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Example sentences for "perukes"

Lexicographically close words:
perturbed; perturbing; perty; peruerse; peruke; perusal; perusall; peruse; perused; peruses
  1. Patches and perukes were also adopted, and the former fashion, a revival of an old Roman custom, had political significance according to where they were placed on the face, and were bitterly ridiculed by numerous satirical writers.

  2. A few days after, the monarch's agents went round, offering them the perukes destined to cover their denuded polls, which they were delighted to buy at any price".

  3. Right gray human hair Cue Perukes from two guineas to fifteen shillings each, which was the price of dark cues: and right gray Bob Perukes two guineas and an half to fifteen shillings, the price of dark bobs.

  4. Perukes were an highly important article in 1734.

  5. And Perukes were first worn after the Restoration.

  6. The Louvain theologians, who published a French version of the Bible, affected, however, to discover the first mention of perukes in a passage in the fourth chapter of Isaiah.

  7. Perukes were a highly important article of dress in 1734.

  8. At one time, indeed, when the stern virtues of Brutus were much in vogue, the young men of Europe wore perukes of black or dark hair, dressed from his statues.

  9. After 1770 those were rarely seen; and since that time persons wearing perukes have generally had substantial reasons for so doing, from baldness, and complaints in the head.

  10. The generals in their great perukes made way for him.

  11. Nature, swathed in perukes and ruffles, powder and patches, and stifled under a hundred studied airs and grimaces, had much ado to breathe.

  12. The actors appeared upon all occasions in the enormous perukes that were introduced in the reign of Charles II.

  13. This sign had been painted to the perruquier's own design, at a time when there threatened to be a reaction in favour of natural hair in place of the monstrous perukes so long worn.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perukes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.