Having indulged in this imaginary peregrination for some considerable interval, she became impressed with a sense of the intolerable slowness of time.
Whereunto Diophanes this notable Assyrian (not yet come unto his minde, but halfe amased) soone answered and sayd, I would to god that all our enemies and evil willers might fall into the like dangerousperegrination and trouble.
I pray you Lucius tell me the cause of your peregrination hither.
Howbeit the Assyrian Diophanes did firmely assure unto me, that my peregrination and voyage hither should be prosperous.
The following is an extract from a letter written by Washington to Lafayette on his return to Mount Vernon: "The peregrination of the day in which I parted from you ended at Maryborough.
It reminds me of the mental condition of a kindly American tourist who once called at our office in Leipsic to give us the benefit of the corrections he had made on "Baedeker's Handbooks" during his peregrination of Europe.
The man whose bent of mind is distinctly conservative, to whom innovation always suggests a presumption of deterioration, will probably be much more irritated than interested by a peregrination of the Union.
A Peregrination of the Coast: 1, The Bristol Channel.
A Peregrinationof the Coast: 1, The Bristol Channel 55 9.
A Peregrinationof the Coast: 2, The English Channel.
They were contented with the peregrination of daily necessity.
As early as 1879 he dates his first peregrination on Stillaguamish river.