The obtrusion of national party lines into state and municipal affairs has continually confused issues and blocked reforms in the narrower spheres.
The act of obtruding; a thrusting upon others by force or unsolicited; as, the obtrusion of crude opinions on the world.
We ourselves are offended by the obtrusion of the new lections into the text.
Whenever Cooper's feelings on political subjects were aroused, his literary work betrayed the obtrusionof interests more dominating than those which belong to it legitimately.
The result was that a good deal of what he afterwards wrote was marred by the obtrusion of personal likes and dislikes, and the taint of controversial discussion.
Therefore, I entreat you so to arrange for me, and break it to Mr. Darrell in such terms as may not needlessly pain him by the obtrusion of my sufferings.
The 'Vestiges of Creation' may be succinctly described as Lamarck and water, the watery element being due in part to the unnecessary obtrusion (more Scotico) of a metaphysical and theological principle into the physical universe.