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Example sentences for "regain their"

  • M343) After three generations, the Heraclidæ set out to regain their inheritance, assisted by the Dorians.

  • We have seen how the sons of Hercules, under Hyllos, attempted to regain their kingdom, but were defeated, and retreated among the Dorians.

  • They endeavored to regain their possessions, and invaded the Peloponnesus, from which they had been expelled.

  • But his absence was taken advantage of by the discontented citizens, who attempted to regain their freedom.

  • While the present system of selecting these judges continues, with their life terms, it will be hard for the people to regain their rights.

  • These oppressions have been endured by the people, with but feeble efforts to regain their rights, until the alternative is presented of organized resistance or absolute ruin.

  • Thus, in July, 1917, they made two distinct attempts to regain their initiative by the use of shell gas, and were very largely successful in one case.

  • Coal is a critical factor in the German attempt to regain their monopoly.

  • Does she help them to regain their place on her back?

  • Illustration: "Does she help them to regain their place on her back?

  • They placed him on the bulwarks of the wreck, and then, when safe themselves, they were about to regain their hold of him; but the poor wretch lost his balance, and with a cry of horror fell between the two vessels.

  • This encouraged them to persevere; but at length, overcome with fatigue, they had to throw themselves on their backs on the deck, to regain their strength.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "regain their" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another idea; apply myself; because their; breeze sprang; certain instances; charming woman; divinely inspired; each party; eyes went; fortified town; hath ordained; human kind; kingdom come; live together; mile from; other object; pancreatic juice; regain possession; regain their; regained consciousness; regula fidei; transshipment point for illicit drugs from; yards long; your pocket