From the crest of the escarpment, all round on south, west and north, the dip-slope of the Chalk forms a gentle descent outwards, the escarpment a very steep slope inwards.
The cut edges of the escarpment forming the Hog's Back and North Downs on the north, and the South Downs on the south, meet the sea in the fine promontories of the South Foreland and Beachy Head.
The Lower Greensand escarpment looks inwards in its turn over the wide plain of Weald Clay, along which the Medway flows in the north, and which forms a fertile soil, well cultivated, and particularly rich in hops and wheat.
The escarpment runs north from Portland Island on the English Channel, curves north-eastward as the Cotteswold Hills, rising abruptly from the Severn plain to heights of over 1000 ft.
In almost every case the plain along the foot of an escarpment bears a line of villages and small towns, and on a good map of density of population the lines of the geological map may be readily discerned.
The narrow strip of Greensands appearing from beneath the Chalk escarpment on its northern side is crowded with small towns and villages on account of the plentiful water-supply.
Several towns have originated in the gaps of the Lower Greensand escarpment which are continuous with those through the Chalk: such are Dorking, Reigate, Maidstone and Ashford.
Consequently the climate is not so severe as that of localities situated a few miles farther from the lake and above the Niagara escarpment at higher altitudes.
I could see that, though he was not going to commit himself as to the position at Jidali, he believed the dervish power on the Las Khorai escarpment was broken.
I could have advanced more rapidly, but for the necessity of keeping my head and that of my horse below the escarpment of the bank.
He was just climbing out of the ravine when I first saw him--slowly dragging his huge body over the escarpment of the cliff.
The escarpment rocks had fallen in, and formed a sort of shelving bank, by which a man on foot might have descended into its bed, and climbed out on the opposite side; but it was not passable for a horse.
The nearest approach to it in my experience was, perhaps, the eastern escarpment of the Abyssinian plateau in Africa, where a similar panorama on a much smaller scale could be seen, but not the same geological formation.
The country was undulating and fairly thickly wooded near streams, otherwise it consisted mostly of campos, at the highest point of which another beautiful panoramic view of the escarpment in the plateau we had left behind could be obtained.
But the Congo and lake boats are barred from the coast by a series of cataracts, which mark the passage of the drainage streams down the escarpment of the plateau.
It therefore presents a bold escarpment at its outcrop, and occasions waterfalls wherever streams of water cross it.
When it becomes loosened from the shore, it will break off, and carry with it some of the earthy portions of the coast, or the less firmly fixed masses of rock from the escarpment against which it formed.
Beyond this, against theescarpment of the Palatine, a part of the Walls of Romulus has been discovered, built in large oblong blocks.
Passing the arch, the road skirts the wooded escarpment of the Aventine, crowned by its three churches--Sta.
The growth in importance of the seaward escarpment dates only from the days when Thanet became practically a London suburb.
They stand in a grand position surmounting a vertical escarpment springing from the river and protected on the three remaining sides by ditches of formidable width and depth.
The Castle is constructed upon the end of a ridge of Chalk extending from the South Downs, with a natural escarpment upon the east and south.
The northern escarpment of the Chiltern Hills is marked by numerous deep ravines leading down with winding courses to the lowlands.
Down the steep slopes of the escarpment the Highland Rim Plateau drops 200 ft.
On the easternescarpment of the oasis on the way to Girga are the remains of a large Roman fort with twelve bastions.
South-west of Peking the Great Khingan is continued by the In-shan mountains, which exhibit similar features to those of the Great Khingan, and represent the same terracedescarpment of the Mongolian plateau.
On theescarpment around the Blue Grass Region the soils are for the most part either cherty or stiff with clay and of inferior quality.
Its highest point and great escarpment are in North Carolina.
Lake Aral, and finally southwards, following the escarpment of the Ust-Urt plateau.
The great rock escarpment shut off the view of the peaks beyond, but we felt that if once we could scale the first precipitous slope we would find traveling much easier on the gentle slope of the mountain.
Probably theescarpment that extends from Austin to Eagle Pass.
That is, if the writer overlooks the settlements (one of them called Cona) in the ravines of the headwaters of the Texas streams, about the eastern escarpment of the Staked Plain, previously mentioned.
The bungalow stands close to the Mahanuddy, on a low hill, cut into an escarpmenttwenty feet high, which exposes a section of river-laid sand and gravel, alternating with thick beds of rounded pebbles.
The influence of the Balcones Escarpmenton the distribution of amphibians and reptiles in Texas.
In that case it would have required thirty-five thousand years for the retreat of the Falls from the escarpment of Queenston to their present site.
There runs around the shores of Great Britain and Ireland a flat terrace of unequal breadth, backed by an escarpment of varied height and character, which is known to geologists as the old coast-line.
This last forms, generally, a broad vale at the foot of the escarpment of inferior Oolite, but where it acquires considerable thickness, and contains solid beds of marlstone, it occupies the lower part of the escarpment.
Many of them cut all the inclined beds in the escarpment of Somma from top to bottom, others stop short before they ascend above halfway.
Because it is more resistant to forces of erosion than the softer, underlying more or less horizontal strata, the caprock forms an abrupt, precipitous escarpment at the edge of the High Plains.
The valley between these hills and the eastern escarpment is one of the longest and most profound chasms in Abyssinia.
Axum), Adigrat, Macalle and Antalo The three last-named places are on the high plateau near its eastern escarpment and on the direct road south from Massawa to Shoa.
Adrar occupies the most elevated part of a plateau which ends westwards in a steepescarpment and falls to the east in a succession of steps.
The southern escarpment of the plateau is highly irregular, but has a general direction N.
This block of country lies just west of the line of the great East African trough, the northern continuation of which passes along its eastern escarpment as it runs up to join the Red Sea.
The eastern escarpment is the best defined of these outer ranges.
Its head-waters rise on the landward side of the eastern escarpment within 50 miles of Annesley Bay on the Red Sea.
The Rhodesian regiment which first came out here has also suffered very badly from the climate, and has now been sent to the escarpment near Nairobi to recruit.
The rapidity with which the Fusiliers got ashore and up a steep bush-clad escarpment gave the enemy no time to meet it.
Then suddenly the escarpment rose like the wall of a Babel towering into Heaven.
After the ascent of the escarpment they camped two nights in succession in a strange region suggestive of the Moon's surface as revealed by a powerful telescope.
At the time of Roger's musing ride back from Stolzenberg's red Crater-fortress to his home at Magara on the Iraku escarpment there were about a dozen of these pioneers of civilization still remaining in activity.
Somewhere here, not far from the escarpment and the Happy Valley, we will have our home, dearest, and here you and Maud shall join me as soon as ever you can come out.
By cutting away a piece of the slope of the Capitoline Hill, he formed an escarpment 11 feet high, which was faced with a curved brick wall, and cased with Porta Santa marble, in panels 3 feet 1 inch wide.
From the level space on the top of this escarpment the orator would speak; whilst at a short distance in his rear was the street Clivus Argentarius, leading from the Via Sacra to the Porta Rutuminia.
Between theescarpment and the Missouri River the plateau is known as the Couteau du Missouri.
South of these hills the rise is less pronounced except at the southern end, where the hills again become prominent to merge with the Coteau des Prairies, an escarpment lying chiefly in South Dakota.
At the northern end of the escarpment, which is a continuation of the Manitoba Escarpment in Canada, lie the wooded Pembina Mountains, jutting sharply above the valley floor.
It is evident that the oldest part of the Niagara gorge is at its mouth, at Lewiston, where the escarpment suddenly breaks down to the level of Lake Ontario.