So perty soon et come time tuh marry, an' dey ain't no white woman fo' me tuh marry so ah marries uh black woman.
An sho' nuff, perty soon ah seed dat branch commence tuh shake an' den et started tuh bend an' old Shep let et lead him across de field wid et bendin' lower all de time tell perty soon de big end uh dat ellum stick point straight down.
Perty fair deal for a scissor bill," said Scattergood.
Jest set patient onto the egg, and perty soon the shell busts and there stands the information all fluffy and wabbly and ready to grow up into a chicken if it's used right.
We beenperty good friends, and we've done a heap of things together, and I guess I figgered you was almost as great a man as Napoleon Bonaparte, but you hain't.
While we were walking home Mark says, "P-p-perty good day's work.
We got to quit runnin' this paperperty soon and go back to school.
Seems to be a perty spoken gal," said Peakslow, turning to finish his breakfast.
Don't you think you've played me a pertyshabby trick?
They're as perty gals as I'd ask to have play with my children.
Peakslow, getting upon his feet, giving his clothes a brush with his broad hand, and staring about him, "this is a mighty perty piece of business!
That was unusual, but I says to Skip: "Things is pertydull with us.
Perty soon I come to the conclusion there was somethin' to it.
He's perty near white right now, and I bet if we washed him off and got him fixed up nice he WOULD be white.
The water's awful cold, and I expect he was perty supprised when he lit in it.
I went into a place what thar was a big glass full of beer painted on the winder to get a dram, and a nice- looking chap got talking to me, and perty soon he asked me to have a dram along with him.
Ain't it a perty leetle ol' world to play with, all with nice pink stripes erroun' hit?
Yes, an' perty as a picter besides, though like enough triflin', like her maw.
Vall down, he coulden, he did lie When he wer up on-zide so high As up on-end or perty nigh.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perty" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.