A genus of herbs of the Barberry family, having large palmately lobed peltate leaves and solitary flower.
There are four sporangia borne on the under-surface of the peltate leaves.
Females consisting of naked ovules on the edges of altered leaves, or on the inferior surface of the peltateapex of scales.
Between such cases and that of a peltate leaf with a depressed centre, such as often occurs, to some extent, in Nelumbium, there is but little difference.
From this point of view, peltate leaves like those of Tropæolum or Nelumbium become very significant.
Defn: A genus of herbs of the Barberry family, having large palmately lobed peltate leaves and solitary flower.
Petioles and peduncles all from the tuberous rootstock, the centrally peltateleaves and the flowers large.
Style straight, much narrower than the peltate 5-rayed stigma, petals and stamens erect and connivent; anthers not narrowed below the openings.
Low perennials, in or near water, with creeping stems, and peltate or reniform leaves.
Flowerless stems terminated by a large round 7--9-lobed leaf, peltate in the middle like an umbrella.
Fruit a circumscissile 2-celled capsule, with one or more peltate seeds in each cell, or an achene.
In Cycas the altered leaf, upon the margin of which the ovule is produced, and the peltate scales, from which they are pendulous in Zamia, are regarded by all botanists as carpellary leaves.
When the image of this goddess is standing, she generally holds a flower of the Nelumbium in her hand; and when sitting, she is usually placed upon the large peltate leaf of the same plant.
In one temple I observed the intelligent mother sitting upon the broad peltate leaf of this plant, which had been hewn out of the living rock.
The petiole is inserted a little above the base, and hence the leaf is called peltate or shield-like.
The formation of peltate leaves has been traced to the union of the lobes of a cleft leaf.
Leaves opposite, oblong-ovate, tapering at base, silvery on both sides, with small peltate scales.
Leaves entire and covered on both sides with silvery, peltate scales 72.
Large cones; the carpellary scales terminate in a peltate distal expansion.
These are often wedge-shaped and angular; in some cases they consist of a short, thick stalk, terminating in a peltate expansion, or prolonged upwards in the form of a triangular lamina.
Cabomba and Hydropeltis; and of these Cabomba aquatica is a stove aquatic, and Hydropeltis purpurea is a hardy water plant, with peltate leaves, and dull purple flowers.
In every instance the previously existing shape of the leaf must have decided whether peltate or pitcher-like leaves would be formed.
They remain flat, become peltate and exhibit a shape which in some way holds a middle position between the pennyworts and the lemon-scented eucalyptus.
And from the fact that pitchers are one of the most frequent anomalies, we may conclude that the chance of producing peltate leaves must have been a very great one, and wholly sufficient to account for all observed cases.
From the evidence of the lime-tree we may conclude that normal peltate leaves may have originated in the same way.
Sometimes the peltate leaves are not at all orbicular, but are elongated, oblong or elliptic, and with only the lobes [669] at the base united.
As far as we can judge peltateanomalies are quite uninjurious, while ascidia are forms which must impede the effect of the light on the leaf, as they conceal quite an important part of the upper surface.
In this way it is easily conceivable that peltate leaves are a frequent specific character, while ascidia are not, as they only appear in the special cases of limited adaptation, as in the instances of the so called pitcher-plants.
In other instances the peltate leaves become more or less hollow, constituting broad ascidia as in the case of the crassulaceous genus Umbilicus.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "peltate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.