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Example sentences for "possums"

Lexicographically close words:
possis; possit; posso; possono; possum; possumus; possunt; possyble; post; posta
  1. They went crazy over him, and of course that made all the young Mr. 'Possums jealous of him, though they would have given anything to be like him.

  2. They were sorry, at first, that Mr. Somers had not left them the recipe for that medicine, on account of the new little 'Possums that would be coming along.

  3. That young man called himself Somers, and he certainly became popular with the young Miss 'Possums of our section.

  4. We had possums and 'coons to eat sometimes.

  5. We used to eat possums and dese old-fashioned coons and ducks.

  6. In slave time the men used to go huntin' at night, and hunt 'possums and 'coons.

  7. Did we have plenty of possums and fish by de barrels full!

  8. The owls and the rabbits and the coons and the possums were cooked for us.

  9. We only own a small piece of these woods, and the ’coons and ’possums have been driven all away to the swamp side.

  10. He had been hunting ’coons and ’possums on many a night and was not afraid to fell a tree by lamp-light.

  11. The two 'possums retired a little, but still watched my proceedings.

  12. The two 'possums stood upon the shore, and listened to our conversation.

  13. Donald Cameron had been told that no man need starve in the hills while he had a gun, and there were 'possums in the trees.

  14. He shot the 'possums for the sake of their skins though, spread and tacked the grey pelts against the wall of the house, and when the sun had dried them, Mary stitched them into a rug.

  15. There were 'possums in every tree in those days, and Dik and G.

  16. When Uncle Jethro studied the clouds or the moon in this way, it meant a trip to the meadows or the swamp; it was a sure sign that geese had gone over, that the possums and coons were running.

  17. But never go after possums alone, nor with a white man.

  18. Possums and persimmons come together, and Uncle Jethro pronounces them "bofe good fruit.

  19. The persimmons still hold on; but these are not for long, unless you keep guard over the trees, for they are marked: the possums have counted every persimmon.

  20. No one could hunt possums except at night.

  21. The possums are inclined to club together whenever they can find stumps that are roomy enough; but the muskrats habitually live together through the winter.

  22. The smallest young mice you ever saw are as large as possums at their birth.

  23. Physically as well as psychologically the possums are out of the ordinary.

  24. Possums alwus hav twins when they hav ennything, and sumtimes an extra one, and they suckle their yung on an entire different principal from the goose.

  25. Our menfolks used to hunt possums and wild turkeys, but dey didn't mess 'roun' none wid rabbits.

  26. I 'members how de men would go out nights an' hunt de possums an' de coons, and wild cats.

  27. An' as fer 'possums an' coons, us ketch dem in plenty.

  28. Sometimes de mens would hunt 'possums an' rabbits an' wild turkeys.

  29. We lacked possums an' rabbits but dey didn' come twell Winter time when some of de men folks'd run 'crost one in de fiel'.

  30. Den us would cotch 'possums at night when dey come up in de corn fiel'.

  31. I do not remember any possums or other game being eaten at our house.

  32. In the winter we had a lot of possums to eat an' a lot of rabbits too.

  33. Ole Uncle Jeems had some houn's what would run possums or coons an' he uster take we boys 'long wid him.

  34. But there sho' was birds an' possums on de Sound in dem days.

  35. I've telephoned everybody--possums and persimmons wait for no man.

  36. I'm backing you to shake down ten possums against anybody's possible five.

  37. But when I hunt next David has promised me possums and persimmons," said Caroline Darrah from her seat on the sofa beside Phoebe.

  38. Didn't you hear me tell Caroline Darrah Brown at least a week ago that possums and persimmons are ripe and that the first night after a rain and a fog we would all turn out and show her how to shake down a few?

  39. Meanwhile Ol' Mrs. Possum was climbing a tree, and when she had reached a comfortable crotch the little Possums left her and began to play about in the tree.

  40. When the little Possums crawled out where the branches were small, they simply wrapped their tails around the twigs to keep from falling.

  41. After that, my only annoyance was from the quarreling of the possums among themselves, and their ceaseless fussing around under there, both day and night.

  42. He hesitated, looked back into the warm room, then out into the winter night, then thought of his maimed feet, and of traps in holes where unsuspecting possums live, and could not reach a decision.

  43. The possums stood it better than I could.

  44. The next winter, two or more possums and a skunk took up their quarters under my study floor.

  45. Just what their disagreements were about, I do not know, but the skunk evidently tried to roast the possums out.

  46. Lighting a match, I approached the spot, and found one of the possums just setting out on his night's excursions.

  47. All de possums and rabbits and fish and sich was jis' dat much more.

  48. We would eat fish, rabbits, 'possums and squirrels which folks caught or killed.

  49. Oh, I forget bout all dem possums en rabbits dat eat right smart in dem days.

  50. All de fish and 'possums and rabbits us had wuz cotch right dar on Old Marster's place, 'cause if one of our Niggers got cotch offen our place hit wuz jes' too bad.

  51. My marster and the white an collored boys would go hunting, and we had squirrels an rabbits an possums jes lots of time.

  52. De 'possums was roasted with plenny of 'taters, butter an' red pepper.

  53. When about midnight they concluded to return to the house, seven coons and two 'possums were loaded upon the shoulders of the three attendants.

  54. Not even the prospect of a full bag of 'possums would tempt me again in that direction.

  55. Possums of this sort use their tails for climbing, like the spider-monkey of Africa.

  56. A well-trained dog is almost indispensable for scenting the 'possums and tracking them to their tree, beneath which he stands and gives tongue.

  57. The possums were baked in the ovens and usually with sweet potatoes in their mouths.

  58. The possums were skinned and cooked in a big kettle hung over the fire, then taken out and put in a big oven to take.

  59. I could catch 'possums myself if that's all a fellow has to do," declared Stacy.

  60. I don't believe there are any 'possums in this country to catch.

  61. Rector, who like Tad was to drive the 'possums in.

  62. We ate rabbits, fish, possums and such as that but we didn't get no chicken.

  63. Dey ate chickens, possums and coons, and my old auntie would barbecue rabbits for de white folks.

  64. The big boys went out and got rabbits, possums and fish.

  65. I ate possums when we could get 'em, but jest couldn't stand rabbit meat.

  66. Dey was lots of possums and coons and squirrels and we nearly always had some one of these to eat.

  67. I don't remember no possums and rabbits being on our place, 'cause when white folks killed a chicken for their selves, dey killed one for the niggers.

  68. Such things as barbecued rabbits, coon, possums baked with sweet potatoes and all such as that.

  69. Dey was plentiful, and so was squirrels, coon, possums and quail.

  70. Yessum, and dere allus was plenty 'possums and rabbits cooked 'bout lak dey is now, only dere warn't no stoves in dem days.

  71. Our good old hound dog was jus' 'bout as good at trailin' rabbits in de daytime as he was at treein' 'possums at night.

  72. Possums was baked wid sweet 'tatoes and rabbits was parbiled in a big old open fireplace in big pots and skillets.

  73. Hit warn't nothin' for us to ketch five or six 'possums in one night's huntin'.

  74. Dere was a good 'possum hound on de plantation what was a fine rabbit dog too, and Marster let us use him to ketch us lots of 'possums and rabbits.

  75. Us lakked 'possums baked wid 'tatoes, but most of de rabbits was stewed wid dumplin's.

  76. Or else the 'possums ate them--those that I did not eat.

  77. When Bob returned with the 'possums he was startled to see a woman in the camp.

  78. He would go out in de woods on Sat'day nights and ketch 'possums and bring dem home and bake 'em wid taters.

  79. We had rabbits and possums once in awhile.

  80. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "possums" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.