Complaint was also made that the Board of Commissioners had not settled the Illinois accounts in peltry according to the known rule and practice, namely: that fifty pounds of peltryshould represent one hundred livres in money.
Brashears had departed for New Orleans without settling the account for the peltry which Todd had committed to the joint care of Montgomery and Winston.
Joseph St. Marie, of Vincennes, sent his clerk with a load of peltry to be traded to the Indians on the banks of the Mississippi.
The Spanish refused to allow the Americans to navigate the Mississippi, Virginia money entirely lost its credit, hard money was scarce, and peltry was difficult for the military commissaries to obtain.
When the trapping season was ended, he sold his peltry in Montreal, bought goods there, and peddled them through his State till the falling leaves again called him to the woods.
Only Ira Allen acted in this capacity, and in the following year he reported having succeeded so far as to procure a free exchange of produce and manufactures, except peltry and a few articles of foreign production.
They knew perfectly well that the trade in peltry was greatly desired, in fact that it was indispensable to the French.
Many questions arose concerning the possession and ownership of the peltry and other property taken by the English, and, during his stay, Champlain contributed as far as possible to the settlement of these complications.
Early in December they began to arrange into convenient packages their peltry and venison, the fat of which was to serve as butter in their rude huts during the icy months of winter.
Large quantities of peltry were annually brought by the Indians for traffic to the Falls of St. Louis, Three Rivers, Quebec, and Tadoussac.
They had invested considerable sums in shipping, buildings, and in the employment of men, in order to carry on a trade in furs and peltry with the Indians, and they naturally desired remunerative returns.
Father Lalemant enumerates the kind ofpeltry obtained by the French from the Indians, and the amount, as follows.
As a further inducement, those taking up land would be grantedpeltry privileges like the habitants.
The merchants were keener on the peltry trade than on the civilization of the country.
It will be remembered that the disposition of the peltry was now in the hands of the colonists themselves on condition that they should maintain the upkeep of the departments of church and state.
Another motive was to explore the lands bordering on Lake Ontario with the view of establishing a fort and colony and of diverting the peltry trade into French instead of English hands, and of claiming those lands for the French.
The money of the country being the beaver, trading in peltrywas one of the necessities of life.
After conceding to the "habitans du dit pays," present and to come, the right and license of the trade in skins and peltry in New France .
On being answered in the affirmative, he orders the young men to carry the pile of peltry to a rising-ground, or eminence, at some little distance from the cabbin, or place of assembly.
Nathan was all agog at the peltrythat hung from innumerable pegs on the rough log walls.
When everything is peaceable, even when there are plenty of buffalo and peltry to be had, this savage is not satisfied; but still goes around asking if there is any news about trouble being about to take place anywhere.
Some of these had for wives squaws whom they had wooed and won during their engagement in the peltry trade.
Hitherto they had hunted the wild animals merely for subsistence, but now the demand of the traders for furs and peltry stimulated enormously the pursuit of game.
The Company also attempted to carry on, in connection with the peltry business, the manufacture of clapboards and pipe-staves, and the making of salt from sea-water.
In this document it is noticed that Guillaume de Caën had discussed with Kirke the value of the goods and peltry that had been taken out of the stores at Quebec.
This was Emery de Caën's ship, which, as we have already stated, was proceeding to Quebec to claim the peltry in the storehouse which belonged to his uncle.
Having determined to seize the peltry brought to London from Quebec, the Kirke associates blew off the padlock which had been fixed to the storehouse door by an order of justice.
After exchanging their peltry with Champlain's consent, some of the Hurons left to follow the war-path, while others returned to their own country.
They invited us to their lodges, where they could supply us with everything we needed, but on representing to them our scarcity of horses, and the quantity of peltry we had no means of packing, they immediately started off to their village.
While his wife is bartering the skins and peltry he has taken in his hunt, he will seat himself at some distance, to observe her choice, and how she and the traders agree together.
In the summer of the year 1763, some friendly Indians from a distant place, came to Bethlehem to dispose of their peltry for manufactured goods and necessary implements of husbandry.
Some trader angry because he lose de peltry stole in de Spanish country.
Peltry bonds, once worth their weight in gold, had dropped to nothing.
In contrast with the French traders and with the English of the Atlantic seaboard colonies, the Hudson's Bay Company did not penetrate the interior, but depended upon the natives to bring their peltry to the posts on the Bay.
To accomplish this beaver and other peltry were placed on the enumerated list, but the duties payable in England were materially decreased.
At the request of Iberville, the new governor of Louisiana, the government now permitted Illinois traders to sell their peltry in Louisiana, to prevent them from earning it over the mountains to the English.
I see but little difference whether a man gets hispeltry by the rifle or by the trap," said the ill-looking companion of the emigrant, in his rough manner.
Ladies of high rank kept a private furrier in the household], and do him to wit that the Lady would have four ells of peltry of beasts ermines for the bordure of her gown of blue satin that is in making.
The peltry shall be of the breadth of thine hand, and no lesser; and say unto him that it shall be of the best sort, and none other.
Go and bring me the four ells of peltry of beasts ermines, and that of the best, or thou shalt wake up to-morrow to find thy poll as clean as the end of thine ugsome [ugly] nose.
The peltry of the north, no less than the gold and silver of the south, gave impetus to the efforts of those who first settled the western hemisphere.
For three seasons bale after bale of unsold peltryhad been stacked to the rafters of the London warehouse.
These boats would then set out on their homeward journey laden with peltry gathered from far and near.
In either case the peltry would be a mere veil hiding the true individuality for a while.
The taboo, strictly speaking, only appears where the peltryis absent.
Although his zeal and his hopes of founding a colony never flagged, even De Monts retired from participation in further undertakings, owing to the uncertainties attendant upon the peltry traffic, and the losses incurred.
The scouring or cleaning of peltry is performed in a large cask, or truncated cone laid on its side, and traversed by a revolving shaft, which is furnished with a few rectangular rounded pegs.
The Natives are so discouraged in their Trade with the Company that no Peltry is worth the Carriage; and the finest Furs are sold for very little.
Once they sold the fish and the peltry to the Hudson Bay Company, and ate what parts or surplus they did not sell.
The iron of the Chinese, as I have had occasion to observe, is remarkably bad, and all their articles of peltry are imported.
First came the bark canoe, quick to build, light to carry round the frequent gaps in navigation, and large enough to hold the few voyageurs or the rich-in-little peltry that were chief cargo in early days.
Well on into the nineteenth century fur traders were still sending in supplies from Montreal and bringing back peltry from Fort William in flotillas of great bark canoes.
The English authorities would have checked settlement at the headwaters of the Atlantic tributaries and allowed the "savages to enjoy their deserts in quiet lest the peltry trade should decrease.
At Augusta, an Indian trading fort (1735), whence the dealers in peltry visited the Cherokee, completed the familiar picture of frontier advance.
To this city also came trade from the Shenandoah Valley, and even from the Piedmont came peltry trains and droves of cattle and hogs to the same market.