Like wealthy farmers, they are not satisfied with comfortable dwellings only, but they too must have spacious barns adjoining their homes.
They have made their dwellings most comfortable and even luxurious in arrangement and furnishings.
They travel very slowly, and when at home live somewhat on the order of prairie dogs, that is, in underground dwellings with numerous winding passages and tunnels.
Together with the others, it succeeded to a period of eremitism of solitary anchorites whose dwellingshoneycombed the warm slopes that confront the Ionian.
What groves and fields and dwellings are so enchanting as those which stand by the reflecting sea?
The public buildings began to be neglected, whilst the private dwellings gained in ornamentation and comfort, what was denied to the grand national enterprises.
But it is an incontestable fact that the burial-places resembled the dwellings of the pre-historic man.
We have pile-dwellings of the most primitive construction.
During the pre-historic period of man's artistic development we find a peculiar similarity between his dwellings and his tombs.
That the inhabitants of the lake-dwellings were acquainted with textile art, is proved by the discovery of an innumerable quantity of clay-weights for weaving purposes, and by pieces of burnt woven flax.
These are 'survivals,' but the lake-dwellings in Italy and Switzerland belong to pre-historic times.
But the nomad savage could find such dwellings only where there were mountains.
The largest and the most impressive villages of cave-dwellings in the world, most of them already abandoned "when the world-seeking Genoese" sailed.
P: Allah promiseth to the believers, men and women, Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide - blessed dwellings in Gardens of Eden.
P: See, yonder are theirdwellings empty and in ruins because they did wrong.
Enter your dwellings lest Solomon and his armies crush you, unperceiving.
They said: Why should we not fight in Allah's way when we have been driven from our dwellings with our children?
P: He will forgive you your sins and bring you into Gardens underneath which rivers flow, and pleasant dwellings in Gardens of Eden.
S: He will forgive you your faults and cause you to enter into gardens, beneath which rivers flow, and goodly dwellings in gardens of perpetuity; that is the mighty achievement; 061.
P: Those who believe and do good works, them verily We shall house in lofty dwellings of the Garden underneath which rivers flow.
Enter not the dwellings of the Prophet for a meal without waiting for the proper time, unless permission be granted you.
Y: Does it not teach them a lesson, how many generations We destroyed before them, in whose dwellings they (now) go to and fro?
P: And they used to hew out dwellings from the hills, (wherein they dwelt) secure.
It has been stated that the natives living near Lake Maracaybo, in South America, erect pile dwellings over the lake, to which they resort in order to escape from the mosquitoes which infest the shore.
The man of the Danish peat-beds and of the Swiss lake dwellings is generally held to belong to the present geological conditions, but earlier than written records.
Three different dwellings have been located, all that exist in the flats referred to, after a careful examination within the last four years of nearly every inch of ground carefully laid off and examined in sections.
There is a large collection of typical relics from these lake dwellings in the Peabody Museum (Report, v.
The writer would hesitate to draw the inference from this single discovery that the custom of living in pile-dwellings ever prevailed in North America, although there is evidence that such a practice was not unknown in South America.
Hundreds of dwellings have already been erected on the various plans we have issued during the past year, and many others are in process of construction.
Seventy houses and dwellings were to be built on this estate, of which thirty had been already erected.
The Aguarunas of the MaraƱon build fixed dwellings and cultivate the soil.
Small clearings are made near their dwellings in which ground provisions enough to support their families are raised, and sometimes a little rice to sell.
In the villages there is almost sure to be one or more cottages which carries one's idea of Lilliputian dwellings to the extreme.
To my eye the thatch and gables, and picturesque irregularity of this class of cottages, are more pleasing than the modern glaring red brick and prim slate of dwellings built to order, where everything is cut with a precise uniformity.
We now come to the third class of farmsteads--low thatched buildings, little better than large cottages, and indeed frequently converted into dwellings for labourers.
The gold-crest frequents the loneliest heath, the deepest pine wood, and the immediate neighbourhood of dwellings indifferently.
Originally, a paved way or road; a public highway; now commonly, a thoroughfare in a city or village, bordered by dwellings or business houses.
Lake dwellings are still used by many savage tribes.
But he goes further than this; he calls their dwellings the tabernacles of Ham.
Both forms ofdwellings are represented in the sketch; also the scaffolds for drying meat and other purposes, and several inclosures in which their horses were confined.
Of the numerous tribes mentioned at the present time no one appears to have erected a greater variety of dwellings than did the Kansa, whose habitations were of several distinct forms and were constructed of various materials.
The dwellings are quite similar to the Winnebago structure shown in plate 36, a.
But the structures as described would have resembled the dwellings in their permanent villages, differing from the more temporary lodges discovered by Schoolcraft a few years later.
The cabins are a kind of stockade buildings, and of a better appearance than any Indian dwellings I have before met with.
Typical examples of Winnebago dwellings are shown in plates 36 and 37.
In studying the various types of structures it is interesting to learn how the natural environments influenced the form of dwellings erected by the tribes of a particular section.
However, the statements are rather vague, and the various dwellings may have been quite similar to the bark houses more clearly described in later narratives.
Everything which tends to encourage the provision of adequate space round dwellings is a great gain.
This is seen in the dwellings of the rich, and there is no doubt that the conditions which lead to overcrowding are all intensified in the poorer quarters.
In the night this terrible machine was rolled up to the walls, and with the first dawn of the morning opened its fire upon the dwellings and the streets.
The dwellings of the city became but the funeral pyre for the bodies of the inhabitants.
The dwellings became but the funeral pyres for the bodies of the slain.
Though unpicturesque enough, these modest dwellings appear clean and sanitary, although unfortunately still lacking that prime necessity, a constant supply of pure water.
At a secluded corner of these by-lanes a gray and weather-beaten old house stands, forsaken and neglected, amid the meaner dwellings that encompass it.
A number of shabby dwellings which encumbered the approach have recently been swept away; one dilapidated old building with curious circular chimneys (said to have been used as a lazar-house) alone being spared.
Though now a mere farmhouse the place bears traces of considerable antiquity, and appears, like many of the older dwellings in this locality, to have been built with an eye to defence.
The first is that of Pansa, which forms the main portion of a whole block, smaller dwellings and shops unconnected with the Pansa establishment being built round and into it at various points.
The whitedwellings and outbuildings dotted the checkered fields of green and brown.
Now the youth looked out upon a typical city street, the dwellings on either side being four and five story tenement houses, occupied by artisans and mechanics.
Our ancestors' dwellings lie sunk on the ground, Our foes ride in triumph throughout our domains, And our mightiest heroes lie stretched on the plains.
The ruins, arched bridges and picturesque dwellings and other erections of Europe are but slenderly to be regretted by the American beginner.
Unfortunate Destruction of theDwellings of the Priests.
The dwellings of these people were seated close to the beach.
In several places on the low ground, next the sea, were the dwellings of the natives; and near all of them were erected stages of bones, such as before described.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dwellings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.