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Example sentences for "obesity"

Lexicographically close words:
oben; ober; oberseer; oberseers; obese; obey; obeye; obeyed; obeyeth; obeying
  1. The tendency to obesity is observed in certain races more than in others; very frequent among the Kirghiz, it is rare among their neighbours the Kalmuks, etc.

  2. The Polynesian is more subject to obesity than the Melanesian.

  3. The early obesity of Jewish women, which is besides artificially fostered in Africa and in the East, is also to be noted.

  4. If the patient be obese or above normal weight, the diet given for obesity should be rigidly observed.

  5. Sidenote: Obesity caused by drinking malted liquors] The worst form of obesity, however, is that caused by overconsumption of fermented wines or malted liquors.

  6. Sidenote: How menus for obesity may be varied] The menus for obesity may be varied according to the fruits and vegetables at one's command.

  7. It is as much of a dead weight as a hod of mortar, and much more useless; in fact, all forms of obesity are not only useless weight, but dangerous to life.

  8. His hideous obesity seemed no longer repellent, for his eyes wore a new expression; they were incredibly tender now, and they were moist with tears.

  9. He moved cautiously among the heavy furniture, and his great obesity was somehow more remarkable.

  10. The gibe at his obesity had caught him on the raw.

  11. In narcotic doses, by impairing nutrition, it may aggravate obesity instead of relieving it.

  12. But too much rosiness may be a symptom of ill-health; and, similarly with plumpness, there is a point beyond which obesity is a mere weariness to the spirit.

  13. Others that may be listed are cancer, arterio-sclerosis, obesity and certain forms of rheumatism, and of heart and kidney diseases.

  14. It is related of the marquis of Cortona, a noted general of the duke of Alva, that by drinking vinegar he so reduced his body from a condition of enormous obesity that he could fold his skin about him like a garment.

  15. No drug is of much good in obesity of any kind.

  16. For slight people this clinging effect is sometimes trying, but where stout people are concerned the matter becomes worse, and we shall hear of all kinds of cures for obesity in order to wear the new skirts.

  17. Turner, with a fraudulent obesity cure concern, the Dr.

  18. Obesity with thin blood is one of the most unmanageable conditions I know of.

  19. This excess of flesh we usually associate in idea with slothfulness, but English women exercise more than ours, and live in a land where few days forbid it, so that probably such a tendency to obesity is due chiefly to climatic causes.

  20. They persecute the medical men to reduce their weight, and the vast number of advertisements of quack and proprietary remedies against obesity indicate how wide-spread the tendency must be.

  21. The slight loss of weight, which may be noticeable as the result of starvation, is not undesirable, especially in those cases where obesity is a prominent feature.

  22. The Heart~ of obese patients becomes more or less affected as obesity advances and it becomes absolutely necessary in many cases to get rid of some of the surplus fat in order that the patient may live.

  23. Among the best known obesity cures may be mentioned those formulated by Banting, Oertel and Ebstein.

  24. Fat-forming foods, which in obesity were prohibited, have a prominent place in the diet for emaciation.

  25. In obesity it was found that it was necessary to curtail the sleep and rest, increase the amount of exercise and decrease the amount of food.

  26. Oertel bases his dietetic treatment of obesity upon the heart changes and those which naturally follow in the circulation.

  27. Where there is obesity in adults with anemic symptoms in whom not only the amount of protein but also the abnormally increased amount of fat is slowly wasting away, they require: (1) An increase in the amount of protein taken.

  28. Where there is obesity in anemic patients, viz.

  29. Her monstrous obesity was an offence, but she managed to convey an impression of dignity.

  30. There was in his gross obesity something extraordinarily repellent.

  31. Fat people, obesity as a manifestation of personality, have aroused wonder and amusement the world over.

  32. With delayed involution of the pineal, obesity results.

  33. Soon after, Harvey Gushing and his associates at Johns Hopkins Hospital discovered that removal of part of the gland was followed by a pronounced obesity and sluggishness.

  34. Post-pituitary most often refuses to settle down, and expressing its ambition as headaches, flushes, obesity and hysteria, may cause extreme misery and unhappiness to its possessor.

  35. A basis for the understanding of obesity and growth was then established.

  36. The most common type was that of mild obesity which men call "plumpness," a quality so prized since the world began that the women of all races by natural selection become relatively fatter than men.

  37. The very highest type of Indian beauty is that described by Powers in the case of a California girl "just gliding out of the uncomfortable obesity of youth, her complexion a soft, creamy hazel, her wide eyes dreamy and idle .

  38. The horrible obesity of the squaws on the Pacific Coast used to inspire me with disgust, as a boy, and I could not understand how anyone could marry such fat abominations.

  39. If such selfish love of obesity for sensual purposes merits the name of affection, I cheerfully grant that Australians are capable of affection to an unlimited degree.

  40. Robin has sought to harmonize the opposing views regarding fluids, and therefore declares obesity arises from two distinct sources: 1.

  41. The alkaline waters, however, are much less active in obesity than the saline mineral waters, unless, as sometimes happens, there is a complication of diabetes and obesity.

  42. The elevation of the coefficient is prima facie evidence the obesity is due to excess of assimilation, while depression of the coefficient indicates default of assimilation.

  43. The lean and weedy figure is again peculiar also to the Palestinian Jews, and contrasts forcibly with the obesity of the Turks and the sturdiness of the peasantry.

  44. Though hungry at first, I was quite unable to eat a quarter of the amount consumed by the Pacha, and ceased to wonder at the almost universal obesity of the Turkish dignitaries.

  45. After this has taken place, the body requires food, properly combined and proportioned, or else nerve starvation and obesity are the result.

  46. There is this remarkable difference from the others of the same race, that here the tendency to obesity is of rare occurrence.

  47. There is no unusual degree of obesity at any age.

  48. Sometimes the secretion of fat, and its accumulation in the adipose membrane, is almost as rapid as that of water in anasarca; on which account some of the old writers have called obesity a dropsy of fat.

  49. And, while with great care as to the diet and by proper exercise, obesity may, as a rule, be avoided in those predisposed, it none the less often will develop in spite of all measures taken against it.

  50. But bear in mind that obesity and stoutness are not synonymous terms.

  51. But, as a general proposition, it must be laid down that obesity is a dysgenic factor.

  52. Obesity must be considered a dysgenic factor.

  53. In the subjects of juvenile obesity are frequently associated unstable mentality and will-power, and delayed or precocious sexual maturity.

  54. Among the nutritive disturbances resulting from nerve-strain is the fatty anaemia of Weir Mitchell, the juvenile obesity of Fere and others.

  55. Obesity or lipomatosis is a nutritive expression of degeneracy especially noticeable in the second dentition, at puberty, and sometimes at the climacteric.

  56. In connection with this question of obesity I examined 267 corpulent school children and adults.

  57. Obesity or an overfat condition will cause an early suppression of the menses which may result in a fruitless marriage.

  58. Obesity should be reduced by diet, exercise, and such other treatment as may be found efficient and not detrimental to health.

  59. The diet for reduction of obesity should consist chiefly of bulky vegetables, but not too much of any one article or set of articles.

  60. As well put any noxious concoction of drugs on the market and call it a specific against obesity or gravel or deafness as Sypher's Cure.

  61. For instance, in a new cure for obesity if properly worked.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obesity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.