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Example sentences for "obteined"

Lexicographically close words:
obtainment; obtains; obtayne; obtayned; obteine; obteining; obtenir; obtenu; obteyne; obteyned
  1. The Lord Guie, sonne to the vicount of Touars, who had taken Arthurs mother Constance to wife, after the diuorse made betwixt hir and the earle of Chester, in right of hir obteined the dukedome of Britaine.

  2. But after he had obteined the kingdome of England, his couetous desire, increasing still with abundance alreadie obteined, [Sidenote: Pope Adrian an Englishman borne.

  3. To ease them therfore of that inconuenience, they obteined of king Henrie a grant, to haue a place assigned them in euerie quarter where they dwelled, to burie their dead bodies.

  4. In this towne is all the cochinilla growing.

  5. Wherefore they are all gentlemen, and pay no tribute to the king.

  6. I prayed them to informe mee more playnely of this matter.

  7. And this musquito or gnat doth most follow such as are newly come into the countrey.

  8. The foresaid Redwald therefore hauing obteined that victorie, found meanes to place Edwin in gouernement of that kingdome of the Northumbers, hauing a title thereto as sonne [Sidenote: EDWIN.

  9. Penda king of Mercia obteined licence of Cadwallo to make warres against the said Osunus, in the which (as it hapned) Penda himselfe was slaine.

  10. Cadwallo and Penda haumg obteined the victorie aforsaid, vsed it most cruellie.

  11. Emperor of Persia, as her Maiesty hath done, and obteined for her merchants large & louing; priuileges?

  12. This Ionas 1358 being before time consecrated bishop of Gronland, obteined A Bishop licence of the bishop of Rome to enter the See of Holen, which Gronland was at that time vacant.

  13. The aforesayd king Arthur obteined also in those dayes of the Pope & court of Rome, that Norway should be for euer annexed to the crowne of Britaine for the inlargement of this kingdome, and he called it the chamber of Britaine.

  14. The king therefore fauouring his part, he obteined the bishopricke of Holen.

  15. The Romans therefore hauing obteined the possession of this Iland, diuided the same at the last into fiue prouinces, as Vibius Sequester [Sidenote: Britannia prima.

  16. Encomium Emmae, an old Pamphlet written to hir, conteining much good matter for the vnderstanding of the state of this realme in hir time, wherein hir praise is not pretermitted, and so hath obteined by reason thereof that title.

  17. But among all these, the kind of meat which is obteined with most difficultie and cost, is commonlie taken for the most delicat, and therevpon each guest will soonest desire to feed.

  18. But now the king being yoong and the regent his freend, he obteined his purpose, to his great profit, and the impouerishing of the spiritualtie of this realme.

  19. And so comming to the king, and submitting himselfe by mediation of certeine of the nobilitie, he obteined pardon of that his former presumptuous enterprise.

  20. After the earle of Arundell had obteined so good successe in his enterprises (as partlie ye haue heard) he attempted another, which was the last worke and finall labour of his liuing daies.

  21. The duke of Yorke hauing aforehand obteined an absolution of the pope, in discharge of his oth before taken, did now discouer his stomach against the duke of Summerset.

  22. After this he was made chancellor, which office he obteined the seauenth of March, in the yeare 1455, being the three and thirtith yeare of king Henrie the sixts reigne.

  23. Here we may see the subtiltie of the empresse, whereby she obteined frée and safe passage out of hir enimies hands, who otherwise had taken hir in their net.

  24. Now bicause such as obteined this fauour, inioied great liberties, manie were glad to bestow largelie, to be so preferred, the frier being redie to admit those that offered most.

  25. But he thanked pope Vrbane, for that through his grant he had obteined such libertie, that by help of his fréends, he might lawfullie withdrawe himselfe from the hands of his enimies.

  26. When sir Iohn Bushie and his associats had obteined that reuocation, it was further by them declared, that the earle of Arundell had yet an other speciall charter of pardon for his owne person, which he had obteined after the first.

  27. English churches for two yeers, he obteined the first fruits of the same churches for himselfe, as before he required.

  28. The king also obteined an absolution of the pope, of the oth which against his will he had taken, for the obseruing of the liberties exacted by force of him, by the earls and barons of his realme, namelie, touching disforrestings to be made.

