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Example sentences for "palisades"

Lexicographically close words:
palings; palinode; palis; palisade; palisaded; palisading; palisadoes; palish; palkee; palki
  1. What we pray is that your Grace, in mercy and humanity, will substitute for those penal walls some pervious palisades through which children may behold the refreshing paradise of Nature, though they may never enter therein.

  2. Fredericksen found material and labor so scarce that he could plan at first only a blockhouse surrounded by palisades of red cedar strengthened with earthworks.

  3. Across the island at the northern limit of the town, on the line of what is now Wall Street, they built a wall with stout palisades backed by earthworks.

  4. Here were people living in permanent villages protected by triple palisades of trees, and cultivating fields of maize and pumpkins and patches of sunflowers.

  5. By the time that he had returned to Stadaconé the autumn was well advanced, and his comrades had made preparations against the coming of winter by building a fort of palisades on or near the site where Quebec now stands.

  6. Under his direction, they built a wooden tower high enough to overlook the palisades and {137} large enough to shelter four or five marksmen.

  7. It was truly a most fit place for a fort, and the Marquis de Denonville let none in his command rest day or night until we had made a fortification, in part of earth, surmounted by palisades which the soldiers cut in the woods.

  8. Within the palisades he could see the outlines of the fortification, the upper part of the old castle which still stands there, and other buildings, and over all the red flag of Great Britain.

  9. We never went without the palisades except well guarded to fetch firewood.

  10. Beyond ran the palisades and earthworks--feeble fortifications between the feeble garrison and the limitless, foe-infested wilderness.

  11. Sunlight next morning showed this blue strait sparkling from the palisades to the other shore, and trees and gardens moist with that dewy breath which seems to exhale from fresh-water seas.

  12. Though La Motte Cadillac was the founder of a permanent settlement on the west shore of Detroit River, it is said that Greysolon du Lhut set up the first palisades there.

  13. All his plans to bring warriors inside the palisades were treated with contempt by the captain of Detroit.

  14. Interstate Park, for use in the camps in the Palisades Park.

  15. He accepted their guidance, and presently saw before him the cornfields and palisades of an Indian town.

  16. An open country; a rude cultivation; the tall palisades of an Indian town.

  17. Each pine made three palisades of eighteen feet long, pointed at one end.

  18. The glow of evening had begun to fade a trifle, along the distant skyline; and beyond the Palisades a dull purple pall was settling down.

  19. The terraces had been walled with palisades on their outer edge and smooth roadways fashioned, leading to all the dwellings as well as to the river below.

  20. And as they struck one by one, night blazed like noonday; and even to the Palisades the crashing echoes roared.

  21. On the 10th, Walley once more advanced upon the French positions, in the hope of breaching their palisades by the fire of his field pieces; but this attempt was altogether unsuccessful.

  22. The temporary barricades were removed, and the palisades carried completely round the town.

  23. There were five forts, having each four quadrangular blockhouses, with a barrack in the centre; these were connected by wooden palisades or pickets.

  24. Above the palisades a few roofs emerge, low and sloping, very much like a tent.

  25. The palisades presented colours of hundreds of different shades.

  26. The ground about the fort was well suited for defence, and the works not only protected the upper part of Manhattan Island, but in conjunction with Fort Lee, on the palisades opposite, commanded the Hudson.

  27. The affair lasted only a few hours, and no assault was made on the fortified enclosure; but a considerable number of persons found on their farms or intercepted outside of the palisades were shot or captured.

  28. A vast oaken portal heavily strengthened with iron swung open in the line of the bristling palisades while he was speaking.

  29. It was a sign of the troubles that Edward the Third had striven to quell that all along the outer border of the hamlet ran the tattered remnants of what once had been a strong line of palisades and a deep ditch.

  30. Beyond the fire, as much farther, he could discern the outlines of a large building, and, even more distinctly, a long line of palisades in front of it.

  31. Had there been time he would have pulled down the old palisades and made a breastwork, which would have afforded some protection to his people, but now the Maoris had got behind the palisades and fired from thence.

  32. Adair, imitating his example, and observing that some of the palisades had been shattered by the hand-grenades, attacked them with a party of his men who carried axes.

  33. On reaching the palisades the seamen began to climb over, while the soldiers with their axes commenced opening a space through which they could force their way.

  34. So high were the palisades that the scaling ladders could not reach the summit.

  35. He found the castle "built on a hill without any palisades or any defence.

  36. Megapolensis wrote, in 1644: "These [the Tortoise tribe] have built a fort of palisades and call their castle Assarue.

  37. To them the Palisades were simply -ompsk, "Standing or upright rock.

  38. Once more it was not in the east riding toward the upper heavens, but in the west, setting beyond the Palisades of Jersey--soon to drop from view.

  39. The softly arching sky found its color echo in the blue of broad waters and beyond them the Palisades were already beginning to show tenderly green and alluring in spring's resurrection.

  40. It is built on a hill, without any palisades or any defense.

  41. These graves were surrounded with palisades that they had split from trees, and they were closed up so nicely that it was a wonder to see.

  42. The principal object on the island was a stone house standing inclosed by strong palisades above the ascent from the beach.

  43. The rock palisades of Levi looked purple even under the forenoon sunlight.

  44. The St. Lawrence, blue with Atlantic tide-water, spread like a sea betwixt its north shore and the high palisades of Fort Levi on the opposite bank.

  45. The next morning our fort was planned and marked out, the circumference measuring four hundred and fifty-five feet, which would require as many palisades to be made of trees, one with another, of a foot diameter each.

  46. Deep trenches had been dug and palisades erected around it, and the carts and baggage train had all been moved round so as to form a protection on the weakest side of the camp, where also a rampart had been constructed.

  47. There is a drawbridge defended by an outwork of palisades six feet high.

  48. Many were struck down by the blows dealt them by the defenders, but others caught up the axes and in less than a minute several of the palisades were cut down and the assailants poured in.

  49. It was proposed to construct palisades across the isthmus.

  50. Considering the protection of their palisades no longer necessary after that event, they had spread out over the colony in search of the most fertile lands.

  51. Had the rebels delayed no longer to make an assault it seems certain they could have carried the palisades with ease, taken many of the enemy, and perhaps captured the Governor himself.

  52. Thus, behind the palisades of Henrico or in the fort at Jamestown one might have seen at this time soldiers encased in armor that had done service in the days of Richard III and Henry VII.

  53. Those that remained were concentrated upon the largest farms, which they fortified with palisades and redoubts.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "palisades" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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