The cause of the pain is made evident on inspection and palpation of the interior of the mouth.
When an incision is made to the parts through the integument, the muscles will be found on palpation flabby and detached, and their interstices filled with purulent matter, sometimes very fetid.
Palpation often reveals lumps or knots situated within the abdominal walls and due to spasmodic contraction of its muscles, particularly of the recti.
When this pyloric insufficiency exists the resulting tympanitic distension of the intestine is a hindrance to palpation of tumors of the stomach.
Careful palpation may also demonstrate an enlargement of the spleen.
Besides rectal and vaginal examinations, which should never be neglected in any case of intestinal obstruction, abdominal palpation may also aid in determining the site of constriction.
Peristaltic movements may perhaps be appreciated by palpation when they are not evident on inspection.
If it is the result of accumulation of feces, there would be a previous history of constipation, and the lump of feculent matter can be located by palpation and percussion.
In thin persons a grating sound, produced by the friction of the calculi, may be heard, the stethoscope being applied as palpationis made over the hypochondrium.
When the greater part or the whole of the stomach is the seat of this diffuse cancerous infiltration, a sense of abnormal resistance may be appreciated by palpation in the epigastric region.
By abdominal palpation frequently the sausage-like tumor can be recognized, and very often the intussuscepted part can be felt in the rectum or seen protruding through the anus.
Palpation may elicit, besides tenderness, points or regions of induration or intumescence.
This condition could be detected by palpation even during life.
Indeed, the idea divests itself of the great bulk of the tactual details by which it was apprehended, whilst the muscular sensations which accompanied the act of palpation never seek to be joined with the idea.
To the concepts reached by such palpation with the hand, M.
This local oedema may sometimes be detected by palpation in the region of the swollen posterior wall of the pharynx.
It may be detected by percussion by the first or second day, and may then continue to rapidly increase until by the fifth or sixth day a large painful mass is readily recognized by palpation and percussion, or even by inspection.
The diffuse exudation then becomes converted {1011} into circumscribed tumors, which on palpation are felt on the side of the pelvis and extending upward to the level of the umbilicus.
More or less swelling and supersensitiveness is always present, however, and great care and discrimination must be exercised in digital manipulation of the triceps region because many animals are normally sensitive to palpation of these parts.
Manipulation orpalpation of the structures thought to be involved, should not be resorted to until a careful and thorough observation of the subject has revealed all that it can reveal to the diagnostician.
By palpation evidence of pain is discernible, though very little swelling occurs.
The pathognomonic symptom is the lax tendon during weight bearing, which may be felt by palpation of the tendon along its course in the metacarpal region.
Where palpation of parts is possible, one does not need to depend on visual examination alone, and it is always wise to take into consideration every factor that may influence conditions.
Before there is a visible exostosis, supersensitiveness is readily recognized upon palpation of the parts, if careful comparison is made between the sound and unsound members.
There is less local heat to be detected by palpation than in the acute cases.
Local swelling is present and manifestations of pain are evident upon palpation of the affected area.
By palpation one is enabled to recognize hyperthermia and this, in lieu of dependable history, is at times sufficient evidence upon which to determine the duration of any given inflammatory affection.
The condition is then a very painful one; lameness is excessive; there is rise in temperature; acceleration of the pulse and manipulation or palpation of the region affected, occasions great pain.
The obturation being incomplete, it may be impossible by palpation to decide that thrombosis really exists.
By careful palpation one may readily distinguish between a hygromatous condition of the superficial bursa and involvement of the underlying structures.
A well-marked swelling corresponded with division of the fibres of the oblique muscles and of the rectus, and on palpation a hollow corresponding with the track was felt.
Under these circumstances the yielding spot was often noticed to rise and fall with the movements of respiration, external palpation met with an absence of normal resistance, and there was impulse on coughing.
Endocarditis having been diagnosed, especially if there is palpation or pain, an ice bag over the heart is often of considerable value, but not so efficient as in pericarditis.
To palpation this lesion often gives a characteristic presystolic thrill at and around the apex.
Unexplainable palpation during acute illness liar been thought to be a distinct symptom of endocarditis.
In some persons the auscultatory readings cannot be made, or are very unsatisfactory, and it becomes necessary to use the palpation method in taking the systolic pressure.
In the course of the next few days a new symptom was added to this group: Exudation, which was demonstrable both by palpation and percussion.
Palpation with pressure short of reaching the posterior wall fails to give us any information of value; the soft and yielding structures simply glide away from the approaching finger.
On palpation a systolic thrill may be detected, but the presence of a murmur is neither constant nor characteristic.
When the limb is Ĺ“dematous, the outline of the veins is obscured, but they can be identified on palpation as gutter-like tracks.
Blood extravasated deeply in the tissues gives rise to a firm, resistant, doughy swelling, in which there may be elicited on deep palpation a peculiar sensation, not unlike the crepitus of fracture.
There is swelling corresponding to the distended capsule of the joint, and on palpation the bodies moving under the fingers yield a sensation as of grains of rice shifting in a bag.
On palpation a cord-like structure may be felt, which slips forwards and backwards over the trochanter when the position of the limb is altered.
After inspecting the parts from the front, the surgeon stands behind the patient and systematically examines by palpation the shoulder girdle and upper end of the humerus.
Emphysema of the scalp may follow fractures implicating any of the air sinuses of the skull, the air infiltrating the loose cellular tissue between the pericranium and the aponeurosis, and on palpation yielding a characteristic crepitation.
Palpation of the affected area with the probe causes intense pain.
These facts must be remembered because palpationof the neck may be quite misleading in early stages of the disease.
The prevalent idea that a thrombosed jugular vein can be felt on palpation as a hard cord extending down the neck is erroneous.
When this has been ascertained, palpation with a pair of sinus-forceps or a Lichtwitz’s trochar and canula will generally detect a thin spot where firm pressure is sufficient to penetrate into the cavity.
Palpation of the sinus with the finger or aspiration with a hollow needle is sometimes advised as an aid to diagnosis.
Simple palpation of the abdomen revealed multiple nodules involving both lower and upper abdominal quadrants.
He believes that the constant palpation and examination of the subcutaneous tumors, which is prompted by interest in the experiment, produces circulatory changes with hyperemia and hemorrhage.
Practice palpation of the neck until the tracheal landmarks are familiar.
Sensation of hardness of the wall on palpation with the tube.
It is best to have a firm background when this "fingernail" palpation is used.
This finger tip palpation is well illustrated in the figures here shown.
Palpation= Hoover has called attention to the directpalpation of the femoral artery just below Poupart's ligament as a more accurate index of the pressure in the aorta than the palpation of the radial artery.
Careful palpation of the radial and brachial arteries will in every case reveal more or less thickening.
A method of finger-tip palpation of the radial artery.
Another method of finger-tip palpation of the radial artery.
The tip of the finger is exceedingly sensitive and, moreover, it is a firmer palpating surface than the ball, thus enabling one to appreciate degrees of sclerosis which could not be differentiated bypalpation with the soft yielding ball.
Pottenger's "light touch palpation" is a modification of the light palpation and, to my mind, has no very special advantages.
It was determined by daily palpationthat she laid her eggs somewhere in the general area of the ravine on June 15 but the nest could not be found.