  29. Earle Guie also obteined of king Edward, that it might be lawfull for them of Bruges to buy wools, through England, Scotland and Ireland, as freelie as the Italians might by their priuilege and grant.

  30. He wrote likewise to the queene to further that matter, and easilie hereby obteined his desire.

  31. As he was comelie of personage, so was he of stomach more couragious and fierce, so that not without cause, he obteined the surname of Cueur de lion, that is to saie, The lions hart.

  32. For manie that had highlie offended shee obteined pardon.

  33. Danes of Wilton, hauing with him no great number of people, so that although in the beginning the Danes that day were put to the woorse, yet in the end they obteined the victorie.

  34. And so by this meanes Ethelwold obteined Alfred in mariage, which was to his owne destruction, as the case fell out.

  35. But when the Kentishmen perceiued, that to resist him by force, they were nothing able, they attempted by monie to buy their peace, and so obteined their purpose, vpon paiment made to him of thirtie thousand marks of siluer.

  36. With Kenvulfe king of Westsaxons he fought in open battell, and obteined a noble victorie, with small losse of his people, although the same Kenwulfe was a right valiant prince, and a good capteine.

  37. In the 24 yeere of his reigne, this Cuthred fought eftsoones with the Welshmen, and obteined the vpper hand, without anie great losse of his people: for the enimies were easilie put to flight and chased, to their owne destruction.

  38. Thus king Ethelwulfe obteined a glorious victorie in so mightie a battell, as a greater had not beene lightlie heard of to chance within the English dominions.

  39. The yeare, in the which king Alured thus obteined all the dominion of [Sidenote: 886.

  40. After that he had obteined the garland, for the which he so long thirsted, he caused the two poore innocents his nephues, committed to him for especiall trust, to be murthered and shamefullie to be killed.

  41. This did he, that he might the more roiallie gouerne his kingdome, which he obteined and inioied as a thing by God elected and prouided, and by his especiall fauour and gratious aspect compassed and atchiued.

  42. Edmund Chambers claimed and obteined the office of principall larderer for him and his deputies, by reason of his manour of Skulton, otherwise called Burdellebin Skulton, in the countie of Norfolke.

  43. Their request was granted, and the strangers were put to the worst, whereby sir Iohn Cornewall obteined the kings fauour so farre foorth, that he married the kings sister, the widow of Iohn Holland, earle of Huntington.

  44. King Henrie wanting monie in the feast of saint Faith the virgine, assembled at Couentrie his high court of parlement, in the which, the lord Stephan Scroope of Masham, and the lord Henrie Fitz Hugh obteined first to haue places of barons.

  45. William le Venour, by reason he was tenant of the manor of Listen, claimed and obteined to exercise the office of making wafers for the king the daie of his coronation.

  46. This Vigenius died, and Peridurus suruiued, and thereby obteined the whole, from whom the same quietlie descended, and was by his posteritie accordinglie inioied, vntill the reigne of Coell the first of that name.

  47. Rome, and at length by great gifts and rewards obteined it at the hands of pope Adrian the first, then gouerning the Romane sée.

  48. But when the peace should be made betwéene Cnute and Edmund, there was no consideration had of Olauus: whereas through him the Danes chieflie obteined the victorie.

  49. And so obteined the said Erle licence to pas to France.

  50. Bearne, who was about to labour to the king for his pardon, and so then fled againe into Flanders, till at length Allered the archbishop of Yorke obteined his pardon, and found meanes to reconcile him to the kings fauour.

  51. At the last, Sweno or Swaine the Dane obteined possession roiall, in the yéere of Grace 1012, whose time of regiment lasted about three yéeres.

  52. All this season was king Henrie in Scotland, and queene Margaret (being in France) found such friendship at the French kings hands, that she obteined a crue of fiue hundred Frenchmen, with the which she arriued in Scotland.

  53. In this case am I, whome you know, not without vnspeakable trouble & most dangerous war to haue obteined the scepter and diademe of this realme and empire.

  54. And this was the end of the foresaid Iaques van Arteueld, who by his wisdome and policie had obteined the whole gouernment of all Flanders.

  55. The Scots had sharpe and heauie axes, & gaue with the same great and mightie strokes, howbeit finallie the Englishmen by the helpe of God obteined the victorie, although they lost manie of their men.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obteined" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.