You know yourself that Jordan can outplay me, sir!
And you dare to sit there, like a squeaking kid, and tell me that Jordan can outplay you!
Then, as she caught the French girl's elfish eyes fixed upon her, mocking incredulity in their depths, she rallied her doubting spirit and resolved to outplay even Mignon.
You knew her to be a skilful player and you were afraid she would outplay you.
Papa Peron raised himself in his bed, shook his hand at the air and almost shouted after him: "And if you do not outplay that charlatan, Bauquel, I will never forgive you.
About one o'clock in the morning they begin to warble and outplay each other.
He remembered the good old Papa's injunction: "If you do not outplay that charlatan, Bauquel, I will never forgive you.
I'm in this now, and we will see if Addicks can outplay me as well as you.