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Example sentences for "pear"

Lexicographically close words:
pealed; pealing; peals; peanut; peanuts; pearced; pearch; peare; peared; pearl
  1. But in course of time the jungle had grown up round it, and thick straggling plants of prickly pear had covered it, so that it was difficult even to find out whereabouts it was.

  2. A Crow who lived close by had also built a house, but it was not such a good one, being only made of a few sticks laid one above another on the top of a prickly pear hedge.

  3. By dat time old Master done buried his money and all de silver and de big clock, but the Yankees didn't pear to search out dat kind of stuff.

  4. Old Mister DeWitt Wilson give me a pear tree the next year after I was married, and it is still out in my yard and bears every year.

  5. She couldna pear a pit mair caud, and she'll have to pe perried out here in the ice and snaw.

  6. The pear always hugs her pefore she eats her oop," thought Watty, as he lay there shivering with dread, this being the only movement he could contrive, feeling as he did that if he attempted to escape the great animal would seize him.

  7. She wishes the pear would come an' smell her an' go.

  8. He pushed open the wooden door, and passed between the hedges; the next door stood open, and he already saw Emily; she had seated herself under one of the pear trees, and was reading.

  9. In the tool house were kept several Windsor chairs; two of these were now brought forth and placed on the grass between the pear trees.

  10. In the centre was a patch of grass, lying between two pear trees; the rest of the ground was planted with the various requisites of the kitchen, and in one corner was a well.

  11. The route ran between green fields, and on each side of the road were huge, gnarled apple and pear trees, which spring had crowned with a glory of snowy blossom.

  12. On each side of the highway a line of apple and pear trees lifted gaunt twisted arms to the leaden sky, as though in protest against the sullen aspect of the world.

  13. You go by Pear Lane, Cherry Lane, and Plum Lane.

  14. Pear trees, cherry trees and plum trees must have grown there.

  15. Pear trees and cherry and orchards flash over other lands, blossoming as abundantly as though their wonder were new, with a beauty as fresh and surprising as though nothing like it before had ever adorned countless centuries.

  16. Swiftly he ran, dodging among the catclaw and the prickly pear like a half-back carrying the ball through a broken field.

  17. The prickly pear and the palo verde flashed past, green splashes against a background of drab.

  18. And the pear trees were in virgin whiteness, and so were the plum and cherry trees, which made a shining background to all the yellow lilies in blossom there.

  19. The next event of the day following the skirmish under the pear tree was Gay's receipt of a letter from his father.

  20. The minister opened his mouth to reply, but as the first word trembled on his lips, Gay gave a whoop, cleared the stoop with one bound and ran toward the pear orchard.

  21. The pucker-pear tree was in full bloom, however, and gave a welcome gayety to the deserted door-yard.

  22. The limbs of the pear trees are trained strictly in one plane, tying them down and pruning out those not desired.

  23. As a result the ground beneath is completely shaded and every pear is within reach, which is a great convenience when it becomes desirable to protect the fruit from insects, by tying paper bags over every pear as seen in Figs.

  24. Pear orchards thus form arbors of greater or less size, the trees being set in quincunx order about twelve feet apart in and between the rows.

  25. He was conducting experiments with the object of improving methods of heading and training pear trees, to which reference was made on page 22.

  26. There don't 'pear to be a cryin' need round here for such articles," he concluded with a chuckle.

  27. Wal, mebbe it don't 'pear to be to an onlooker.

  28. He don't 'pear to have no notion of doin' so," Eleazer sneered.

  29. She don't 'pear to be in no hurry to get a husband," smiled Rebecca.

  30. You 'pear to be kinder stirred up, 'Lish," he commented.

  31. A previous visit to Ha Va Su was made in the month of May when every group of prickly pear was a riot of pure colour.

  32. The cacti were small, and excepting the prickly pear were confined nearly altogether to a small "pin-cushion" cactus, growing a little larger as we travelled south.

  33. When we had to use this water, we bruised the leaf of a prickly pear cactus, and placed it in a bucket of water.

  34. PEAR SALAD Wipe, pare and remove the cores from the desired number of ripe (early) pears.

  35. The yucca and the prickly pear were abloom.

  36. At the top of the rise the Ranger waited behind a prickly pear to search the landscape.

  37. At the edge of a clump of prickly pear he found the evidence of grim tragedy which the circling buzzards had already warned him to expect.

  38. Through the chaparral the galloping horses plunged while the prickly pear and the cholla clutched at their flanks and at the legs of the riders.

  39. But w'at Hannibal got fum de oberseah didn' 'pear ter do no good.

  40. You doan 'pear ter be ez fon' er me ez you oughter be.

  41. He sent fer a mighty fine doctor, but de med'cine didn' 'pear ter do no good; de goopher had a good holt.

  42. Alighting at Higham Station, we make our way for the Dover Road and reach Pear Tree Lane, which turns out of it for Cobham.

  43. One afternoon in the autumn, Dickens, accompanied by Miss Hogarth and his daughters, Mary and Kate, drove along the road, and stopped to admire a pear tree which was covered with ripe fruit.

  44. We subsequently saw several of these "grey wethers" in the grounds of Cobham Hall, and we noticed small masses of the same stone in situ in Pear Tree Lane, near Gad's Hill Place.

  45. The other Indians set up a terrible howling when they saw that their companion had been killed, and several of them ran quickly, seized him by the hair and dragged him out of sight behind the prickly pear bushes.

  46. The plainsmen had come through prickly pear and cat-claw bushes only to find the Indians in their path.

  47. The redskins dodged behind the prickly pear and mesquite bushes, from which they opened fire, hitting the wagon and the ground around it repeatedly.

  48. His body had thousands of pear thorns in it, and his clothing was pinned to him on all sides.

  49. And this old prickly-pear is of the same family.

  50. So out she stumbled across the veld again, in the direction of the lanterns, evading as best she could the prickly-pear bushes, stubbing her feet against rocks and boschies, drenched and driven by the storm.

  51. Prickly-pear without spines is a perfect food for cattle and ostriches in this climate.

  52. Fill the centers with pear marmalade and chopped candied fruits.

  53. Line tartelette moulds and follow directions as for pear tartelettes, but fill with canned cherries.

  54. Allow to cool and roll in the shape of a pear or ball or other desired shape.

  55. Queen olives Salted almonds Fillet of bass, 1905 Noisettes of lamb, Ducale Breast of chicken with Virginia ham Peas au beurre Soufflee potatoes Alligator pear salad Apple Moscovite Assorted cakes Coffee =Canape Julia.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pear" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    pear tree; peared like; pearl barley; pearl necklace; pearl shell; pearl shells; pears like