent remarriage, and was posthumously honoured for doing so.
His notes of the cases in which he was engaged for the Spaniards were posthumously published in 1613 at Hanau, as Hispanicae advocationis libri duo.
It was not till 1840 that his Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit, by far his most seminal work, was posthumously published.
USMC, was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously for extreme bravery during the assault on the Japanese bombproof shelter on D+2.
His Lectures on Materia Medica were published posthumously in 1770.
Abelin also wrote a history of the antipodes, Historia Antipodum (posthumously pub.
The book was publishedposthumously in 1739, edited by Thomas Ruddiman, under the title Selectus Diplomatum et Numismatum Scotiae Thesaurus.
These are the first version, which has only lately become known, of the 'Bright Star' sonnet, and the ode To Fanny published posthumouslyby Lord Houghton.
Now that we are posthumously acquainted with the other sonnets written by Keats in these early years it is a little difficult to see on what principle he made his choice of the specimens to be published in this 1817 volume.
His letters, journals, and other prose remains, posthumously published, first showed how long an arc his mind had subtended on the circle of art and thought.
The Coming of Love By George Gascoign [Republished posthumously in Songs Old and New.
Not all the projected essays for each book, however, were written; but those which appeared serially were published posthumously in 1906, by Country Life under the title of Where the Forest Murmurs.
It was published posthumouslyin England (Foulis) and in America (Mosher).
Bauer, VMF-212 commander, here a captain, was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor after being lost during a scramble with Japanese aircraft over Guadalcanal.
Bailey, commander of Company C, 1st Raider Battalion, was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously for heroic and inspiring leadership during the Battle of Edson’s Ridge.
Finally, he sought and obtained the Emperor's sanction to revoke the sacred title conferred posthumously on Hideyoshi.
Damn'd all their days, they posthumously thrive, Dug up from dust, though buried when alive!
He died in 1906, at a time when he was engaged on his Linne, posthumously published, a fragment of a great work on Linnaeus.
But the fourth edition again bore marks of revision; the fifth differed from the fourth; and the sixth edition was posthumously printed from a copy containing his latest corrections.
By calling him Jimmu (a Chinese emperor had already been posthumously so called) he is none the less there than he was before he was called Jimmu, and his new title therefore does not make him less of an entity than he was before.
The value of his teaching may be estimated by any one who will read three volumes of sermons published posthumously in 1814.
He there reviews the posthumously published lectures of Austin, along with Maine's great book upon 'Ancient Law,' which in England heralded the new methods of thought.
The book was published posthumously by Murray in 1830, a year after the author's death.
His Philosophie applicable a tons les objets de l'esprit et de la raison was issued posthumously in 1754.
His Recherches sur la structure des annelides sedentaires were published posthumously in 1873.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "posthumously" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.